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World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 16 revisions

This class allows programmer to easily unzip files on the fly. The origial class was made by "Alexandre Tedeschi" I modified it to an code codeigniter library.

[h3]Requirements:[/h3] This class requires extension ZLib Enabled. It is default for most site hosts around the world, and for the PHP Win32 dist.

[h3]usage[/h3] Simply load the class like any other CI library

[code] $this->load->library('unzip'); [/code]

After loading the class it needs to be initialized. Also this is on the standard CI way:

[code] $config['fileName'] = './uploads/'; $config['targetDir'] = './uploads'; $this->zip->initialize($config); [/code]

And finaly we can use it.

[code] $this->zip->unzipAll();

//display's error messages echo $this->zip->display_errors(2);

//display's information messages echo $this->zip->display_errors(1); [/code]

This what's all about. The class:

[code] <? if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); ##############################################################

Class Unzip v2.6

@package unzip

@subpackage Library

@category Archief

@author Jaapio (

@copyright Copyright (c) 2007,

@version 1.0.0-alpha

@inpiredFrom: Alexandre Tedeschi (d) (alexandrebr at gmail dot com)


This class allows programmer to easily unzip files on the fly.


This class requires extension ZLib Enabled. It is default

for most site hosts around the world, and for the PHP Win32 dist.

To do:

* Error handling

* Write a PHP-Side gzinflate, to completely avoid any external extensions

* Write other decompress algorithms

If you modify this class, or have any ideas to improve it, please contact me!

You are allowed to redistribute this class, if you keep my name and contact e-mail on it.


If you have problems using it, don't think twice before contacting me!


if(!function_exists('file_put_contents')){ // If not PHP5, creates a compatible function Function file_put_contents($file, $data){ if($tmp = fopen($file, "w")){ fwrite($tmp, $data); fclose($tmp); return true; } echo "file_put_contents: Cannot create file $file
"; return false; } }

class Unzip{ Function getVersion(){ return "2.6"; } var $fileName = ''; var $compressedList = Array(); // You will problably use only this one! var $centralDirList = Array(); // Central dir list... It's a kind of 'extra attributes' for a set of files var $endOfCentral = Array(); // End of central dir, contains ZIP Comments var $info = Array(); var $error = Array(); var $targetDir = false; var $baseDir = ""; var $maintainStructure = true; var $applyChmod = 0777; var $fh; var $zipSignature = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04"; // local file header signature var $dirSignature = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02"; // central dir header signature var $dirSignatureE= "\x50\x4b\x05\x06"; // end of central dir signature

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Constructor
 * @access    Public
 * @param     string
 * @return    none
Function Unzip($props = array())
    if (count($props) > 0)
    //log_message('debug', "Unzip Class Initialized");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------

 * initialize image preferences
 * @access    public
 * @param    array
 * @return    void
function initialize($props = array())
     * Convert array elements into class variables
    if (count($props) > 0)
        foreach ($props as $key => $val)
            $this->$key = $val;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * List all files in archive.
 * @access    Public
 * @param     boolean
 * @return    mixed
Function getList($stopOnFile=false){
        $this->debugMsg(1, "Returning already loaded file list.");
        return $this->compressedList;
    // Open file, and set file handler
    $fh = fopen&#40;$this->fileName, "r"&#41;;
    $this->fh = &$fh;
        $this->debugMsg(2, "Failed to load file: ".$this->fileName);
        return false;
    $this->debugMsg(1, "Loading list from 'End of Central Dir' index list...");
    if(!$this->_loadFileListByEOF($fh, $stopOnFile)){
        $this->debugMsg(1, "Failed! Trying to load list looking for signatures...");
        if(!$this->_loadFileListBySignatures($fh, $stopOnFile)){
            $this->debugMsg(1, "Failed! Could not find any valid header.");
            $this->debugMsg(2, "ZIP File is corrupted or empty");
            return false;
    return $this->compressedList;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Unzip file in archive.
 * @access    Public
 * @param     string, boolean
 * @return    Unziped file.
Function unzipFile&#40;$compressedFileName, $targetFileName=false&#41;{
        $this->debugMsg(1, "Trying to unzip before loading file list... Loading it!");
        $this->getList(false, $compressedFileName);
    $fdetails = &$this->compressedList[$compressedFileName];
        $this->debugMsg(2, "File '<b>$compressedFileName</b>' is not compressed in the zip.");
        return false;
    if(substr($compressedFileName, -1) == "/"){
        $this->debugMsg(2, "Trying to unzip a folder name '<b>$compressedFileName</b>'.");
        return false;
        $this->debugMsg(1, "File '<b>$compressedFileName</b>' is empty.");
        return $targetFileName?
            file_put_contents($targetFileName, ""):
    fseek($this->fh, $fdetails['contents-startOffset']);
    $ret = $this->uncompress(
            fread($this->fh, $fdetails['compressed_size']),
    if($this->applyChmod && $targetFileName)
        chmod($targetFileName, 0644);
    return $ret;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Unzip all files in archive.
 * @access    Public
 * @param     none
 * @return    none

Function unzipAll(){
    if($this->targetDir === false)
        $this->debugMsg(2, "No target dir set");
    $lista = $this->getList();
      foreach($lista as $file=>$trash){
        $dirname  = dirname($file);
        $outDN    = $this->targetDir."/".$dirname;
        if(substr($dirname, 0, strlen($this->baseDir)) != $this->baseDir)
        if(!is_dir($outDN) && $this->maintainStructure){
            $str = "";
            $folders = explode("/", $dirname);
            foreach($folders as $folder){
                $str = $str?$str."/".$folder:$folder;
                    $this->debugMsg(1, "Creating folder: ".$this->targetDir."/".$str);
                        chmod($this->targetDir."/".$str, $this->applyChmod);
        if(substr($file, -1, 1) == "/")

            $this->unzipFile&#40;$file, $this->targetDir."/".$file&#41;:
            $this->unzipFile&#40;$file, $this->targetDir."/".basename($file&#41;);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Free the file resource.
 * @access    Public
 * @param     none
 * @return    none

function close(){     // Free the file resource
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Free the file resource Automatic destroy.
 * @access    Public
 * @param     none
 * @return    none

function __destroy(){ 

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Show error messages
 * @access    public
 * @param    string
 * @return    string
function display_errors($level = 2, $open = '<p>', $close = '</p>')
    $str = '';
    if($level == 1)
    foreach ($this->info as $val)
        $str .= $open.$val.$close;

    if($level == 2)
    foreach ($this->error as $val)
        $str .= $open.$val.$close;

    return $str;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Uncompress file. And save it to the targetFile.
 * @access    Private
 * @param     Filecontent, int, int, boolean
 * @return    none
function uncompress($content, $mode, $uncompressedSize, $targetFileName=false){
        case 0:
            return $targetFileName?file_put_contents($targetFileName, $content):$content;
        case 1:
            $this->debugMsg(2, "Shrunk mode is not supported... yet?");
            return false;
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
        case 5:
            $this->debugMsg(2, "Compression factor ".($mode-1)." is not supported... yet?");
            return false;
        case 6:
            $this->debugMsg(2, "Implode is not supported... yet?");
            return false;
        case 7:
            $this->debugMsg(2, "Tokenizing compression algorithm is not supported... yet?");
            return false;
        case 8:
            // Deflate
            return $targetFileName?
                file_put_contents($targetFileName, gzinflate($content, $uncompressedSize)):
                gzinflate($content, $uncompressedSize);
        case 9:
            $this->debugMsg(2, "Enhanced Deflating is not supported... yet?");
            return false;
        case 10:
            $this->debugMsg(2, "PKWARE Date Compression Library Impoloding is not supported... yet?");
            return false;
       case 12:
           // Bzip2
           return $targetFileName?
               file_put_contents($targetFileName, bzdecompress($content)):
        case 18:
            $this->debugMsg(2, "IBM TERSE is not supported... yet?");
            return false;
            $this->debugMsg(2, "Unknown uncompress method: $mode");
            return false;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Save messages
 * @access    Private
 * @param    string
 * @return    none

function debugMsg($level, $string){
        if($level == 1)
            $this->error[] = "<b style='color: #777'>dUnzip2:</b> $string<br>";
        if($level == 2)
            $this->info[] = "<b style='color: #F00'>dUnzip2:</b> $string<br>";

Function _loadFileListByEOF(&$fh, $stopOnFile=false){
    // Check if there's a valid Central Dir signature.
    // Let's consider a file comment smaller than 1024 characters...
    // Actually, it length can be 65536.. But we're not going to support it.
    for($x = 0; $x < 1024; $x++){
        fseek($fh, -22-$x, SEEK_END);
        $signature = fread($fh, 4);
        if($signature == $this->dirSignatureE){
            // If found EOF Central Dir
            $eodir['disk_number_this']   = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // number of this disk
            $eodir['disk_number']        = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // number of the disk with the start of the central directory
            $eodir['total_entries_this'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // total number of entries in the central dir on this disk
            $eodir['total_entries']      = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // total number of entries in
            $eodir['size_of_cd']         = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // size of the central directory
            $eodir['offset_start_cd']    = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting disk number
            $zipFileCommentLenght        = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // zipfile comment length
            $eodir['zipfile_comment']    = $zipFileCommentLenght[1]?fread($fh, $zipFileCommentLenght[1]):''; // zipfile comment
            $this->endOfCentral = Array(
            // Then, load file list
            fseek($fh, $this->endOfCentral['offset_start_cd']);
            $signature = fread($fh, 4);
            while($signature == $this->dirSignature){
                $dir['version_madeby']      = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // version made by
                $dir['version_needed']      = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // version needed to extract
                $dir['general_bit_flag']    = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // general purpose bit flag
                $dir['compression_method']  = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // compression method
                $dir['lastmod_time']        = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // last mod file time
                $dir['lastmod_date']        = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // last mod file date
                $dir['crc-32']              = fread($fh, 4);              // crc-32
                $dir['compressed_size']     = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // compressed size
                $dir['uncompressed_size']   = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // uncompressed size
                $fileNameLength             = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // filename length
                $extraFieldLength           = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // extra field length
                $fileCommentLength          = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // file comment length
                $dir['disk_number_start']   = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // disk number start
                $dir['internal_attributes'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // internal file attributes-byte1
                $dir['external_attributes1']= unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // external file attributes-byte2
                $dir['external_attributes2']= unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // external file attributes
                $dir['relative_offset']     = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // relative offset of local header
                $dir['file_name']           = fread($fh, $fileNameLength[1]);                             // filename
                $dir['extra_field']         = $extraFieldLength[1] ?fread($fh, $extraFieldLength[1]) :''; // extra field
                $dir['file_comment']        = $fileCommentLength[1]?fread($fh, $fileCommentLength[1]):''; // file comment            
                // Convert the date and time, from MS-DOS format to UNIX Timestamp
                $BINlastmod_date = str_pad(decbin($dir['lastmod_date'][1]), 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                $BINlastmod_time = str_pad(decbin($dir['lastmod_time'][1]), 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                $lastmod_dateY = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date,  0, 7))+1980;
                $lastmod_dateM = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date,  7, 4));
                $lastmod_dateD = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date, 11, 5));
                $lastmod_timeH = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time,   0, 5));
                $lastmod_timeM = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time,   5, 6));
                $lastmod_timeS = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time,  11, 5));    
                $this->centralDirList[$dir['file_name']] = Array(
                    'general_bit_flag'=>str_pad(decbin($dir['general_bit_flag'][1]), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT),
                    'lastmod_datetime'  =>mktime($lastmod_timeH, $lastmod_timeM, $lastmod_timeS, $lastmod_dateM, $lastmod_dateD, $lastmod_dateY),
                    'crc-32'            =>str_pad(dechex(ord($dir['crc-32'][3])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).
                                          str_pad(dechex(ord($dir['crc-32'][2])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).
                                          str_pad(dechex(ord($dir['crc-32'][1])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).
                                          str_pad(dechex(ord($dir['crc-32'][0])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT),
                $signature = fread($fh, 4);
            // If loaded centralDirs, then try to identify the offsetPosition of the compressed data.
            if($this->centralDirList) foreach($this->centralDirList as $filename=>$details){
                $i = $this->_getFileHeaderInformation($fh, $details['relative_offset']);
                $this->compressedList[$filename]['file_name']          = $filename;
                $this->compressedList[$filename]['compression_method'] = $details['compression_method'];
                $this->compressedList[$filename]['version_needed']     = $details['version_needed'];
                $this->compressedList[$filename]['lastmod_datetime']   = $details['lastmod_datetime'];
                $this->compressedList[$filename]['crc-32']             = $details['crc-32'];
                $this->compressedList[$filename]['compressed_size']    = $details['compressed_size'];
                $this->compressedList[$filename]['uncompressed_size']  = $details['uncompressed_size'];
                $this->compressedList[$filename]['lastmod_datetime']   = $details['lastmod_datetime'];
                $this->compressedList[$filename]['extra_field']        = $i['extra_field'];
                if(strtolower($stopOnFile) == strtolower($filename))
            return true;
    return false;
Function _loadFileListBySignatures(&$fh, $stopOnFile=false){
    fseek($fh, 0);
    $return = false;
        $details = $this->_getFileHeaderInformation($fh);
            $this->debugMsg(1, "Invalid signature. Trying to verify if is old style Data Descriptor...");
            fseek($fh, 12 - 4, SEEK_CUR); // 12: Data descriptor - 4: Signature (that will be read again)
            $details = $this->_getFileHeaderInformation($fh);
            $this->debugMsg(1, "Still invalid signature. Probably reached the end of the file.");
        $filename = $details['file_name'];
        $this->compressedList[$filename] = $details;
        $return = true;
        if(strtolower($stopOnFile) == strtolower($filename))
    return $return;
Function _getFileHeaderInformation(&$fh, $startOffset=false){
    if($startOffset !== false)
        fseek($fh, $startOffset);
    $signature = fread($fh, 4);
    if($signature == $this->zipSignature){
        // Get information about the zipped file
        $file['version_needed']     = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // version needed to extract
        $file['general_bit_flag']   = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // general purpose bit flag
        $file['compression_method'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // compression method
        $file['lastmod_time']       = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // last mod file time
        $file['lastmod_date']       = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // last mod file date
        $file['crc-32']             = fread($fh, 4);              // crc-32
        $file['compressed_size']    = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // compressed size
        $file['uncompressed_size']  = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // uncompressed size
        $fileNameLength             = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // filename length
        $extraFieldLength           = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // extra field length
        $file['file_name']          = fread($fh, $fileNameLength[1]); // filename
        $file['extra_field']        = $extraFieldLength[1]?fread($fh, $extraFieldLength[1]):''; // extra field
        $file['contents-startOffset']= ftell($fh);
        // Bypass the whole compressed contents, and look for the next file
        fseek($fh, $file['compressed_size'][1], SEEK_CUR);
        // Convert the date and time, from MS-DOS format to UNIX Timestamp
        $BINlastmod_date = str_pad(decbin($file['lastmod_date'][1]), 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $BINlastmod_time = str_pad(decbin($file['lastmod_time'][1]), 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $lastmod_dateY = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date,  0, 7))+1980;
        $lastmod_dateM = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date,  7, 4));
        $lastmod_dateD = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date, 11, 5));
        $lastmod_timeH = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time,   0, 5));
        $lastmod_timeM = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time,   5, 6));
        $lastmod_timeS = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time,  11, 5));
        // Mount file table
        $i = Array(
            'file_name'         =>$file['file_name'],
            'version_needed'    =>$file['version_needed'][1],
            'lastmod_datetime'  =>mktime($lastmod_timeH, $lastmod_timeM, $lastmod_timeS, $lastmod_dateM, $lastmod_dateD, $lastmod_dateY),
            'crc-32'            =>str_pad(dechex(ord($file['crc-32'][3])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).
                                  str_pad(dechex(ord($file['crc-32'][2])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).
                                  str_pad(dechex(ord($file['crc-32'][1])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).
                                  str_pad(dechex(ord($file['crc-32'][0])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT),
            'compressed_size'   =>$file['compressed_size'][1],
            'uncompressed_size' =>$file['uncompressed_size'][1],
            'extra_field'       =>$file['extra_field'],
            'general_bit_flag'  =>str_pad(decbin($file['general_bit_flag'][1]), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT),
        return $i;
    return false;

} ?> [/code]

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