The main contract in this repo is TerminusDID
, defined a hierarchical DNS domain-like name system. We call it Terminus Name (TName)
Theoretically anyone (now can only be operator, a build-in role to maintain contract operation) can register top Tname with metadata (domain, did, notes and allowSubdomain) and sepcify owner of it. For example, Bob is able to register TName bob
if it is not registered yet. And Bob specified his own address 0x71...245F1
to be the owner of it.
domain: "bob"
did: "did:xxxx"
notes: "example TName for bob"
allowSubdomain: true
The TerminusDID
contract will record his registration and issue an ERC721 token to Bob's address. So that Bob owns the TName. For any subname of Bob's Tnames, for example, intro.bob, only Bob's address is able to register (and contract's operator address is able to register too). Let's change our perspective. For any TName, it can only be registered by his parents TNames owner addresses.
The TName
is registered by us when the contract is deployed.
Besides the metadata, the TerminusDID
provides an extensible attribution attached to TName called Tag
. We introduced a type system to Tag
, which means not only the Tag
has name, but also has type. Currently it supports all primitive solidity type (int, uint, bool, string, address, bytes, bytesN ) and array, arrayN, tuple. For example, Bob can define a tag with name height
and type uint256
to extend his metadata of TName bob
. And Bob (and only the Bob can) then need to specify a Tagger address to set the height
tag. only the Tagger address is able to set the height
tag. The Tagger can be an EOA address or a contract address. If it is a contract address, Bob can put complicated data validation logic in it. The Tagger then can set (add, update, delete) height
tag of Bob's TName and all his sub-TNames.
The TerminusDID
predefined some root tags (rsaPubKey, dnsARecord, authAddresses and latestDID) to root TName, which is empty string ""
, and specify a root tagger. Any TName can set root tags from root tagger. And also a ratings
tag is defined at TName
. For more info, you can checkout src/taggers.
forge build
supports Foundry test and hardhat test
- Foundry
# as ABITest takes a longer time, can run it seperately
forge test --no-match-contract ABITest --gas-report
forge test --match-contract ABITest --gas-report
- Hardhat
require node version >= 16
REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
forge fmt
deploy to op sepolia as example
# deploy external library ABI.sol optional
# deploy TerminusDID and RootTagger contracts
source .env
forge script script/DeployScript.s.sol:DeployScript --rpc-url $OP_RPC_URL --broadcast --slow -vvvv
# deploy TerminusAppMarketReputation contract
npx hardhat run script/TerminusAppMarketReputation/deploy.js --network op_sepolia