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Apple Bazel definitions - Common Information

Build limits

According to Apple's documentation, iOS and tvOS bundle sizes cannot exceed 4GB in size (limit for watchOS is 75MB). Because of this, rules_apple does not support building zipped archives that would be larger than 4GB. If your build outputs would be larger than 4GB (e.g. test bundles) you'll need to reduce the number of dependencies to fit this limit (e.g. for test bundles, you can split the targets so that output size is smaller than 4GB).

Build outputs

Most aspects of your builds should be controlled via the attributes you set on the rules. However there are some things where Bazel and/or the rules allow you to opt in/out of something on a per-build basis without the need to express it in a BUILD file.

Output Groups {#output_groups}

Output groups are an interface provided by Bazel to signal which files are to be built. By default, Bazel will build all files in the default output group. In addition to this, rules_apple supports other output groups that can be used to control which files are requested:

  • dsyms: This output group contains all dSYM files generated during the build, for the top level target and its embedded dependencies. To request this output group to be built, use the --output_groups=+dsyms flag. In order to generate the dSYM files you still need to pass the --apple_generate_dsym flag.
  • linkmaps: This output group contains all linkmap files generated during the build, for the top level target and its embedded dependencies. To request this output group to be built, use the --output_groups=+linkmaps flag. In order to generate the linkmap files you still need to pass the --objc_generate_linkmap flag.

dSYMs Generation {#apple_generate_dsym}

dSYMs are needed for debugging, decode crash logs, etc.; but they can take a while to generate and aren't always needed. All of the Apple rules support generating a dSYM bundle via --apple_generate_dsym when doing a bazel build.

bazel build --apple_generate_dsym //your/target

By default, only the top level dSYM bundles is built when this flag is specified. If you require the dSYM bundles of the top level target dependencies, you'll need to specify the --output_groups=+dsyms flag.

Codesigning identity

When building for devices, by default the codesigning step will use the first codesigning identity present in the given provisioning profile. This should accommodate most cases, but there are certain scenarios when the provisioning profile will have more than one allowed signing identity, and developers may have different development certificates installed on their devices. For these cases you can use the --ios_signing_cert_name flag to force the signing identity to be used when codesigning your app.

bazel build //your/target --ios_signing_cert_name="iPhone Developer: [CERT OWNER NAME]"

To make this easier to use, we recommend adding the following to the ~/.bazelrc file, which will configure bazel to pass this flag to all invocations:

build --ios_signing_cert_name="iPhone Developer: [CERT OWNER NAME]"

linkmap Generation {#objc_generate_linkmap}

Linkmaps can be useful for figuring out how the deps going into a target are contributing to the final size of the binary. Bazel will generate a link map when linking by adding --objc_generate_linkmap to a bazel build.

bazel build --objc_generate_linkmap //your/target

By default, only the top level linkmap file is built when this flag is specified. If you require the linkmap file of the top level target dependencies, you'll need to specify the --output_groups=+linkmaps flag.

Debugging Entitlement Support {#apple.add_debugger_entitlement}

Some Apple platforms require an entitlement (get-task-allow) to support debugging tools. The rules will auto add the entitlement for non optimized builds (i.e. - anything that isn't -c opt). However when looking at specific issues (performance of a release build via Instruments), the entitlement is also needed.

The rules support direct control over the inclusion/exclusion of any bundle being built by --define=apple.add_debugger_entitlement=(yes|true|1|no|false|0).

Add get-task-allow entitlement:

bazel build --define=apple.add_debugger_entitlement=yes //your/target

Ensure get-task-allow entitlement is not added (even if the default would have added it):

bazel build --define=apple.add_debugger_entitlement=no //your/target

Force ipa compression {#apple.compress_ipa}

By default the final App.ipa produced from building an app is uncompressed, unless you're building with --compilation_mode=opt. This flag allows you to force compression if the size is more important than the CPU time for your build. To use this pass --define=apple.compress_ipa=(yes|true|1) to bazel build.

Include Embedded Bundles in Rule Output {#apple.propagate_embedded_extra_outputs}

Deprecated: Please see the Output Groups section.

Some Apple bundles include other bundles within them (for example, an application extension inside an iOS application). When you build a top-level application target and ask for extra outputs such as linkmaps or dSYM bundles, Bazel typically only produces the extra outputs for the top-level application but not for the embedded extension.

In order to produce those extra outputs for all embedded bundles as well, you can pass --define=apple.propagate_embedded_extra_outputs=(yes|true|1) to bazel build.

bazel build --define=apple.propagate_embedded_extra_outputs=yes //your/target

Disable SwiftSupport in ipas

The SwiftSupport directory in a final ipa is only necessary if you're shipping the build to Apple. If you want to disable bundling SwiftSupport in your ipa for other device or enterprise builds, you can pass --define=apple.package_swift_support=no to bazel build

Codesign Bundles for the Simulator {#apple.skip_codesign_simulator_bundles}

The simulators are far more lax about a lot of things compared to working on real devices. One of these areas is the codesigning of bundles (applications, extensions, etc.). As of Xcode 9.3.x on macOS High Sierra, the Simulator will run any bundle just fine as long as its Frameworks are signed (if it has any), the main bundle does not appear to need to be signed.

However, if the binary makes use of entitlement-protected APIs, they may not work. The entitlements for a simulator build are added as a Mach-O segment, so they are still provided; but for some entitlements (at a minimum, Shared App Groups), the simulator appears to also require the bundle be signed for the APIs to work.

By default, the rules will do what Xcode would otherwise do and will sign the main bundle (with an adhoc signature) when targeting the Simulator. However, this feature can be used to opt out of this if you are more concerned with build speed vs. potential correctness.

Remember, at any time, Apple could do a macOS point release and/or an Xcode release that changes this and opting out of could mean your binary doesn't run under the simulator.

The rules support direct control over this signing via --features=apple.skip_codesign_simulator_bundles.

Disable the signing of simulator bundles:

bazel build --features=apple.skip_codesign_simulator_bundles //your/target

More likely you'll want to do this on a per-target basis such as with:

    features = ["apple.skip_codesign_simulator_bundles"],

Codesigning performance

For larger applications, codesigning the final binary might be a bottleneck in incremental build performance. Michael Eisel discovered a few clever optimizations for improving this performance for debug builds. To use these with bazel you can add something like this to your top level app rule, for example with ios_application:

    name = "dbg",
    values = {"compilation_mode": "dbg"},

    codesignopts = select({
        ":dbg": [
        "//conditions:default": [],
    codesign_inputs = select({
        ":dbg": ["@build_bazel_rules_apple//tools/codesigningtool:disable_signing_resource_rules"],
        "//conditions:default": [],
    toolchains = select({
        "//:dbg": ["@build_bazel_rules_apple//tools/codesigningtool:disable_signing_resource_rules"],
        "//conditions:default": [],

Localization Handling

The Apple bundling rules have two flags for limiting which *.lproj directories are copied as part of your build. Without specifying either the apple.locales_to_include flag or the apple.trim_lproj_locales flag, all locales are copied.

Locale names are explicitly matched; for example pt may not be sufficient as pt_BR or pt_PT is likely the name of the lproj folder. Note that Base.lproj is always included if it exists.

Explicitly Listing Locales

Use --define "apple.locales_to_include=foo,bar,bam" where foo,bar,bam are the exact names of the locales to be included.

This can be used to improve compile/debug/test cycles because most developers only work/test in one language.

Explicitly Excluding Locales

Use --define "apple.locales_to_exclude=foo,bar,bam" where foo,bar,bam are the exact names of the locales to be excluded.

Automatically Trimming Locales

Use --define "apple.trim_lproj_locales=(yes|true|1)" to strip any .lproj folders that don't have a matching .lproj folder in the base of the resource folder(e.g. bundles from Frameworks that are localized).

If a product is pulling in some other component(s) that support more localizations than the product does, this can be used to strip away those extra localizations thereby shrinking the final product sent to the end users.

Info.plist Handling


The infoplists attribute on the Apple rules takes a list of files that will be merged. This allows developers to provide fragments of the final Info.plist and use select() statements to pull in different bits based on different configuration settings. For example, a select() on some config_setting could allow the rule to pull in a file with a different CFBundleDisplayName pair for the TestFlight build.

The merging though is done only at the root level of these plists. If two files being merged have the same key, their values must match. That means if two files both have a value for something (e.g., CFBundleDisplayName), then as long as the values are the same, the build will succeed; but if they have different values, then the build will fail. If a key's value is an array or a dictionary, those values won't be merged and must match to avoid the failure.

Variable Substitution

As the files are merged, the values are recursively checked for variable references and substitutions are made. A reference is made using ${NAME} or $(NAME) notation. Similar to Xcode, the variable reference can get the rfc1034identifier qualifier (i.e., ${NAME:rfc1034identifier}); this will transform the value such that any characters besides 0-9A-Za-z. will be replaced with the - character (i.e., Foo Bar will become Foo-Bar).

Variables Supported

This is the same value as PRODUCT_NAME, but with the an extension appended. If the target supports a bundle_extension attribute, that is used. If it does not, or it is not set, then the Apple default is used based on the target's product type (i.e., .app, .appex, .bundle, etc.).


This is currently hardcoded to en if exists. This is done to support the default Info.plists come from Xcode.


The value of the rule's executable_name attribute if it was given; if not, then the name of the bundle_name attribute if it was given; if not, then the nameof the target.


The value of the rule's bundle_id attribute. If the rule does not have the attribute, it is not supported.


If the rule supports a bundle_name attribute, it is that value. If the rule doesn't have the attribute or the attribute isn't set, then it is the name of the target.


This is an alias for the same value as PRODUCT_NAME. This is done to match some developer expectations from Xcode. Note that, despite the word "TARGET" in the name, it may not always correspond to the BUILD target if the bundle_name attribute is provided.

Variables Explicitly Not Supported

This is a variable commonly used in extensions to specify the NSExtensionPrincipalClass attribute, which signals which class is the entry point to the extension (e.g. $(PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME).ServiceExtension). When not explicitly set, Xcode sets it to the same value as PRODUCT_NAME, which is the name of the Xcode target. This is mostly safe to do when using plain Xcode, as by default it defines one module per target, and all classes belong to that module. When using Bazel to build an extension, through objc_library and/or swift_library, each of the targets defines a new module, which makes it harder to automatically detect the module name which contains the principal class. Because of this reason, this value is not supported and therefore should be explicitly set in your targets' Info.plist files.


Runfiles location for test data

Most likely, test related resources will be bundled within the .xctest bundle itself, but there may be use cases where the test resources are not wanted in the bundle, but instead are needed in the Bazel runfiles location. These resources should be placed into the data attribute of the <platform>_unit_test or <platform>_ui_test targets.

Within the tests you can retrieve the runfiles resources through the TEST_SRCDIR environment variable following this template:


Take for example this BUILD file:

# my/package/BUILD

    name = "MyTest",
    data = ["my_test_resource.txt"],

To read this file from, for example, a Swift test, you'd get the path with something similar to:

// MyTest.swift

  guard let runfilesPath = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["TEST_SRCDIR"],
        let workspaceName = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["TEST_WORKSPACE"],
        let binaryPath = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["TEST_BINARY"]
  else {
    fatalError("Unable to determine runfiles path")
  let resourceFullPath = "\(runfilesPath)/\(workspaceName)/\(binaryPath)\(resourcePath)"

Note: If your test target's name shares the same name as part of its subpath, this will not work i.e. naming your tests something like ModelsTests residing at src/ModelsTests then runfiles will break. To fix this rename the test target to something like ModelsUnitTests

This issue is tracked here

Xcode's Issue navigator

If integrating with Xcode, the relative paths in test binaries can prevent the Issue navigator from working for test failures. To work around this, you can have the paths made absolute via swizzling by enabling the "apple.swizzle_absolute_xcttestsourcelocation" feature. You'll also need to set the BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY environment variable in your scheme to the root of your workspace (i.e. $(SRCROOT)).

Xcode Version Selection and Invalidation

There are a few steps required to properly make Bazel use the right Xcode version. Moreover, a few tricks are needed to make sure that the Bazel server is restarted and certain caches cleared when changing Xcode version using xcode-select.

  1. The first thing you should think about is to enforce a single Xcode version for all your builds to ensure remote cache hits. On top of that, enforcing a single Xcode version speeds up repository setup time. You can achieve this by passing a specific Xcode version config via the --xcode_version_config flag. More details are available in Locking Xcode versions in Bazel.
  2. If your configuration supports multiple Xcode versions, you should pass --xcode_version to specify which version should be used.
  3. In your Bazel wrapper (an executable script place at tools/bazel in your repository, read more here), you should pass a few flags to every invocation or generate and import a bazelrc:
    • Capture xcode-select -p or use the value of DEVELOPER_DIR if available and forward it to repository rules for invalidation when changed: --repo_env=DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/
    • If not using the new Apple CC toolchain available starting in apple_support 1.4.0, pass --repo_env=USE_CLANG_CL=$xcode_version where xcode_version should be the value of xcodebuild -version | tail -1 | cut -d " " -f3 which is unique to each version.
    • If using the new Apple CC toolchain and apple_support 1.7.0 or higher, pass --repo_env=XCODE_VERSION=$xcode_version instead.
    • To invalidate the repository rule when Xcode's path changes but the version doesn't, pass the --host_jvm_args=-Xdock:name=$developer_dir startup flag. This forwards an argument to the JVM which is ignored except for causing the server to restart when its value changes.

The above flags can be passed either directly to each invocation or by generating a bazelrc which is imported from your main .bazelrc. This snippet shows the latter option:



if [[ $OSTYPE == darwin* ]]; then
  xcode_path=$(xcode-select -p)
  xcode_version=$(xcodebuild -version | tail -1 | cut -d " " -f3)
  xcode_build_number=$(/usr/bin/xcodebuild -version 2>/dev/null | tail -1 | cut -d " " -f3)

  bazelrc_lines+=("startup --host_jvm_args=-Xdock:name=$xcode_path")
  bazelrc_lines+=("build --xcode_version=$xcode_version")
  bazelrc_lines+=("build --repo_env=XCODE_VERSION=$xcode_version")
  bazelrc_lines+=("build --repo_env=DEVELOPER_DIR=$xcode_path")

printf '%s\n' "${bazelrc_lines[@]}" > xcode.bazelrc

exec "$bazel_real" "$@"

In your main .bazelrc add import xcode.bazelrc at the very bottom.

Optimizing remote cache and build execution performance

When using Bazel's remote cache and/or build execution, there are a few flags you can pass to optimize performance. One of those flags is --modify_execution_info, which allows adding or removing execution info for specific mnemonics, which in turn allows you to configure what is cached or built remotely.

We recommend adding the following to your .bazelrc:

common --modify_execution_info=^(BitcodeSymbolsCopy|BundleApp|BundleTreeApp|DsymDwarf|DsymLipo|GenerateAppleSymbolsFile|ObjcBinarySymbolStrip|CppArchive|CppLink|ObjcLink|ProcessAndSign|SignBinary|SwiftArchive|SwiftStdlibCopy)$=+no-remote,^(BundleResources|ImportedDynamicFrameworkProcessor)$=+no-remote-exec

The following table provides a rationale for each mnemonic and tag. In general though, the mnemonics that are excluded in --modify_execution_info are excluded because they produce or work on large outputs which change frequently and as such are faster when run locally, or they are not generally configured for remote execution (such as signing).

Mnemonics Tag Rationale
BundleApp, BundleTreeApp, ProcessAndSign no-remote Produces a large bundle, which is inefficient to upload and download
CppArchive, CppLink, ObjcLink, SwiftArchive no-remote Linked binaries have local paths, and it's slower to download them versus linking locally
SwiftStdlibCopy no-remote Processing Swift stdlib is a quick file copy of a locally available resource, so it's not worth uploading or downloading
BitcodeSymbolsCopy, DsymDwarf, DsymLipo, GenerateAppleSymbolsFile no-remote-exec Processing dSYMs/Symbols remotely requires uploading the linked binary; this could go away if you switch to uploading linked binaries
ImportedDynamicFrameworkProcessor no-remote-exec Processing dynamic frameworks remotely incurs an upload and download of the same blob
ObjcBinarySymbolStrip no-remote-exec Stripping binaries remotely requires uploading the linked binary; this could go away if you switch to uploading linked binaries
ProcessAndSign, SignBinary no-remote-exec RBE is not generally configured for code signing
BundleApp, BundleResources, BundleTreeApp, ImportedDynamicFrameworkProcessor, ProcessAndSign, SignBinary no-remote-exec These actions are inefficient to do remotely, but in large numbers downloading can be efficient