+All Classes
+All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary ++ +Class +Description ++ +AboutPopup ++ +The mandatory about popup ;-).++ +AckWithMemoryDialog ++ +AckWithMemoryDialog.PropertyFlip ++ +AmxBeaconListenerPanel ++ +AudioParametersBean ++ +BusyWindow ++ +Class for setting and resetting busy cursor of a java.awt.Window.++ +CapturingGlobalCache ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +CapturingHardware<T extends org.harctoolbox.harchardware.ir.ICapture & org.harctoolbox.harchardware.IHarcHardware> ++ +CapturingHardwareManager ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +CapturingLircMode2 ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +CapturingSendingBean ++ +CapturingSendingHardware<T extends org.harctoolbox.harchardware.ir.ICapture & org.harctoolbox.harchardware.IHarcHardware> ++ +CapturingSerial<T extends org.harctoolbox.harchardware.ir.ICapture & org.harctoolbox.harchardware.IHarcHardware> ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +CcfImporter ++ +Class for importing Pronto CCF files of the first generation.++ +CIdentifierFactory ++ +This class is a helper for C exporters.++ +CmlImporter ++ +This class imports CML files.++ +CommandExporter ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +CommandFusionImporter ++ +This class imports CommandFusion files.++ +Console ++ +This class is a general purpose console.++ +Console.IErrorFunction ++ +ControlTowerIrDatabase ++ +ControlTowerIrDatabase.LoginException ++ +ControlTowerIrDatabase.Model ++ +CopyClipboardText ++ +CopyPastePopupMenu ++ +CsvImporter ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +CsvParametrizedImporter ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +CsvRawImporter ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +DatabaseImporter ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +DefaultSignalNameFormatter ++ +DevLircBean ++ +DynamicCommandExportFormat ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +DynamicRemoteSetExportFormat ++ +This class is a RemoteSetExporter that dynamically takes its content from the contents of a configuration file, + or a directory of such.++ +ErroneousSelectionException ++ +This exception is thrown when the user makes a silly selection.++ +Exporter ++ +This class is a common base class of all the exporters.++ +ExporterUtils ++ +Static support functions intended to be called from XSLT transformations.++ +ExportFormatManager ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +ExportFormatManager.IExportFormatSelector ++ +FileImporter ++ +This class extends the Importer with file load functions.++ +FileImporterBean<T extends IFileImporter & IImporter> ++ +GenericSerialSenderBean ++ +GirrExporter ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +GirrImporter ++ +This class imports Girr files.++ +GirsClientBean ++ +GirsClientBean.Type ++ +GlobalCacheIrDatabase ++ +GlobalCacheIrSenderSelector ++ +GlobalCacheManager ++ +This class runs a AmxBeaconListener for GlobalCache's in a thread.++ +GlobalCacheManagerMenu ++ +GuiMain ++ +GuiUtils ++ +GuiUtils.EmergencyFixer ++ +HarcletFrame ++ +HarcPanel ++ +HardwareUnavailableException ++ +This class abstracts a number of lower-level hardware exceptions-++ +HelpButton ++ +HelpPopup ++ +A class for help popups.++ +HexCalculator ++ +ICapturingHardware<T extends org.harctoolbox.harchardware.ir.ICapture & org.harctoolbox.harchardware.IHarcHardware> ++ +ICommandExporter ++ +ICommandImporter ++ +This interface models a class that can import a number of IR signals.++ +IctImporter ++ +This class allows for the creation of rendered IR signals in the ICT Format, used by the IRScope.++ +IExporterFactory ++ +IFileImporter ++ +This class models reading from a file, but not a stream (Reader), or from a data base.++ +IHarcPanel ++ +IImporter ++ +This interface models a class that can import something, commands or a sequence.++ +IModulatedIrSequenceImporter ++ +This interface models a class that can import a single ModulatedIrSequence.++ +Importer ++ +This class implements functionality common to importers.++ +ImportType ++ +InputVariableSetValues ++ +This class produces, through its iterator, the "Cartesian product" of its VariableSetList's.++ +InternetHostPanel ++ +InterpretString ++ +IReaderImporter ++ +This class models reading from either a file or a stream (Reader), but not from a data base.++ +IRemoteSetExporter ++ +IRemoteSetImporter ++ +This interface models a class that can import a number of IR signals.++ +IrPlotter ++ +A plotter class, specialized for plotting IR signals.++ +IrpRenderBean ++ +IrScrutinizer ++ +This class decodes command line parameters and fires up the GUI.++ +IrTransImporter ++ +This class imports IrTrans files.++ +ISendingHardware<T extends org.harctoolbox.harchardware.ir.IRawIrSender & org.harctoolbox.harchardware.IHarcHardware> ++ +ISendingReceivingBean ++ +ISignalNameFormatter ++ +IterationValueSet ++ +This class bundles input arguments together.++ +LircImporter ++ +This class is basically a wrapper around Jirc.++ +LookAndFeelManager ++ +This class allows for manipulation of the Look and feel of a Window.++ +LookAndFeelManager.ILookAndFeelManagerCaller ++ +Allows for error reporting function and a set-property function of the caller.++ +MetaDataDialog ++ +Mode2Importer ++ +This class imports Lirc's mode2 files.++ +NamedCommandLauncher ++ +NamedIrSignal ++ +NamedIrSignal.AbstractColumnFunction ++ +NamedIrSignal.LearnedIrSignalTableColumnModel ++ +NamedIrSignal.LearnedIrSignalTableModel ++ +NameUniquefier ++ +NoDecodeException ++ +NoSelectionException ++ +This Exception is thrown when a selection is needed, but none exist.++ +OutputTextFormat ++ +ParametrizedIrSignal ++ +ParametrizedIrSignal.ParameterIrSignalTableColumnModel ++ +ParametrizedIrSignal.ParameterIrSignalTableModel ++ +ProntoClassicExporter ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +ProntoIrCode ++ +Props ++ +This class handles the properties of the program, saved to a file between program invocations.++ +Props.IPropertyChangeListener ++ +ProxyConfigDialog ++ +RandomValueSet ++ +RawIrSignal ++ +Note: Editing of the sequences is not implemented (yet).++ +RawIrSignal.RawTableColumnModel ++ +RawIrSignal.RawTableModel ++ +RawLineImporter ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +ReaderImporter ++ +This class extends the Importer with file/reader load functions.++ +RemoteLocatorImporter ++ +RemoteSetExporter ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +RemoteSetImporter ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +SelectFile ++ +This class packs a number of file selectors.++ +SendingDevLirc ++ +SendingGenericSerialPort ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +SendingGirsClient ++ +SendingGlobalCache ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +SendingHardware<T extends org.harctoolbox.harchardware.ir.IRawIrSender & org.harctoolbox.harchardware.IHarcHardware> ++ +SendingHardwareManager ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +SendingIrAudioPort ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +SendingIrTrans ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +SendingLircClient ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +SendingSerial<T extends org.harctoolbox.harchardware.ir.IRawIrSender & org.harctoolbox.harchardware.IHarcHardware> ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +SendIrFormatter ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +SerializeString ++ +SerialPortBean ++ +SerialPortSimpleBean ++ +ShiftValueSet ++ +ShortCcfFormatter ++ +This class formats an IrSignal as a short form CCF format, if possible.++ +SingletonValueSet ++ +This class bundles input arguments together.++ +StandalonePopupAnnoyer ++ +This class is intended for a final error message.++ +StatusLine ++ +TableUtils ++ +TextExporter ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +TimeFrequencyCalculator ++ +TreeImporter ++ +Despite being a Java Bean, this is not really intended to be a recyclable component, it is just to be used in IrScrutinizer.++ +UndoableJTextArea ++ +This class extends JTextArea with an undo function.++ +UndoableJTextArea.UndoHistoryEmptyException ++ +ValueSet ++ +A value set is either an single value or a way + of generating repetitions.++ +ValueSetList ++ +This class bundles input arguments together.++ +Version ++ +This class contains version and license information and constants.++ +WaveExporter ++ +This class does something interesting and useful.++ +WaveImporter ++ +This class wraps the IrpMaster Wave class to an importer.++ +XcfImporter ++ +Class for importing Pronto XCF files, "Pronto Professional".+