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%{ title: "Concurrency in BEAM", author: "Luiz Cattani", tags: ~w(elixir phoenix process beam otp concurrency), description: "This is my notes explaning what is concurrency in BEAM" }

Concurrency in BEAM

Erlang is all about writing highly available systems, systems that run forever and are always able to meaningfullly respond to client requests. To make your system highly available, you have to tackle the following challenges.

  • Fault Tolerance - Minimize, isolate, and recover from the effects of runtime errors.
  • Scalability - Handle a load increase by adding more hardware resources without changing or redeploying the code.
  • Distribution - Run your system on multiple machines so that others can take over if one machine crashes.

If you addres these challenges, your system can constantly provide service with minimal downtime and failures.

Concurrency plays an important role in achieving high availability.

In BEAM the unity of concurrency is a process, a basic building block that makes it possible to build scalable, fault tolerance, distributed systems.

A BEAM process shouldn't be confused with an OS process. BEAM process are much lighter and cheaper than OS process.

In production, a typical server system must handle many simultaneous requests from many different clients, maintain a shared state (for example, caches, user session data and server-wide data), and run some additional backround jobs. For the server to work normally, all of theses tasks should run reasonably quickly and be reliable.

Because many tasks are pending simultaneously, it's imperative to execute them in parallel as much as possible, thus taking advantage of all available CPU resources. It's extremely bad if the lengthy processing of one request blocks all other pending requests and background jobs. Such behaviour can lead to a constant increase in the request queue, and the system can become unresponsive.

Moreover tasks should be as isolated from each other as possible. You don't want an unhandled exception in on request handler to crash another unrelated request handler, a background job or, especially, the entire server. You also don't want a crashing task to leave behind an inconsistent memory state, which might later compromise another task.

That's exacltly what the BEAM concurrency model does for us. Process help us run things in parallel, allowing us to achieve scalability, the ability to localize exceptions and recover from them, you can implement a system that truly never stops, even when unexpected errors occur.

Process also ensure isolation, which in turn gives us fault-tolerance the ability to localize exceptions and recover from them, you can implement a system that truly never stops, even when unexpected errors occur.

In BEAM, a process is a concurrent thread of execution. Two process run concurrenlty and may therefore run in parallel, assuming at least two CPU cores are available.

Unlike OS process or threads, BEAM process are lightweight concurrent entities handled by the VM, which uses its own scheduler to manage their concurrent execution.

BEAM as a single OS process, using a few threads to schedule a large number of processes. CPU --------------- CPU -------------- CPU ------------- CPU ------------- OS Process


OS thread OS thread OS thread OS thread | | | | Scheduler Scheduler Scheduler Scheduler | | | | Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process

By default BEAM use as many schedulers as there are CPU cores available, for example, on a quad-core machine, four schedulers are used.

Each scheduler run in its own thread, and the entire VM runs in a single OS process.

A scheduler is in charge of the interchangeable execution of process. Each process gets an execution time slot, after the time is up, the running process is preempeted and the next one takes over.

Process are light, it takes only a couple of microseconds to create a single process, and its initial memory footprint is a few kilobytes. By comparison, OS Threads usually use a couple of megabyts just for the stack. Therefore you can create a large number of process, the theoretical limit imposed by the VM is roughly 134 milion.

This feature can be exploited in server side systems to manage various tasks that should run simultaneously. Using dedicated process for each task, you can take advantage of all available CPU cores and parallelize the work as much as possible.

Moreover, running tasks in different process improves the server's reliability and fault-tolerance. BEAM process are completly isolated, they share no memory, and a crash of one process won't take down other processes.

In addition, BEAM provides a means to detect process crash and do something about it, such as restarting the crashed process.

All this makes it easier to create systems that are more stable and can gracefully recover from unexpected errors, which inevitably occur in production.

Finally, each process can manage some state and can receive messages from other processes to manipulate or retrieve that state.

As you know data in Elixir is immutable, to keep it alive you have to hold on to it, constantly passing the result of one function to another. A process can be considered a container of this data. A place where an immutable structure is stored and kept alive for a longer time, possibly forever

There's more concurrency than parallezation of the work

Working with process

The benefits of process are most obvious when you want to run something conrrently and paralleize wht work as much as possible.

Concurrency vs. Parallelism

Concurrency doesn't necessarily imply parallelism. Two concurrent things have independent execution contexts, but this doesn't mean they will run in parallel. If you run two CPU-bound concurrent tasks and you only have on CPU core, parallel execution can't happen. You can achieve parallelism by adding more CPU cores and relying on an efficient concurrent framework. But you should be aware that concurrency itself doesn't necessarily speed things up.

Simulation of a long-running database query

run_query = 
  fn query_def ->
    Process.sleep(2000) # simulate a long-running operation
    "#{query_def} result"

When you call the run_query lambda, the shell is blocked until the lambda is done.

iex> run_query.("query 1")
"query 1 result" # Two seconds later

If you run five queries, it will take 10 seconds to get all results

iex>, &run_query.("query #{&1}"))
["query 1 result", "query 2 result", "query 3 result", "query 4 result", "query 5 result"]  # Ten seconds later

Obviously, this is neither performant nor scalable, assuming that the queries are already optimized, the only thing you can do to try to make things faster is to run the queries concurrenlty. This won't speed up the running time of a single query, but the total time required to run all the queries should be much less. In the BEAM world, to run something concurrently, you have to create a separate process.

Creating a process

To create a process, you can use the auto imported spawn/1 function:

iex> spawn(fn ->

The function spawn/1 takes a zero-arity lambda that will run in the new process. After the process is created, spawn immediately returns, and the caller process's execution continues. The provided lambda is executed in the new process and therefore runs concurrently. After the lambda is done, the spawned process exists, and its memory is released.

iex> spawn(fn -> IO.puts(run_query.("query 1")) end)
#PID<0.48.0>  Immediately returned

result of query 1 # Printed after 2 seconds

The call to spawn/1 returns immediately, and you can do something else in the shell while the query runs. This is happen because you call the IO.puts from a separate process.

The returns of spawn #PID <0.48.0> is the identifier of the created process, often called a PID. Useful to communicate with the process.

iex> async_query =
      fn query_def ->
        spawn(fn -> IO.puts(run_query.(query_def)) end)

iex> async_query.("query 1")

This code demostrates an important technique: passing data to the created process. Notice that async_query takes one argument and binds it to the query_def variable. This data is then passed to the newly created process via the closure mechanism. The inner lambda the one that runs in a separate process, references the variable query_def from the outer scope. This results in cross-process data passing, the contents of query_def are passed from the main process to the newly created one. When it's passed to another process, the data is deep-copied, because two processes can't share any memory.

NOTE: In BEAM everything runs in a process. This also holds for the interactive shell. All expressions in you enter in iex are executed in a single shell-specific process

Enum.each(1..5, &async_query.("query #{&1}"))
:ok # returns immediately

result of query 5
result of query 4
result of query 3    # returns after two seconds
result of query 2
result of query 1

As expected, the call Enum.each/2 now returns immediately and all the results are printed at practically the same time, two seconds later, which is a five-fold improvement over the sequential version, this is happen because you run each computation concurrently.

Note that because processes run concurrently, the order of execution isn't guaranteed.

The processes run concurrently, each one printing the result to the screen. At the same time, the caller process run independently and has no access to any data from the spawned processes, processes are completely independent and isolated.

Often, a simple fire and forget concurrent execution, where the caller process doesn't receive any notification from the spawned ones.

Messaging Passing

In complex systems you often need concurrent tasks to cooperate in some way. You may have a main process that spawns multiple concurrent calculations, and then you want to handle all the results in the main process.

Being completely isolated, processes can't use shared data structures to exchange knowledegment Instead, processes communicate via messages.

When process A wants process B to do something, it sends an asynchronous message to B. The content of the message is an Elixir Term.

Sending a message amounts to storing into the receiver's mailbox. The caller then continues with its own execution, and the receiver can pull the message in at any time and process it in some way. Because processes can't share memory, a message is deep-copied when it's sent.


The process mailbox is a FIFO queue limited only by the available memory. The receiver consumes messages in the order received, and a message can be removed from the queue only if it's consumed.

To send a message to a process, you need to have access to its process identifier (PID).

You can obtain the pid of the current process by calling the auto-imported self/0 function.

iex> self()

Once you have a receiver's pid, you can send it messages using Kernel.send/2 function:

send(pid, {:an, :arbitrary, :term})

The consequence of send is that a message is placed in the mailbox of the receiver.

On the receiver side, to pull a message from the mailbox, you have to use the receive expression:

receive do
  expresion_1 -> do_something
  expresion_2 -> do_something_else

The receiver expression works similarly to the case expresion. It tries to pull one message from the process mailbox, match it agains any of the provided patterns, and run the corresponding code.

iex> send(self(), "a message") # Sends the message

iex> receive do # receives the message
       message -> IO.inspect(message)

"a message"

To handle a specific message, you can rely on pattern matching:

iex> send(self(), {:message, 1}) # Sends the message

iex> receive do
      {:message, id} ->  # Pattern-matches the message
        IO.puts("received message #{}")

received message 1

If there are no message in the mailbox, receive waits indefinitely for a new message to arrive, you need to manually terminate it.

 iex> receive do
      {:message, id} ->
        IO.puts("received message #{}")
     end  # The shell is blocked because the process mailbox is empty

The same thing happens if a message can't be matched agains provided pattern clauses:

iex> send(self(), {:message, 1})

iex> receive do
      {_, _, _} ->  # This doesn't match the send messagae
     end  # so the shell is blocked

To make the receive not block you can specify the after clause, which is executed if a message isn't received in a given time frame(in milliseconds).

iex> receive do
       message -> IO.puts("received")
       5000 -> IO.puts("message not received")
message not received  # Five seconds later

The receive expression works as follows:

1 - Take the first message from the mailbox 2 - Try to match it against any of the provided patterns, going from the top to bottom. 3 - If a pattern matches the message, run the corresponding code 4 - If no pattern matches, put the message back into the mailbox at the samae position it originally occupied. Then try the mext message. 5 - If there are no more messages in the queue, wait for a new one to arrive. When a new message arrives, start from step 1, inspecting the first message in the mailbox. 6 - If the after clause is specified and no message is mateched in the given amout of time, run the code after block.

The result of receive is the result of the last expression in the appropriate cluase

iex> send(self(), {:message, 1}) # Sends the message

iex> receive_result = 
      receive do
        {:message, x} ->
          x + 2 # the result of receive

iex> IO.inspect(receive_result)

Synchronous Sending

The basic message-passing mechanism is the asynchronous "fire and forget" kind. A process sends a message and then continues to run.

Sometimes a callers needs some kind of response from the receiver. There's no special language construct for doing this, instead you must program both parties to cooperate using the basic asynchronous messaging facility.

The caller must include its own pid in the message contents and then wait for a response from the receiver. The receiver uses the embedded pid to send the response to the caller.

Synchronous send and receive implemented on top of the asynchronous messages.

SENDER ----{sender_pid}-------> RECEIVER 
RECEIVER --Response to sender_pid -----> SENDER
run_query = 
  fn query_def ->
    "#{query_def} result"

async_query =
  fn query_def ->
    caller = self()
    spawn(fn ->
      send(caller, {:query_result, run_query.(query_def)})

Enum.each(1..5, &async_query.("query #{&1}"))

get_result =
  fn ->
    receive do
      {:query_result, result} -> result

results =, fn _ -> get_result.() end)

In this code you first store the pid of the calling process to a distinct caller variable. This is necessary so the worker process (the one doing the calculation) can know the pid of the process that should receive the response.

This run all the queries concurrently, and the result is stored in the mailbox of the caller proces.

Enum.each(1..5, &async_query.("query #{&1}"))

The caller process is neither blocker nor interrupeted while receiving messages. Sending a message doesn't distrub the receiving process in any way. The only thing affected is the content of receiving process's mailbox.

It's also worth pointing out that results arrive in a nonderterministic order, because all computations run concurrently, it's not certain in which order they'll finish.

Parallel map technique that can be used to process a larger amount of work in parallel and the collect the results into a list.

iex> 1..5 |>
iex>"query #{&1}")) |>
iex> _ -> get_result.() end)

Stateful Server Processes

Spawning processes to perform one-off tasks isen't the only use case for concurrency. In Elixir, it's common to create long-running processes that can respond to various messages. Such processes can keep their internal state, which other processes can query or even manipulate.

In this sense, stateful server processes resemble objects, they maintain state and can interact with other processes via messages. But a process is concurrent, so multiple server processes can run in parallel.

Server Processes

A Server Process is as informal name for a process that runs for a long time or forever and can handle various (messages).

To make a process run forever you have to use endless tail recursion. If the last thing a function does is call another function (or itself), a simple jump takes place instead of a stack push.

defmodule DatabaseServer do
  def start do
    spawn(&loop/0) # Starts the loop concurrently

  defp loop do
    receive do
      #...       Handles one message

    loop() # Keeps the loop running

The function start/0 is called interface function that's used by clients to start the server process. When start/0 is called, it creates the long-running process that runs forever. This is ensured in the loop/0 function, which waits for a message, handles it, and finally calls itself, thus ensuring that the process never stops.

This loop isn't CPU-instensive, waiting for a message puts the process in a suspendend state and doesn't waste CPU cycles.

The function in this module run in differente processes. The function start/0 is callend by clients and runs in a client process. The private function loop/0 runs in the server process. It's normal to have different functions frmo the same module running in different processes.

When implementing a server process, it's make sens to pull all of its code in a single module. The functions of this module generally fall into two categories: Interface and Implementation.

Interface functions: are public and are executed in the called process. They hide details of process creation and the communication protocol.

Implementation functions: are usually private and run in the server processes

defmodule DatabaseServer do
  def start do
    spawn(&loop/0) # Starts the loop concurrently

  defp loop do
    receive do
      {:run_query, caller, query_def} ->
        send(caller, {:query_result, run_query(query_def)}) # runs the query and sends the response to the caller


  def run_query(query_def) do
    Process.sleep(2000)        # query execution
    "#{query_def} result"

  def run_async(server_pid, query_def) do
    send(server_pid, {:run_query, self(), query_def})

  def get_result do
    receive do
      {:query_result, result} -> result
      5000 -> {:error, :timeout}

Exercising the DatabaseServer Process

server_pid = DatabaseServer.start()

DatabaseServer.run_async(server_pid, "query 1")
"query 1 result"

DatabaseServer.run_async(server_pid, "query 2")
"query 2 result"

Executing multiple queries in the same process, the server process continues running after a message is received.

Because communnication details are wrapped in functions, the client isnt't aware of them, intead it communicates with the process with plain functions.

Server Process are sequential

Keeping a process state

Process mutable state

Building a Generic server process

No matter what kind of server process you run, you'll always need to do theses tasks:

  • Spawn a separate process
  • Run an inifinite loop in the process
  • Maintain the process state
  • React to messages
  • Send a response back to the caller

So it's worth moving this code to a single place, concrete implementations can then reuse this code and focus on their specific needs.

Plugging in with modules

The generic code will perfom various tasks to server process, for example the generic code will spawn a process, but the concrete implementation must determine the initial state.

Or the generic code will recieve a message and optionally send the response, but the concrete implementaiton must decide how the message in handled and what the response is.

In other words the generic code drives the entire process, and specific implementation must fill in the missing pieces. Therefore, you need a plug-in mechanism that lets the generic code call into the concrete implementation when a specific decision needs to be made.

The simplest way to do this is to use Modules, Modules name is an atom, you can store that atom in a variable and use the variable later to invoke functions on the module.

iex> some_module = IO   # Store a module atom in a variable

iex> some_module.puts("Hello")   # Dynamic invocation

You can use this feature to provide callback hooks from the generic code

  1. Make the generic code accept a plug-in module as the argument. That module is called a callback module.
  2. Maintain the module atom as part of the process state.
  3. Invoke callback-module functions when needed.

For this to work, a callback module must implement and export a well-defined set of functions.

Generic code

defmodule ServerProcess do
  def start(callback_module) do
    spawn(fn -> 
      initial_state = callback_module.init()
      loop(callback_module, initial_state)