Develop declarative UI with (opt-in) automatic dependecy tracking without boilerplate code, VDOM, nor compiler.
You can get dom-proxy via npm:
npm install dom-proxy
Then import from typescript using named import or star import:
import { watch } from 'dom-proxy'
import * as domProxy from 'dom-proxy'
Or import from javascript:
var domProxy = require('dom-proxy')
You can also get dom-proxy via CDN:
<script src=""></script>
console.log(typeof // function
More examples can be found in ./demo:
This example consists of a input and text message.
With the watch()
function, the text message is initialied and updated according to the input value. We don't need to specify the dependency explicitly.
import { watch, input, span, label, fragment } from 'dom-proxy'
let nameInput = input({ placeholder: 'guest', id: 'visitor-name' })
let nameSpan = span()
watch(() => {
// the read-dependencies are tracked automatically
nameSpan.textContent = nameInput.value || nameInput.placeholder
// use a DocumentFragment to contain the elements
label({ textContent: 'name: ', htmlFor: }),
p({}, ['hello, ', nameSpan]),
This example query and proxy the existing elements from the DOM, then setup interactive logics in the watch()
If the selectors don't match any element, it will throw error.
import { ProxyNode, watch } from 'dom-proxy'
import { queryElement, queryElementProxies } from 'dom-proxy'
let loginForm = queryElement<HTMLFormElement>('#loginForm')
let elements = queryElementProxies(
username: '[name=username]',
password: '[name=password]',
preview: '#preview',
reset: '[type=reset]',
submit: '[type=submit]',
const preview = elements.preview
const username = elements.username as ProxyNode<HTMLInputElement>
const password = elements.password as ProxyNode<HTMLInputElement>
const reset = elements.reset as ProxyNode<HTMLInputElement>
const submit = elements.submit as ProxyNode<HTMLInputElement>
watch(() => {
preview.textContent = username.value + ':' + password.value
watch(() => {
reset.disabled = !username.value && !password.value
submit.disabled = !username.value || !password.value
The types shown in this section are simplified, see the .d.ts
files published in the npm package for complete types.
/** run once immediately, auto track dependency and re-run */
function watch(fn: Function): void
These query selector functions will throw error if no elements match the selectors.
function queryElement<Element>(selector: string, parent?: ParentNode): Element
function queryElementProxy<Element>(
selector: string,
parent?: ParentNode,
): ProxyNode<Element>
function queryElements<K, Element>(
selectors: Record<K, string>,
parent?: ParentNode,
): Record<K, Element>
function queryElementProxies<K, Element>(
selectors: Record<K, string>,
parent?: ParentNode,
): Record<K, ProxyNode<Element>>
function fragment(nodes: NodeChild[]): DocumentFragment
/** @alias t, text */
function createText(value?: string | number): ProxyNode<Text>
/** @alias h, html */
function createHTMLElement<K, Element>(
tagName: K,
props?: Properties<Element> & CreateProxyOptions,
children?: NodeChild[],
): ProxyNode<Element>
/** @alias s, svg */
function createSVGElement<K, SVGElement>(
tagName: K,
props?: Properties<SVGElement> & CreateProxyOptions,
children?: NodeChild[],
): ProxyNode<SVGElement>
function createProxy<Node>(
node: Node,
options?: CreateProxyOptions,
): ProxyNode<Node>
The creation function of some commonly used elements are defined as partially applied createHTMLElement.
If you need more helper functions, you can defined them with genCreateHTMLElement(tagName)
or genCreateSVGElement(tagName)
// some pre-defined creation helper functions
const div: PartialCreateElement<HTMLDivElement>
const p: PartialCreateElement<HTMLParagraphElement>
const a: PartialCreateElement<HTMLAnchorElement>
const label: PartialCreateElement<HTMLLabelElement>
const input: PartialCreateElement<HTMLInputElement>
// and more ...
The complete list of create element helper functions:
br, p, a, div, form, input, label, span, button, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, b, i, img, audio, video, ol, ul, li, code
These are some high-order functions that helps to generate type-safe creation functions for specific elements with statically typed properties.
/** partially applied createHTMLElement */
function genCreateHTMLElement<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(
tagName: K,
): PartialCreateElement<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>
/** partially applied createSVGElement */
function genCreateSVGElement<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(
tagName: K,
): PartialCreateElement<SVGElementTagNameMap[K]>
type ProxyNode<E> = E & {
node: E
type NodeChild = Node | ProxyNode | string | number
type CreateProxyOptions = {
listen?: 'change' | 'input' | false
type Properties<E> = Partial<{
[P in keyof E]?: E[P] extends object ? Partial<E[P]> : E[P]
type PartialCreateElement<Element> = (
props?: Properties<Element> & CreateProxyOptions,
children?: NodeChild[],
) => ProxyNode<Element>
This project is licensed with BSD-2-Clause
This is free, libre, and open-source software. It comes down to four essential freedoms [ref]:
- The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose
- The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish
- The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others
- The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others