Cross-platform mobile app for Android and iOS written with React Native.
- React Native 0.58.6 to build an app for both Android and iOS
- ECMAScript 2018 and Typescript to add typing and Node.js for server side
- Redux and Saga for state management using Ducks to isolate modules
- Jest, Enzyme, jsdom and Redux Saga Test Plan to test the code with delight
- Storybook to develop UI components in isolation
- Firestore a cloud NoSQL database with realtime update and offline support. Trigger are implemented inside Firebase Cloud Functions
- Firebase Cloud Messaging is a cross-platform messaging solution
- Firebase Authentication to handle authentication flow
- Google App Engine the serverless platform using Node.js
- Graphql with Apollo (server & client) to query data and Apollo link state to manage states and cache data
- React Native FBSDK for authentication and analytics
- Eslint and Prietter to format the code and detect errors
- CircleCI for continuous integration
- FramerX to design interactive UI for smartphones
- Styled Components to style the app without stress
- NativeBase a cross-platform UI components and theming
- React Navigation an extensible navigation solution
- Formik to build forms without tears and Yup to validate the fields
- RNLocalize and MessageFormat for internationalization
- typesafe-actions to create Flux Standard Action
- yarn to manage dependencies
- VBox to compile and run app for IOs
- WebStorm as IDE
- React Native Debugger
We believe a friendly face-to-face meeting is the best way to learn a new language.
On Meet Native, you publish the languages you wish to learn and the languages you are able to teach. The app locates people around you who match your language skills and learning wishes.
Your partner found, make an appointment at a café terrace or in a park, etc. The goal is above all to converse as much as possible and whatever the subject :-)
# Clone the repo
git clone
# Install dependencies
cd meetnative
yarn install
Meetnative is built on React Native and therefore assumes you have node installed. Yarn is preferred over NPM as a package manager.
- Configure your Firebase project following this guide
- To configure the Facebook SDK use this guide
- To set up the Google Places Autocomplete Component read this guide
yarn run android