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Derek Jones edited this page Jul 5, 2012 · 12 revisions

Category:Library::CodeGenerators | Category:Library::Community


Hello Everyone, I've been working with CI for 3 months now and as soon as I built my first project, I noticed that something was missing: A backend generator. So I started working on one for my own project then I noticed that it was generic enough and flexible enough to reworked as a bunch of libraries working together. Then while browsing the forums, I kept seeing requests from people who need a way to generate a backend for themselves, or their clients. After seeing how my client reacted to the system, I decided to release the system and share it with everyone, so, here goes:

[size=4][color=blue]Current Release: 1.2.1[/color][/size]

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please make sure you have the latest version, the previous versions had bugs which could possible present security holes.

There are two versions to download: The basic, and the full. The full comes with CI bundled, the basic does not. However, the full comes with a CI bug fixed which used to cause an error when global xss filtering is on.

To install the basic version, just drag & drop the files/folders into their respective folders (as shown in the directory structure of the zip)


[url=]Live Demo (username: demo, password: demo)[/url] [url=] Documentation [/url] [url=]Download JTabyBackend Basic[/url] (932 KB) [url=]Download link (With CI Bundled - contains a bug fix)[/url] (1.2 MB) [url= Setup]Setup video[/url] [url=]Forum[/url]

The zip also contains CodeIgniter (latest release). The video should be sufficient to help you setup the system and play with it. It shouldn't take you longer than 1 hour to figure how everything works, it's quite simple: Just look at the bundled examples.

Main System Features

  • Transparent multi-level login
  • Validation
  • Unified messaging system
  • on-the-fly form generation
  • Extremely rapid development (~40 lines per controller)

Version 1.2.1 Changelog:

  • Fixes a bug which triggered a "Cannot redeclare class TextBox" in PHP4

New Features in version 1.2:

  • Sorting
  • Multiple fields in list view
  • Bug fixes of all sorts


  • It has come to my attention (Athfar, #codeigniter on that IE7 is PMS'ing about the CSS, so instead of fixing it, I'm going to do what any die-hard OCD'er would do, and redesign the whole thing, make it brighter and happier :)
  • Please note that this is the first time I release open-source code like this, so let me know if I'm doing this wrong.
  • I'm working on getting a hosting account to host the file and a demo.
  • The video takes a bit to load, but once it's loaded, it should play fine.
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