TFHE-rs is a pure Rust implementation of TFHE for boolean and small integer arithmetics over encrypted data. It includes:
- a Rust API
- a C API
- and a client-side WASM API
TFHE-rs is meant for developers and researchers who want full control over what they can do with TFHE, while not having to worry about the low level implementation. The goal is to have a stable, simple, high-performance, and production-ready library for all the advanced features of TFHE.
To use the latest version of TFHE-rs
in your project, you first need to add it as a dependency in your Cargo.toml
tfhe = { version = "*", features = [ "boolean","shortint","x86_64-unix" ] }
Here is a full example evaluating a Boolean circuit:
use tfhe::boolean::prelude::*;
fn main() {
// We generate a set of client/server keys, using the default parameters:
let (mut client_key, mut server_key) = gen_keys();
// We use the client secret key to encrypt two messages:
let ct_1 = client_key.encrypt(true);
let ct_2 = client_key.encrypt(false);
// We use the server public key to execute a boolean circuit:
// if ((NOT ct_2) NAND (ct_1 AND ct_2)) then (NOT ct_2) else (ct_1 AND ct_2)
let ct_3 = server_key.not(&ct_2);
let ct_4 = server_key.and(&ct_1, &ct_2);
let ct_5 = server_key.nand(&ct_3, &ct_4);
let ct_6 = server_key.mux(&ct_5, &ct_3, &ct_4);
// We use the client key to decrypt the output of the circuit:
let output = client_key.decrypt(&ct_6);
assert_eq!(output, true);
Another example of how the library can be used with shortints:
use tfhe::shortint::prelude::*;
fn main() {
// We generate a set of client/server keys, using the default parameters:
let (client_key, server_key) = gen_keys(Parameters::default());
let msg1 = 1;
let msg2 = 0;
let modulus = client_key.parameters.message_modulus.0;
// We use the client key to encrypt two messages:
let ct_1 = client_key.encrypt(msg1);
let ct_2 = client_key.encrypt(msg2);
// We use the server public key to execute an integer circuit:
let ct_3 = server_key.unchecked_add(&ct_1, &ct_2);
// We use the client key to decrypt the output of the circuit:
let output = client_key.decrypt(&ct_3);
assert_eq!(output, (msg1 + msg2) % modulus as u64);
There are two ways to contribute to TFHE-rs:
- you can open issues to report bugs or typos, or to suggest new ideas
- you can ask to become an official contributor by emailing (becoming an approved contributor involves signing our Contributor License Agreement (CLA))
Only approved contributors can send pull requests, so please make sure to get in touch before you do!
This library uses several dependencies and we would like to thank the contributors of those libraries.
This software is distributed under the BSD-3-Clause-Clear license. If you have any questions,
please contact us at
Security estimations are done using the
Lattice Estimator
with red_cost_model = reduction.RC.BDGL16
When a new update is published in the Lattice Estimator, we update parameters accordingly.
Mitigation for side channel attacks have not yet been implemented in TFHE-rs, and will be released in upcoming versions.