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Asset Gzip cache serve

Derek Jones edited this page Jul 5, 2012 · 41 revisions

Categories:Helpers | Categories:Helpers::Community | Categories:Helpers::Cache

gzip/cache/serve js,css, jpg, png etc..

This helper can be used if you wish

  • to reduce your assets size
  • cache your assets
  • to hide the full path of assets in your html
  • all of the above to be done with as little effort as possible

The only area you need to change is the settings area at the beginning of the class.

    var $debug = FALSE;

set for true to output all the settings instead of the asset

Hence the name debug

    var $headers = array();
    var $target_file = array();
    var $sysValues = array();

set some arrays for storing values

    var $set =  array(
        'VERSION' => '0.75',
        'path2assets' => APPPATH, 
        'asset_exp' => 25920000,
        'uri' => '',

path2assests: is the path to your assets folders asset_exp: is the expiry date of the cached asset (in milliseconds)

    var $asset_types = array(
        "htm"  => "text/html",
        "html" => "text/html",
        "js"   => "text/javascript",
        "css"  => "text/css",
        "xml"  => "text/xml",
        "gif"  => "image/gif",
        "jpg"  => "image/jpeg",
        "jpeg" => "image/jpeg",
        "png"  => "image/png",
        "txt"  => "text/plain"        

asset_types: asset content [url=]types[/url]

    var $assets_folder = array(

assets_folder: folders where assets can be found.

Special Notice

after document root e.g. IF: home/www/directory/my_application/cache_folder THEN: directory/my_application/cache_folder

    var $cache_folder = array(

cache_folder: the folders that the assets will be cached

The rest of the class you don't need to change


function krunch()
    $this->set['uri'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

function check_file()
    $this->target_file = pathinfo( $this->set['uri']);

    // @ used to suppress errors. is_real = '' will stop the script
    $this->target_file['dirname'] =    @$this->assets_folder[ $this->target_file['extension'] ];//rewrite dirname
    $this->target_file['fullpath'] = @$this->set['path2assets'] .$this->target_file['dirname']. $this->target_file['basename'] ;
    $this->target_file['is_real'] = @file_exists( $this->target_file['fullpath'] );    

function initialize()
    //if file exists and cache folder is writable
    if( $this->target_file['is_real'] == TRUE && $this->sysValues['cache_writable'] == TRUE )
        header( 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found' );    
        if($this->target_file['is_real'] == FALSE)
            echo "<H3>file ".$this->target_file['basename']." with extension ".$this->target_file['extension']." was not found</H3>";    
        elseif($this->sysValues['cache_writable'] == FALSE)
            echo "<H3>The cache folder is not writable. Sorry!</H3>";    
function _check_writable()
    $this->sysValues['cache_folder'] = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$this->cache_folder[ $this->target_file['extension'] ];
    $this->sysValues['cache_writable'] = is_writable( $this->sysValues['cache_folder'] );
    // Check if windows because windows does not support chmod(cache_folder, 0777)
    $this->sysValues['OS'] = strtoupper( substr( PHP_OS, 0, 3 ) );

    if(! $this->sysValues['cache_writable'] && $this->sysValues['OS'] !== 'WIN' )
        $this->sysValues['cache_writable'] = @chmod($this->sysValues['cache_folder'], 0777);

function _get_settings()
    $this->sysValues['gzip'] = extension_loaded('zlib');
    $this->sysValues['gzip'] = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']);
    $this->sysValues['gzip'] = ( strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip') !== FALSE )? TRUE: FALSE;
    $this->sysValues['gzip_target'] = $this->sysValues['cache_folder'] . $this->target_file['basename'].'.gz';
    $this->sysValues['gzip'] = file_exists( $this->sysValues['gzip_target'] );

        $this->sysValues['new'] = ( filemtime($this->target_file['fullpath']) >  filemtime($this->sysValues['gzip_target']) )? TRUE : FALSE;
            unlink&#40; $this->sysValues['gzip_target'] &#41;;
            $this->sysValues['gzip'] = FALSE; //cause I deleted it
            return FALSE;

function set_caching()        
    $age = $this->set['asset_exp'];
    $file_used_last = filemtime( $this->target_file['fullpath'] );
    $this->headers['headers'][]= "Last-Modified: " . date( "r", $file_used_last );
    $this->headers['headers'][] = "Expires: " . date( "r", ( $age + $file_used_last ) );
    $this->headers['headers'][] = "ETag: " .  dechex($file_used_last);
    $this->headers['headers'][] = "Cache-Control: " .  "public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate, max-age=" . $age . ", s-maxage=" . $age;    
    $this->headers['headers'][] = "Content-Type: " . $this->asset_types[ $this->target_file['extension'] ];    
    $this->headers['headers'][] = "Content-Length: " . filesize( $this->target_file['fullpath'] ) ;    
} //EOF set_caching

function output()
        echo "<pre>";
        echo "</pre>";
        foreach( $this->headers['headers'] as $headers)
            header( $headers );
}//EOF output
// Private method _get_target_type
function _get_target_type()
    if($this->sysValues['gzip'])//gzip version found
        $this->target_file['modify'] = filemtime( $this->sysValues['gzip_target'] );
        $this->headers['headers'][] = "Content-Encoding: gzip";
        $this->target_file['fullpath'] = $this->sysValues['gzip_target'];                                    
    elseif(!$this->sysValues['gzip'])//gzip version NOT found
        $this->_compressor( $this->target_file['fullpath'], $this->sysValues['gzip_target'] );
        $this->target_file['modify'] = filemtime( $this->sysValues['gzip_target'] );
        $this->headers['headers'][] = "Content-Encoding: gzip";                        
        $this->target_file['fullpath'] = $this->sysValues['gzip_target'];

// Private method _compressor
function _compressor( $srcFileName, $dstFileName )
    if(strlen($srcFileName) >= 1000)
        //too small to gzip
        if ( $file_out = gzopen( $dstFileName, "wb" ) )
            if ( $file_in = fopen&#40; $srcFileName, "rb" &#41; )
                while( !feof( $file_in ) )
                    gzwrite( $file_out, fread( $file_in, 1024*512 ) );
                fclose( $file_in );            
// Private method _uncompressor    
// This method is note being used... maybe later at some stage!    
function _uncompressor( $srcFileName, $dstFileName, $fileSize )
    // getting content of the compressed file
    $zp = gzopen( $srcFileName, "r" );
    $data = fread ( $zp, $fileSize );
    gzclose( $zp );

    // writing uncompressed file
    $fp = fopen&#40; $dstFileName, "w" &#41;;
    fwrite( $fp, $data );
    fclose( $fp );

// Private method _debug
function _debugger( $temp=array() )
    $temp['sysValues'] = $this->sysValues;
    $temp['cache_folder'] = $this->cache_folder;
    $temp['set'] = $this->set;
    $temp['Headers'] = $this->headers;
    $temp['target_file'] = $this->target_file;
    $temp['assest_types'] = $this->asset_types;
    $temp['assets_folder'] = $this->assets_folder;
    return $temp;

}//end Krunch


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