TAPAS toolbox
- TOOLS: Fixed a bug in the computation of WAIC (function tapas_waic.m). Added new function to compute log-exp_sum (function tapas_logsumexp.m).
- Added references to TAPAS paper (in collection and toolboxes)
- HGF: Version 6.3: Minor improvements
- rDCM: Version v1.3: Corrected bug in construction of the full posterior covariance matrix (from the region-wise posterior covariance matrices)
- HUGE: Added Monte Carlo based inference (https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.25431)
- Fixed typos
- genbed: Python package for Generative Embedding
- UniQC: unified neuroimaging quality control (beta release)
- task/BLT: breathing learning task
- PhysIO: Release 2021a-v8.0; new method for estimating respiratory volume per unit time (RVT) via the Hilbert transform (Harrison et al., NeuroImage 230 (2021))
- also: robust respiratory preprocessing: optional de-spiking (median filter) and window-padded detrending
- ceode: Toolbox to integrate delay differential equations (DDEs) underlying convolution based Dynamic Causal Models for ERPs.
- task/FDT: Filter Detection Task version 0.2.2
- citation information
- rDCM: version v1.2
- HUGE: removed deprecated functions
- external toolboxes are now managed as matlab packages
- Fixed name collision issue due to mcmcdiag toolbox (see issue 106)
- h2gf (beta): demo script currently does not work
- h2gf: Hierarchical inference for the HGF, beta version released
- SERIA: Added the Watanabe Akaike information criterion (WAIC) as output.
- SERIA: Added computation of early and late response likelihood.
- SERIA: Added delta plots to output summary.
- HGF: v6.0 released
- SERIA: The constraints matrix is now automatically plot by tapas_sem_display_posterior.m
- SERIA: Python code is now updated to python 3.7 and the requirement file now uses the latest libraries (numpy, scipy, cython).
- SERIA: Posterior plots includes fits of the complete group.
- SERIA: Summaries are automatically generated when preparing the posterior.
- PhysIO: PhysIO Toolbox Release R2020a, v7.3.0
- PhysIO: removed Matlab statistics toolbox dependency for PCA by SVD implementation (thanks to Benoît Beranger, pull request 64)
- HUGE: fixed tick labels
- TAPAS uses the mcmcdiag toolbox for Monte Carlo convergence diagnostics, which shadows a number of matlab built-in functions. Affected functions include: Contents.m, cusum.m, join.m and score.m. Workaround: If you use one of these functions in your own code, remove the tapas folder from your matlab path when you are not using the TAPAS toolbox.
- HUGE: introduced object-oriented interface in addition to old interface
- HUGE: build-in unit tests
- HUGE: user manual
- PhysIO (details in tapas/PhysIO/CHANGELOG.md)
- more unit testing and integration testing for examples
- bandpass-filtering for cardiac data in preprocessing, user-defined max heart rate for peak detection
- PhysIO: Bugfix RVT/HRV convolution had erroneous half-width shift
- For details on the bug, its impact and fix, see our specific Release Info on RVT/HRV Bugfix
- HUGE: demo script reflect interface changes
- Get revision info from Matlab.
- PhysIO R2018.1.2: BioPac txt-file reader (for single file, resp/cardiac/trigger data in different columns)
- SERIA: Automatic plotting of the seria model.
- SERIA: Example for single subject.
- Huge: minor bugs.
- Huge: Improved documentation.
- New version of the HGF toolbox (v5.3). Details in tapas/HGF/README.md
- New version of the rDCM toolbox (v1.1). Details in tapas/rDCM/CHANGELOG.md.
- New version of the PhysIO Toolbox (R2019a-v7.1.0)
- BIDS and BioPac readers; code sorted in modules (
etc.), also reflected in figure names - Updated and extended all examples, and introduced unit testing
- Full details in tapas/PhysIO/CHANGELOG.md
- BIDS and BioPac readers; code sorted in modules (
- Improved the documentation of SERIA.
- PhysIO R2018.1.2: fixed bug for 3D nifti array read-in in tapas_physio_create_noise_rois_regressors (github issue #24, gitlab #52)
- tapas_get_tapas_revision.m outputs the branch and hash of the repository.
- Revision is printed when initiliazing tapas.
- Contributor License Agreement (CLA) file
- CONTRIBUTING.md explaining coding and style guidelines, signing procedure for CLA file
- Include the function tapas_get_current_version.m.
- Implements download of example data from the server using tapas_download_example_data.
- Now there is log file that list the versions of tapas, the download link and the hash of the file that is downloaded.
- Use the an external file to do the md5 check sum. See external javamd5.
- HUGE toolbox: hierarchical unsupervised generative embedding
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.06.073 - rDCM toolbox: Regression dynamic causal modeling
- README.md to include reference to CONTRIBUTING.md and explanation of CLA
- Dropped 4 digits versioning for 3.
- The version of tapas is now read from misc/log_tapas.txt. It is the first line of this file.
- Updated the documentation of SEM.
- Updated SEM to include hierarchical models for inference.
- New version of the HGF toolbox (5.2.0). Details in tapas/HGF/README.md.
- New version of the PhysIO toolbox (R2018.1). Details in tapas/PhysIO/CHANGELOG.md.
- tapas_init.m displays a message to download the data in case the examples directory is not present.
- Update MPDCM for supporting up to cuda 9.0 and openmp.
- Deleted the gpo folder.
- includes PhysIO R2017.3
- new Readers: Human Connectome Project (HCP) and Siemens multiband (CMRR) WIP Physlog files
- extended documentation and FAQ via Wiki
- README.md includes references to github, new support policy, links to toolbox documentation
- tapas_version typo
- tapas_print_logo with T=Translational instead of TNU
- CHANGELOG.md includes value for hot fixes.
- Repair links to the wiki in the readme file.
- Typos in SEM documentation.
- Added condhalluc_obs and condhalluc_obs2 models.
- Introduced kappa1 in all binary HGF models.
- New PhysIO CHANGELOG.md specific file.
- Specified in PhysIO/CHANGELOG.md.
- Added a CHANGELOG.md file
- Now the README.txt file is in markdown format.
- The documentation is integrated with the wiki in github.