A C++ wrapper and implementation to present fastcgi requests in an object oriented fashion This library decodes CGI formatted messages from FastCGI and presents a set of objects that can be accessed
- Query string, uri, method
- ENVP variables
- Query string, both full original, and decoded urldecoded name value pairs
- Post fields - supports both urlencoded and multipart submissions
- Files - Uploaded files are recorded as well with both post fields, filenames, and if necessary base64 decoding
- Access to raw post data for JSON/RPC, etc..
Requires the fast cgi developer library and C++14, standard GNU build process
- autoreconf -fi
- ./configure
- make
- make install
In user code, one only need to
#include <fcgi_request_cpp.hxx>
and link against the generated library, and -lfcgi
See example programs under the examples subdirectory for examples
Documentation can be found here
- Developed on Debian 12 (Bookworm) - Passing
- Tested build on FreeBSD - Passing