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World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 18 revisions


Instead of using callbacks to add rules you can add rules by extending the validation library.

The error messages must be added to the validation language file.

All additions are welcome

[code] <?php class MY_Validation extends CI_Validation {

var $_display_fieldname = array();

function MY_Validation()
* numeric rules
function greater_than($str,$min)
    if(!is_numeric($str)){ return false; }
    return $str > $min;

function less_than($str,$max)
    if(!is_numeric($str)){ return false; }
    return $str < $max;
*  checkbox rules
* use with required rule
function equal_to($str,$eq)
    if(!is_numeric($str)){ return false; }
    return $str == $eq; 

function max_count($str,$max)
    return (count($str) <= $max);

function min_count($str,$min)
    return count($str) >= $min;
*  email rules
function domain_email($str,$params)
    $parts = explode("@", $str);
    $domain = $parts[1];
    $allowed_array = explode(',',$params);
    return in_array($domain, $allowed_array);
*   general rules
function exact_count($str,$eq)
       return (strlen($str) == $eq)?true:false;
      return count($str) == $eq;
* validate date from 3 selects
* example : $rule['year'] = 'valid_selectsdate[month,day]';
function valid_selectsdate($str,$params)
   $explode = explode(',',$params);
   $month = $this->CI->input->post($explode[0]);
   $day = $this->CI->input->post($explode[1]);
   if(!day) // year and month don't need to be validated
      return true;
       return true;
   return false;
* validate date from text input
* example : $rule['date'] = 'valid_textdate[-,2,1,0]';
function valid_textdate($str,$params= '')
   if($params == '')
       // default setting
       $divider = '-';
       $yearpart = 0;
       $monthpart = 1;
       $daypart = 2;
       $explode = explode(',',$params);
       $divider = $explode[0];
       $yearpart = $explode[1];
       $monthpart = $explode[2];
       $daypart = $explode[3];
   $explode2 = explode($divider,$str);
   if(count($explode2) != 3)
           return false;
   $year = $explode2[$yearpart];
   $month = $explode2[$monthpart];
   $day = $explode2[$daypart];
       return true;
   return false;

*  set fields alternative
function set_fields($data = '', $field = '', $separator = '_') {    
    if ($data == '') {
        if (count($this->_fields) == 0 && count($this->_rules) == 0) {
            return FALSE;
    } else {
        if ( ! is_array($data)) {
            $data = array($data => $field);
        if (count($data) > 0) {
            $this->_fields = $data;
    foreach($this->_rules as $key => $val) {                  
        $text = ucwords(str_replace($separator, ' ', $key));             
        $auto_fields[$key] = $text;     
    $this->_fields = array_merge($auto_fields, $this->_fields);
    foreach($this->_fields as $key => $val) {        
        $this->$key = ( ! isset($_POST[$key]) OR is_array($_POST[$key])) ? '' : $this->prep_for_form($_POST[$key]);
        $error = $key.'_error';
        if ( ! isset($this->$error)) {
            $this->$error = '';

} [/code]

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