A collection of tensorflow code for training segmentation and classification networks.
This repository contains a collection of code to train and evaluate state-of-the-art segmentation and classification networks.
Specifically, it contains code for:
- ADNI Alzheimer's classification
- ACDC cardiac challenge segmentation
- NCI ISBI prostate challenge segmentation
- Segmentation and classification of synthetic toy data
It includes wrappers and implementations for many state-of-the-art deep learning techniques such as:
- U-Net (2D and 3D)
- Resnet34
- Identity Resnet34
- Aggregating gradient updates over multiple batches
- Normalisation layers (batch norm, group norm, instance norm, layer norm, batch renorm)
- Saliency maps (guided backprop, class activation mappings (CAM) and more)
- etc.
- Christian F. Baumgartner (email)
Contributions by:
- Ender Konukoglu (code for synthetic data generation)
- Krishna Chaitanya (code for reading NCI prostate data, code for elastic data augmentation)
- Yigit Baran Can (code for CRF-RNN layer)
- Lisa Koch (code for ACDC evaluation)
- Firat Ozdemir (code for summing over batches in Dice calculation)
- Robin Brügger (help with elastic data augmentation)
- Python 3.4 (only tested with 3.4.3)
- Tensorflow (tested with 1.2.0 and 1.8.0)
- The remainder of the requirements are given in
Clone the repository by typing
git clone https://github.com/baumgach/discriminative_learning_toolkit.git
Create an environment with Python 3.4. If you use virutalenv it
might be necessary to first upgrade pip (pip install --upgrade pip
Next, install the required packages listed in the requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then, install tensorflow:
pip install tensorflow==1.8
pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.8
Open the config/system.py
and edit all the paths there to match your system.
Next, open classifier_train.py
or segmenter_train.py
and, at the top of the file, select the experiment you want to run (or simply use the default).
Make sure the data path in your chosen experiment config file points to a location accesible from your workstation.
To train a classification model run:
python classifier_train.py
or to train a segmentation model run:
python segmenter_train.py
WARNING: When you run the code on CPU, you need around 12 GB of RAM. Make sure your system is up to the task. If not you can try reducing the batch size, or simplifying the network.
In system.py
, a log directory was defined. By default it is called logdir
. You can start a tensorboard
session in order to monitor the training of the network(s) by typing the following in a shell with your virtualenv
tensorboard --logdir=logdir --port 8008
Then, navigate in your web browser to localhost:8008 in your browser to open tensorboard.
You can also set the logdir to logdir/segmenter
if you only want to show the
segmentation logs.
At any point during the training, or after, you can evaluate your model by typing the following:
python segmenter_test_predictions.py logdir/segmenter/acdc_unet_xent
where you have to adapt the line to match your experiment. Note that, the path must be given relative to your working directory. Giving the full path will not work.
Instructions for setting everything up to run this code on the Biwi GPU infrastructure can be found here.
Don't forget to change the at_biwi
option in config/system.py
- None yet