mpdcm is a toolbox for efficient integration of the dynamical system defined by DCM (see citations) on GPU and multicore architectures. Besides the core code, several routines for statistical inference are defined as part of our toolbox, including a map estimator, a mle estimator, variational Bayes hierarchical inference, thermodynamic integration, and population MCMC.
Currently only LINUX is supported for compilation. We have compiled in a few different platforms successfully. Most likely it will compile in MAC and Windows but we haven't yet tested those environments.
Cuda version supported: 4.2 onward (testest until CUDA 9.0)
For compilation you require a matlab running environment, a cuda installation and the supported compiler. If your standard compiler is not compatible with your cuda installation, then, although it''s possible to compile, it might require some manual work. For compilation you should use
cd src ./configure make
The cuda installation is now optional. To activate it use:
./configure --enable-cuda
If your cuda installation happens to be in a non-standard location, or you would like to use a version of cuda installed in your computer but not the standard one use
./configure --enable-cuda --with-cuda=
For example
./configure --enable-cuda --with-cuda=/cluster/apps/cuda/4.2.9/
mpdcm compiles by default in single precision float numbers. Double precision compilation is possible, but it has an effect on performance.
To select a compiler use
CC='gcc-4.8' ./configure
Armadillo is a template library so you don't need to install it in the proper sense. The installer will find it if you export it into you path. You will need to export it into the path
export CXXFLAGS="-I/cluster/home/username/software/armadillo/include $CXXFLAGS"
This error is cause by bad linking of the gfortran libraries. To solve it locate the library
locate libfortran
As example output
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/local/MATLAB/R2014a/sys/os/glnxa64/ /usr/local/MATLAB/R2014a/sys/os/glnxa64/
Then update matlabs softlink.
sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/local/MATLAB/R2014a/sys/os/glnxa64/
The purely CPU part of mpdcm can be compiled in Windows. For that you will require an installation of armadillo and a version of visual studio that is compatible with you matlab version.
Installing armadillo consist of the following steps:
Download it. Unzip it. Move the include files to your preferred location.
Currently, we do not support linking against blas or lapack, although this should be possible if those libraries are linked dynamically or whether they are available in you path. If you want to link agains these libraries skip the next step, but you will have to figure out how to link them on your own.
If a file called tapas_mex_options.xml is found in the directory
it will be used as the options file for the compiler. Notice that if you add the compiler option \openmp the whole package will support multithreading.
v2.0.0.1: Fixed compilation issue in ./src/src/mpdcm.hcu.