geotools Public
Forked from thephpleague/geotoolsGeo-related tools PHP 5.4+ library built atop Geocoder and React libraries
PHP MIT License UpdatedAug 20, 2015 -
codeception Public
Forked from cakephp/codeceptionCakePHP module for Codeception
PHP Other UpdatedJul 24, 2015 -
cakephp-codesniffer Public
Forked from cakephp/cakephp-codesnifferCakePHP Code Sniffer
crud-users Public
Forked from FriendsOfCake/crud-usersCakePHP 3.0 Users plugin based on the CRUD action classes
PHP MIT License UpdatedJul 16, 2015 -
debug_kit Public
Forked from cakephp/debug_kitOfficial CakePHP Debug Kit Git Repository
migrations Public
Forked from cakephp/migrationsCakePHP 3.0 database migrations plugin
commonmark Public
Forked from thephpleague/commonmarkMarkdown parser for PHP based on the CommonMark spec
Authenticate Public
Forked from FriendsOfCake/AuthenticateCakePHP plugin with authentication classes for AuthComponent
PHP MIT License UpdatedJun 17, 2015 -
scrapy Public
Forked from scrapy/scrapyScrapy, a fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Python.
Python Other UpdatedJun 11, 2015 -
csv Public
Forked from thephpleague/csvCSV data manipulation made easy in PHP
crud Public
Forked from FriendsOfCake/crudCakePHP Application development on steroids - rapid prototyping / scaffolding & production ready code - XML / JSON APIs and more
RandomLib Public
Forked from ircmaxell/RandomLibA library for generating random numbers and strings
php-history Public
Forked from pmjones/php-historyA list of the years-of-introductions of notable (to me) PHP framework and library projects.
1 UpdatedFeb 2, 2015 -
phpversions.info Public
Forked from phpversions/phpversions.infoWhich hosts support which PHP versions, and which is default
route Public
Forked from thephpleague/routeFast router and dispatcher built on top of FastRoute
plugin-installer Public
Forked from cakephp/plugin-installerA composer installer for installing CakePHP 3.0+ plugins.
flysystem Public
Forked from thephpleague/flysystemAbstraction for local and remote filesystems
glide Public
Forked from thephpleague/glideWonderfully easy on-demand image manipulation library with an HTTP based API.
acl Public
Forked from cakephp/aclPlugin for managing ACL in CakePHP applications.
docs-1 Public
Forked from mongodb/docsThe MongoDB Documentation Project Source.
PHP_CodeSniffer Public
Forked from squizlabs/PHP_CodeSnifferPHP_CodeSniffer tokenises PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.
fractal Public
Forked from thephpleague/fractalOutput complex, flexible, AJAX/RESTful data structures.
theme.thephpleague.com Public
Forked from thephpleague/theme.thephpleague.com -
cakephp-annotation-control-list Public
Forked from josegonzalez/cakephp-annotation-control-listCakePHP2: ACL system using controller action annotations
thephpleague.github.io Public
Forked from thephpleague/thephpleague.github.ioThe League of Extraordinary Packages website
url Public
Forked from thephpleague/urlA simple PHP library to parse and manipulate URLs
period Public
Forked from thephpleague/periodA time range immutable value object
Aura.Intl Public
Forked from auraphp/Aura.IntlInternationalization tools, particularly message translation.
php-github-api Public
Forked from KnpLabs/php-github-apiA simple PHP GitHub API client, Object Oriented, tested and documented. For 5.3+.
php-the-right-way Public
Forked from codeguy/php-the-right-wayAn easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP best practices, accepted coding standards, and links to authoritative tutorials around the Web