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Beekeeper Gradle Plugins

Beekeeper Gradle plugins which come pre-configured to work in the beekeeper environment. These plugins are mostly thin wrappers around existing plugins and pre-configure the plugins in a common way for all projects.

The Plugins

The plugins in this folder are separated into 2 categories: Main plugins and Module Plugins.

The main plugins are the plugins that are meant to be listed in a build.gradle file, whereas the module plugins are meant to encapsulate a given domain of the build process, such as:

  • Formatting
  • Code Analysis
  • License Checks
  • Security
  • IDE Support
  • Etc...

Currently, there is only one main plugin (io.beekeeper.gradle.plugin) and its job is to apply all the module plugins.

Main Plugin: io.beekeeper.gradle.plugin

The most important plugin. This plugin applies all the plugins in this repository and is usually the only plugin that needs to be specified in the build gradle files. All other plugins will be pulled in automatically and applied correctly.

This plugin comes with an additional task called beekeeperPluginCheck that verifies that the plugin is at the correct version. This plugin does nothing more but checks for the currently required minimum version versus the plugin version. That task is required mostly for automation, so that PRs can be rejected based on an outdated plugin.

Module Plugin: io.beekeeper.gradle.plugins.formatter

Applies the spotless formatter and configures it with Beekeeper conventions. Currently, supports the following:

  • Java Projects
  • Groovy Projects
  • Build Gradle files

Module Plugin: io.beekeeper.gradle.plugins.ide

Provides IDE support. Applies both eclipse and idea gradle base plugins.

Module Plugin: io.beekeeper.gradle.plugins.license-check

Provides support for checking software licenses. Applies the com.github.jk1:gradle-license-report plugin. Comes also with a preconfigured list of allowed licenses for Beekeeper

Module Plugin:

Provides support for checking for dependencies with known vulnarabilities. Applies the org.owasp:dependency-check-gradle plugin.

Module Plugin: io.beekeeper.gradle.plugins.testing

Provides support for test related tasks.. Applies the jacoco plugin.


Follow the Gradle Plugin Portal installation instructions. In general, you will only need to declare this plugin in the root project. This plugin automatically applies all the plugins into the child projects.

Migration Instructions

If you are migrating an existing beekeeper project to make use of this plugin, then perform the following:

  • Apply the plugin as in the instructions
  • Remove any of the following plugins which may be already in use and any of their configuration
    • eclipse
    • jacoco (remove jacoco configuration from gradle)
    • idea
  • That's it!

Testing locally

Please make sure you're using java 11:

$ java -version

To test locally you should add to build.gradle

id "maven-publish"
if('-plugin')) {
     apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
repositories {

After that you should run ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal this will deploy plugin locally. After that you can add it to your project with mavenLocal()


The repository is public and is not meant for containing credentials or other sensitive information.



Move beekeeper-formatter-plugin from Google format to Palantir format as voted in the Backend Guild.


Migration in the project

  • Upgrade the plugin version to 0.16.0 or higher.
  • Run ./gradlew spotlessApply to apply the new formatting rules.
  • Commit the changes with the message BG-50: Migrate to Palantir Java Format.
  • Add the commit hash to .git-blame-ignore-revs in the project root. Create the file if it doesn't exist.

Migration in your IDE

  • Install the IntelliJ plugin as described here

Avoiding the migration

If you want to avoid the migration and continue to use the Google code format, you can add the following configuration to your build.gradle:

beekeeperCodeFormat {
     useGoogleJavaFormat = true


Apply quarkus-jacoco dependency to Quarkus-based projects and configure it to build consolidated reports from both @QuarkusTest-annotated and unit tests.

Upgrading to this version requires changing how Beekeeper BOM is configured in project's dependencies:

  • Go to you project's service's build.gradle and navigate to the dependencies section
  • Find these three lines:
dependencies {
    implementation platform("${quarkusPlatformGroupId}:${quarkusPlatformArtifactId}:${quarkusPlatformVersion}")
    universalBom platform("${beekeeperQuarkusPlatformGroupId}:${beekeeperQuarkusPlatformArtifactId}:${beekeeperQuarkusPlatformVersion}")

    // (...)
  • Replace the platform method call with enforcedPlatform, as follows:
dependencies {
    implementation enforcedPlatform("${quarkusPlatformGroupId}:${quarkusPlatformArtifactId}:${quarkusPlatformVersion}")
    universalBom enforcedPlatform("${beekeeperQuarkusPlatformGroupId}:${beekeeperQuarkusPlatformArtifactId}:${beekeeperQuarkusPlatformVersion}")

    // (...)


Update gradle to 7.6 and build to java 11

Bump security plugin dependencies:

  • dependency-check-gradle to 8.2.1
  • cyclonedx-gradle-plugin to 1.7.4


Bump spotless-plugin-gradle to 6.11.0 to include newer version of google-java-format.


Bump security plugin dependencies:

  • dependency-check-gradle to 7.2.1
  • cyclonedx-gradle-plugin to 1.7.2

Migration: See release notes here


Use google-java-format as a default formatter.


beekeeper-code-analysis-plugin is removed (so does spotbugs) When upgrading to this version, please remove this line from lombok.config:

lombok.extern.findbugs.addSuppressFBWarnings = true


Copyright 2019 Beekeeper

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.