Docker files intended to help setup OSv build environment. There are two versions of it - one based on Ubuntu and another on Fedora.
Build container image (default, based on Fedora)
docker build -t osv/builder -f Dockerfile.builder .
Build container image for specific version of linux distribution and git repo owner (if forker)
docker build -t osv/builder-ubuntu-20.04 -f Dockerfile.builder --build-arg DIST="ubuntu-20.04" --build-arg GIT_ORG_OR_USER=a_user .
Run container
docker run -it --privileged osv/builder
After starting you will end up in /git-repos/osv directory where you can build OSv kernel and example app like so:
./scripts/build image=native-example
To run it:
Run this to learn all kinds of options the build and script accepts:
./scripts/build --help
./scripts/ --help
To refresh OSv code the latest version run this in /git-repos/osv directory:
git pull
To update Fedora/Ubuntu packages run this in /git-repos/osv directory:
Docker files intended to help setup OSv environment to run and test OSv. There are two versions of it - one based on Ubuntu and another on Fedora.
Build container image
docker build -t osv/runner-ubuntu -f Dockerfile.runner-ubuntu . # Use specific docker file
Build container image for specific version of linux distribution and git repo owner (if forker)
docker build -t osv/runner-fedora-31 -f Dockerfile.runner-fedora --build-arg DIST_VERSION=31 --build-arg GIT_ORG_OR_USER=a_user .
After starting you will end up in /git-repos/osv directory where you can build OSv image using capstan and run it using capstan or ./scripts/