The code is this directory is neither endorsed nor supported by the Chromium benchmarking team.
To add code in this directory:
- First check the list of available benchmarking harnesses at and make sure that your use case cannot fit any of the supported harness. If there is a related harness, please reach out to us and extend existing functionality.
- If your test case cannot fit into any existing harness, create a sub-directory with yourself and at least one another person as the OWNERS. Send the CL containing ONLY the new OWNERS file to the owners of tools/perf/. Your CL description should describe what the code you plan to add do. If it's an ephemeral benchmark used to drive a perf project, you need an accompanied bug (assigned to you) to clean up the benchmarks once your perf project is launched.
- Benchmarks in this directory will not be scheduled for running on the perf waterfall.
- Chromium benchmarking team will NOT review nor maintain any code under this directory. It is the responsiblity of the owners of each sub-directory to maintain them.