Install this extension using the below CLI command
az extension add --name hardware-security-modules
To see examples of commands and parameters details of commands or command groups, one should run the command of interest with a -h
az dedicated-hsm create -h
az dedicated-hsm list -h
az dedicated-hsm update -h
To create a dedicate hardware security module, one must have already setup all of the following in Azure:
- A subnet for the HSMs in the specified VNET (delegation must be set to HSM)
- A subnet for the virtual network gateway
- A public IP address for the gateway
More instructions can be found at:
An example of CLI commands that would setup a very basic network that manages a dedicated HSM via a VM would be:
az feature register --namespace Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules --name AzureDedicatedHSM
az feature register --namespace Microsoft.Network --name AllowBaremetalServers
az network vnet create --name vn -g rg1 --subnet-name default
az vm create -g rg1 --name vm1 --image UbuntuLTS
az network vnet subnet create --vnet-name vn -n GatewaySubnet -g rg1 --address-prefix
az network vnet subnet create --vnet-name vn -g rg1 --name hsm --address-prefixes --delegations Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/dedicatedHSMs
az network public-ip create -n ERGWVIP -g rg1 --allocation-method Dynamic
az network vnet-gateway create -n ERGW -l japaneast --public-ip-address ERGWVIP -g rg1 --vnet vn --sku standard --gateway-type ExpressRoute