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268 lines (213 loc) · 9.32 KB


exec_properties.bzl contains the following Starlark macros:

  • rbe_exec_properties
  • custom_exec_properties
  • create_rbe_exec_properties_dict


rbe_exec_properties is a Starlark macro that can be called from the WORKSPACE file. It wraps a repo rule that creates a local repository. This local repository contains a set of standard constants each of which contains a dictionary of remote execution properties that are consumable by RBE.

A standard name for this repository is exec_properties, and that's the name that should generally be used.


custom_exec_properties is a Starlark macro that can be called from the WORKSPACE file. It wraps a repo rule that creates a local repository. This local repository contains a set of user-defined constants, each of which contains a dictionary of remote execution properties.

It is highly recommended to use a globally unique name for this repo rule (and definitely not exec_properties) for reasons that are discussed in more details below.


create_rbe_exec_properties_dict is a Starlark macro that creates a dictionary of remote execution properties. create_rbe_exec_properties_dict ensures that the created dictionary is compatible with what RBE supports.

Use cases

The following are some use cases showing how these repo rules should be used.

Use case 1 - The standard use case:

In the WORKSPACE file, call

    name = "exec_properties",

This creates a local repo @exec_properties with standard RBE execution property constants. For example, NETWORK_ON which is the dict {"dockerNetwork" : "standard"}. (For the full list of these constants see STANDARD_PROPERTY_SETS in exec_properties.bzl.)

Then, in some BUILD file in your Bazel project, you can reference this execution property constant as follows:

load("@exec_properties//:constants.bzl", "NETWORK_ON")
   exec_properties = NETWORK_ON,

Use case 2 - local execution

If Bazel is set up so that the targets are executed locally, then the contents of exec_properties are ignored.

Use case 3 - non-RBE remote execution:

Let's assume that the non-RBE remote execution endpoint provides a macro similar to rbe_exec_properties (say other_re_exec_properties), which populates the same constants (e.g. NETWORK_ON) with possibly different dict values. In this case, the WORKSPACE would, presumably, look like this:

    name = "exec_properties",

And the targets in the BUILD files will be able to depend on targets from other Bazel projects that were written with RBE in mind, as the name of the repo defined in the WORKSPACE (exec_properties in this case) is the same. That is why the repo name exec_properties does not contain the word RBE.

Use case 4 - rbe_exec_properties with override_constants:

Let's now assume that a particular Bazel project, running with a particular RBE setup, wants to run all its remote execution actions without network access, possibly for the sake of identifying any network dependencies. This would be achieved as follows.

In the WORKSPACE file, call

    name = "exec_properties",
    override_constants = {
        "NETWORK_ON": create_rbe_exec_properties_dict(docker_network = "off"),

This would override the meaning of NETWORK_ON for this Bazel project only. For this override to work, we depend on targets marking their network dependecy by using NETWORK_ON that was loaded from the repo @exec_properties.

Use case 5 - custom execution properties

In this scenario, let's assume that a target is best run remotely on a high memory GCE machine. Let's also assume that the RBE setup associated with the Bazel project where the target is defined has workers of type n1-highmem-8.

Setting exec_properties = {"gceMachineType" : "n1-highmem-8"} is problematic because it does not lend itself to another Bazel project depending on this target in all cases. See anti-patterns below. Unlike the case of NETWORK_ON, rbe_exec_properties does not provide a standard HIGH_MEM_MACHINE execution property constant (although it might do so in the future).

The recommended way for a Bazel project (let's call this project, project A) to define this high-mem dependency is as follows:

In the WORKSPACE file, call:

    name = "proj_a_prefix_high_mem_machine_exec_property",
    constants = {
        "HIGH_MEM_MACHINE": create_rbe_exec_properties_dict(gce_machine_type = "n1-highmem-8"),

And then in the BUILD file:

load("@proj_a_prefix_high_mem_machine_exec_property//:constants.bzl", "HIGH_MEM_MACHINE")
    exec_properties = HIGH_MEM_MACHINE,

A depending Bazel project (project B) must also call custom_exec_properties in its WORKSPACE and map HIGH_MEM_MACHINE. It may, for whatever reason, decide to map it to something else.

    name = "proj_a_prefix_high_mem_machine_exec_property",
    constants = {
        "HIGH_MEM_MACHINE": ...,


As alluded to in the use cases described above, there are some anti-patterns to avoid.

Anti-pattern 1 - Do not populate the exec_properties dict manually.

⚠️ Warning: Avoid creating a dict that looks like this.

    "gceMachineType" : "n1-highmem-8",
    "dockerPrivileged" : "True",
    "dockerSiblingContainers" : "True",

Instead, always prefer using create_rbe_exec_properties_dict like so:

    gce_machine_type = "n1-highmem-8",
    docker_privileged = True,
    docker_sibling_containers = True,

create_rbe_exec_properties_dict is better because typos in key names will be caught early, while parsing the Bazel code, instead of having RBE just ignore keys that it doesn't recognize and having the developer spend more time that is necessary trying to figure out what went wrong. Furthermore, create_rbe_exec_properties_dict will perform some validation about the values.

Anti-pattern 2 - Do not call create_rbe_exec_properties_dict from a target.

Instead create_rbe_exec_properties_dict should be called from the WORKSPACE in the context of creating a local repo, typically using custom_exec_properties. It can also be called from a BUILD file in the context of defining a platform.

Here is what might go wrong if it is called directly when populating the exec_properties field of a target.

Let's assume that Bazel project A defines a foo_library target that, if executed remotely on RBE, should run on a high memory machine such as n1-highmem-8. So the target looks like this:

⚠️ Warning: Do not do this!

   exec_properties = create_rbe_exec_properties_dict(gce_machine_type = "n1-highmem-8"),

Now let's assume that Bazel project B has a target that transitively depeneds on project A's target :my_lib. If the bazel invocation is configured to execute remotely, it will only be able to execute :my_lib on a worker whose machine type is n1-highmem-8.

This can be problematic for a few reasons. Perhaps for cost reasons, the owners of project B do not maintain such machines and instead want to build this foo_library on n1-highmem-4 machines. Or perhaps, they are using a different remote execution end point (not RBE) that defines a completely different way to specify that an action runs remotely on a high memory machine. If this is the case, project B will not be able to depend on project A's target :my_lib.

The proper way for project A to define this dependency on high memory machines is descibed in use case 5 above.

Anti-pattern 3 - Do not create repo names that are not properly prefixed.

When creating local repos, other than @exec_properties, using rbe_exec_properties and when creating any local repos using custom_exec_properties, add a prefix to the repo name to make it globally unique. This is important in order to avoid name clashes with other Bazel projects.

Here is an example of what might go wrong.

Bazel project A's WORKSPACE contains the following snippet:

⚠️ Warning: Do not do this!

    name = "my_exec_properties",
    constants = {
        "MY_DOCKER_FLAGS": create_some_combination_of_exec_properties_docker_flags(),

And project A defines in one of its BUILD files, a foo_library that uses this constant MY_DOCKER_FLAGS.

Similarly Bazel project B's WORKSPACE contains a very similar snippet, which uses the same local repo name and the same constant name as project A does, but with a different content.

⚠️ Warning: Do not do this either!

    name = "my_exec_properties",
    constants = {
        "MY_DOCKER_FLAGS": create_some_other_combination_of_exec_properties_docker_flags(),

The owners of projects A and B are unaware of each other, but Bazel project C, has some targets that depend on project A and other targets that depend on project B. That means that project C will have to define a local repo @my_exec_properties which contains a constant MY_DOCKER_FLAGS. But it will not be able to do so in a way that will not break at least one of its dependencies.