%{ title: "What is Elixir Process by Elixir in Action Book", author: "Luiz Cattani", tags: ~w(elixir phoenix process), description: "This is my notes explaning what is elixir process reading the Elixir in Action book" }
In BEAM, a process is a concurrent thread of execution. Two processes run concur- rently and may therefore run in parallel, assuming at least two CPU cores are available.
Processes help us run things in parallel
, allowing us to achieve scalability
— the ability to address a load increase by adding more hardware power that the system automatically takes advantage of.
Processes also ensure isolation
, which in turn gives us fault-tolerance
— the ability to localize and limit the impact of unexpected runtime errors that inevitably occur. If you can localize exceptions and recover from them, you can implement a system that truly never stops, even when unexpected errors occur.
In BEAM, a process is a concurrent thread of execution.
Two processes run concurrently and may therefore run in parallel, assuming at least two CPU cores
are available. Unlike OS processes or threads, BEAM processes are lightweight concurrent entities han- dled by the VM, which uses its own scheduler to manage their concurrent execution.
run_query =
fn query_def ->
"#{query_def} result"
Enum.map(1..5, &run_query.("query #{&1}"))
Using the auto imported function spawn
spawn(fn ->
expression_1 # (runs in the new process)
expression_2 # (runs in the new process)
The function spawn/1
takes a zero arity lambda that will run in the new process, after the process is created spawn
immediately returns, and the caller process's exectuon continues.
The provided lambda is executed in the new process and therefore run concurrently. After the lambda is done the spawned
process exists, and its memory is released.
spawn(fn -> IO.puts(run_query.("#{query 1}")) end)
#PID<0.48.0> returns immediately
result of query 1 # Printed after two seconds
We can do something else in the shell while the query runs.
Important technique applied below Passing data to the created process
assync_query takes one argument and binds it to the query_def variable. This data is then passed to the newly created process via the Closure Mechanism
The inner lambda, run in a separated process, references the variable query_def from the outer scope.
This result in cross-process data passing
, the content of query_def
are passed from the main process to the newly created one.
When it's passed to another process, the data is deep-copied
, because processes can't share any memory.
async_query =
fn query_def ->
spawn(fn -> IO.puts(run_query.(query_def)) end)
Enum.each(1..5, &async_query.("query #{&1}"))
:ok # returns immediately
result of query 5
result of query 4
result of query 3 # after two seconds
result of query 2
result of query 1
Five time faster thant the first sequential version that we had to wait 10 seconds, all results printed at practically the same time, two seconds later.
This is happen because we run our code concurrently, with this the order of exection is not guaranteed.
In BEAM, everything runs in a process
When process A need to process B make some calculation,
sends a assynchronous message
to B
Send a message
is the same of to storing it
into the receiver's mailbox
The caller continue with it's own exectuon, and the receiver pull the message in at any time and process it
in some way, because process can't share memory
, a message is deep-copied
when it's sent.
The process mailbox
is a FIFO queue
limited only by available memory
To send a message to a process we need to have acces to the process identifier PID
The content of the message in an Elixir term, anything we can store in a variable
The receiver consumes message in the order received, and a message can be removed form the queue only if it's consumed.
The return of spawn function is the PID of the new process
To obtain the PID of the current process we can use the function self/0
Sending a message to a process using the PID and the function send/2
send(pid, {:an, :arbitrary, :term})
Send placed in the mailbox of the receiver, the caller continues doing something else.
On the Receiver side, to pull message
from the mailbox
, we need to use the receive
receive do
pattern_1 -> do_something
pattern_2 -> do_something_else
The receive expression
works similar to the case expression
It tries to pull
on message from the process mailbox
, match it against any of the provided patterns, and run the corresponding code.
Sending a message to the process itself
iex> send(self(), "a message")
"a message"
receive do
message -> IO.inspect(message)
"a message"
handle specific mesage using pattern matching
send(self(), {:message, 1})
receive do
{:message, id} ->
IO.puts("received message #{id}")
"received message 1"
If theare are no messages
in the mailbox
, receive waits indefinitely for a new message to arrive, we need terminate it mannualy.
receive do
message -> IO.inspect(message) # The shell is blocked because the process mailbox is empty.
The same things happens if a message can't be matched against provided pattern clauses:
send(self(), {:message, 1})
receive do
{_, _, _} ->
# The shell is blocked
To the receiver not block the shell, we can speficy the
clause, which is executed if a message isn't received in a give time frame (in mileseconds)
send(self(), {:message, 1})
receive do
{_, _, _} ->
5000 -> IO.puts("message not received")
"message not received"
send(self(), {:message, 1})
receive do
message -> IO.inspect(message)
5000 -> IO.puts("message not received")
{:message, 1}
{:message, 1}
receive do
message -> IO.inspect(message)
5000 -> IO.puts("message not received")
"Message not received"
Receive Expression works as follows:
1 - Take the first message from the mailbox
2 - Try to match
it against any of the provided patterns
going from the top to bottom.
3 - If a pattern matches
the message, run
the corresponding code
4 - If no pattern matches
, put the message back into the mailbox
at the same position it originally occupied. Then try the next message
5 - If there are no more messages in the queue
, wait for a new one to arrive. When a new messages arrives, start from step 1
, inspecting the first message in the mailbox
6 - If the after
clause is specified and no messages is matched in the given amount of time, run the code from the after
The result of receive
block is the result of the last expression
in the appropriate clause
iex> send(self(), {:message, 1})
iex> receive_result =
receive do
{:message, x} ->
x + 2 # The result of receive
iex> IO.inspect(receive_result)
# Returns the info about one process
# Registers the given pid_or_port under the given name.
Process.register(pid_or_port, :my_process_name)
# Returns nil if the PID or PORT not exist locally and alive
# The name is already registered
# The pid or port is already registered under a different name
# Return a list os process registered
[:my_process_name, :logger_sup.. ]
# Find a process by module name, returns PID of the process
# list all pids from alive process
Enum.map(Process.list, fn process -> Process.whereis(process))
# return PID from group leader process
# sleep process by 4000 miliseconds
# Tells whether the given process is alive on the local node.
# execution of the query
run_query =
fn query_def ->
"#{query_def} result"
async_query =
fn query_def ->
caller = self() # store the pid of the calling process
spawn(fn ->
send(caller, {:query_result, run_query.(query_def)})
# run all queries concurrently and store in the mailbox of the caller process
Enum.each(1..5, &async_query.("query #{&1}"))
# Get result from mailbox process, in this case the shell process
get_result =
fn ->
receive do
{:query_result, result} -> result
results = Enum.map(1..5, fn _ -> get_result.() end)
|> Enum.map(&async_query.("query #{&1}"))
|11> Enum.map(fn _ -> get_result.() end)
Exercise DatabaseServer in Iex
Enum.map(1..100, fn _ -> DatabaseServer.start() end)
fn query_def ->
server_pid = Enum.at(pool, :rand.uniform(100) - 1)
DatabaseServer.run_async(server_pid, query_def)
Enum.map(1..50, fn _ -> DatabaseServer.get_result() end)