- First release of the stable API. By :user;`Fernando Nogueira <fmfn>`, :user:`Guillaume Lemaitre <glemaitre>`, :user:`Christos Aridas <chkoar>`, and :user:`Dayvid Oliveira <dvro>`.
- Under-sampling
- Random majority under-sampling with replacement
- Extraction of majority-minority Tomek links
- Under-sampling with Cluster Centroids
- NearMiss-(1 & 2 & 3)
- Condensend Nearest Neighbour
- One-Sided Selection
- Neighboorhood Cleaning Rule
- Edited Nearest Neighbours
- Instance Hardness Threshold
- Repeated Edited Nearest Neighbours
- Over-sampling
- Random minority over-sampling with replacement
- SMOTE - Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique
- bSMOTE(1 & 2) - Borderline SMOTE of types 1 and 2
- SVM SMOTE - Support Vectors SMOTE
- ADASYN - Adaptive synthetic sampling approach for imbalanced learning
- Over-sampling followed by under-sampling
- SMOTE + Tomek links
- Ensemble sampling
- EasyEnsemble
- BalanceCascade