Models: Users - need their own pages Churches - need Post(Reviews & Tweets) Churches Name Location => auto populate based on zip code Voting Follow is now Connect
Views: Post(similar) - index/welcome Index Show Create: choose what church you attend
Users Churches Name Location => auto populate based on zip code
Login Lead or sign up page. Have an approval system to allow new users.
Reviews.belongs_to :users, :churches Tweets.belongs_to :users Users follow churches but not belong to them Vote churches and for reviews Follow churches
Member Moderator Admin
Gems Instagram API, receive pictures Facebook API, login and share to Twitter API, login and share to, receive tweet CarrieWave, or something similar Minimagic
Searching: Sun spot gem http://railscasts.com/episodes/278-search-with-sunspot custom searching using contolrollr ''' @churches = Church.where('name LIKE %', params[:q]) params = {q: 'something'} ''''
Location http://www.rubygeocoder.com/ @churches = Church.where('name = %', params[:name]).near(params[:near])
----- similar sites churchrater.com churchfinder.com
extract tags with acts_as_taggable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5307331/implementing-twitter-like-hashtag-on-rails
***favorite 'church' but 'like' posts reviews will be post and only short messages. church will have a rating later.