- 29/6/2015 - Bugfixes, localisation
- 27/2/2015 - Validation of files on Client and Server (see section Validation)
- 26/2/2015 - Custom built templates
- 21/2/2015 - File caching now supported, configuration of mimeTypes to serve
- 18/2/2015 - Full support for Cordova!
- 23/1/2015:
- Full support for Semantic UI
- Breaking change in 'getFileInfo', 'getDirectory' and 'finished' callbacks, which is now passing
object instead of just a file name and folder. See documentation. - Possibility to automatically create directories on server
- Possibility to delete files on server with UploadServer.delete(path), see DEMO
- Possibility to easily modify the looks of the upload component or even add new upload templates for various frameworks by modifying the Uploader.UI. classes
- Several bug fixes
- Update the DEMO application to showcase all current possibilities
- 1/12/2014 Now with drag and drop support!!!
WARNING If you plan to deploy your solution to free *.meteor.com servers, this solution is not for you, since you have no write access outside of standard Meteor directories. Please use CollectionFS instead.
These packages allow you to easily setup a file upload service to your Meteor server. This solution has following perks:
- Uses the famous jQuery file upload system from blueimp.
- As a result you can upload any file size (default limit 11GB)
- Displays upload progress
- Uploads can be canceled
- You can upload multiple files
- Images can be resized to various sizes using the imagemagick
- NEW! Support for Semantic UI!
- NEW! You can use drag and drop to upload your files!
- Saves and serves file from arbitrary folder on your server. This solves problems with hot-code reload, when files are saved into Meteor's public directory
- Possibility to save files to subfolders
- Possibility to rename files on the server
- Simple configuration and installation! No need to install 10+ packages like with Collection-FS solution
Please note that since we are using blueimp's juery solution, this solution has a full potential of performing client image resizes, chunked uploads, upload resume and more. These features will be gradually added. Pull requests are welcome!
For all the screen-shots, please scroll to the bottom of the page.
Install packages
$ meteor add tomi:upload-server
$ meteor add tomi:upload-jquery
Install ImageMagick (if you plan to use image resizing)
If you want to use Imagemagick, follow these install instructions on your server. Then install node tools for imagemagick.
npm install -g imagemagick
Create directory in the application root
mkdir -p .uploads/tmp
Configure server
Meteor.startup(function () {
tmpDir: process.env.PWD + '/.uploads/tmp',
uploadDir: process.env.PWD + '/.uploads/',
checkCreateDirectories: true //create the directories for you
Configure client (only necessary if deploying as a Cordova app)
Meteor.startup(function() {
Uploader.uploadUrl = Meteor.absoluteUrl("upload"); // Cordova needs absolute URL
Use template with bootstrap or semantic UI support
<template name="yourTemplate">
{{> upload_bootstrap }}
<template name="yourTemplate">
{{> upload_semanticUI }}
You can also use the drag and drop zone!
<template name="yourTemplate">
{{> dropzone }}
If you are using dropzone, you may want to set-up some css styles to give your user some visual cues:
.jqDropZone {
background: lightgrey;
width: 150px;
height: 50px;
line-height: 50px;
text-align: center;
font-weight: bold;
.jqDropZone.in {
width: 600px;
height: 200px;
line-height: 200px;
font-size: larger;
.jqDropZone.hover {
background: lawngreen;
.jqDropZone.fade {
-webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
-moz-transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
-ms-transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
-o-transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
opacity: 1;
The installation is very simple and consists of installing two packages:
$ meteor add tomi:upload-server
$ meteor add tomi:upload-jquery
I have separated these two packages, because often you will want to run your upload service as a separate application. There are several options supported by blueimp, such as Java, ASP, Ruby and more or even node.js Express server installed via NPM. If you wish to use self standing server, install only the tomi:upload-jquery package.
First, we need to initialise the server and configure upload paths. We also allow server to create directories for us:
Meteor.startup(function () {
tmpDir: '/Users/tomi/Documents/Uploads/tmp',
uploadDir: '/Users/tomi/Documents/Uploads/',
checkCreateDirectories: true,
getDirectory: function(fileInfo, formData) {
// create a sub-directory in the uploadDir based on the content type (e.g. 'images')
return formData.contentType;
finished: function(fileInfo, formFields) {
// perform a disk operation
cacheTime: 100,
mimeTypes: {
"xml": "application/xml",
"vcf": "text/x-vcard"
Following options are available for UploadServer.init(options):
Field | Type | Default | Description |
tmpDir | String | null | Temporary upload directory |
checkCreateDirectories | Boolean | false | Creates the upload and tmp directory if it does not exist |
uploadDir | String | null | Path to the upload directory |
uploadUrl | String | '/upload/' | Upload route |
validateRequest | function | function(request) - Warning - Does not run in fibre, you have no access to collections | |
validateFile | function | function(fileInfo) - Warning - Does not run in fibre, you have no access to collections | |
maxPostSize | int | 11000000000 | Maximum post size (11 GB) |
minFileSize | int | 1 | Minimum file size |
maxFileSize | int | 10000000000 | Maximum file size (10 GB) |
overwrite | Boolean | false | overwrites existing file, rather than adds numerical suffix |
acceptFileTypes | RegEx | /.+/i, | Accepted types of files (e.g. prohibit .exe) |
imageTypes | RegEx | /.(gif|jpe?g|png)$/i | Images which can be resized with Imagemagick |
imageVersions | Object | {} | Defines the sizes of images which will be converted and saved to upload directory. For example {thumbnailBig: {width: 400, height: 300}, thumbnailSmall: {width: 200, height: 100}} |
crop | Boolean | false | Crops the image rather than resizes |
getDirectory | function | functions which decides the subdirectory in which the file will be saved. If this function is not defined, no sub-directory is created. For example: function(fileInfo, formData) { return '/my/sub/directory'; } |
getFileName | function | Renames the file on the server. In no function is specified, file is saved with the original file name. For example: function(fileInfo, formData) { return 'Saved-' + file.name; } |
finished | function | Callback - You have full access to collections, but you do not have access to Meteor.userId() since upload process runs in its own fiber. | |
cacheTime | int | 86400 | Cache time, set 0 to disable cache |
mimeTypes | Object | see here | List of available mime types |
In callbacks we pass the fileInfo
with the following structure:
Field | Type | Description |
name | String | File name |
size | Number | Size in Bytes |
type | String | MIME file type (e.g. 'text/html') |
path | String | Path relative to upload directory |
url | String | Full url to the uploaded file |
On client we have a possibility to use pre-defined templates for Bootstrap or Semantic UI, or use the dropzone. We can use several upload forms on the page. We can provide extra data to upload control via formData
parameter. We can also limit the file type available for the file picker using parameter fileTypes
. Following is an example of how you can include the upload form on your page:
<template name="home">
{{> upload_bootstrap fileTypes='.jpg' multiple=true formData=specificFormData }}
<template name="home">
<h3>Drag and drop image on the target area</h3>
{{> dropzone contentType='images' fileTypes='.jpg' multiple=true formData=specificFormData }}
Now, you need to specify the formData
in the helper:
specificFormData: function() {
return {
id: this._id,
other: this.other,
hard: 'Lolcats'
Following options are available for the template:
Field | Type | Default | Description |
contentType | String | null | Describes the content that is uploaded via this control. This becomes part of the 'formData' |
fileTypes | String | null | Limits selection of files to specified extensions |
multiple | bool | true | Allows to select and upload of multiple files at the same time |
formData | Object | null | If necessary, we can send extra form data to the server, this is then available in callbacks under 'formData' |
We can also hook onto upload callbacks just like following:
// file: client/init.js
Meteor.startup(function() {
Uploader.finished = function(index, fileInfo, templateContext) {
If you have several different upload controls on a page and you can execute different callbacks by passing them to the template:
<template name="home">
{{> upload_bootstrap callbacks=myCallbacks }}
And then pass the finished in the callback from helper
myCallbacks: function() {
return {
finished: function(index, fileInfo, context) { ... },
If you wish to use custom URL for your uploads this can be configured as following:
Uploader.uploadUrl = 'http://yoururl';
All texts of the upload control can be set via following setting:
Uploader.localisation = {
browse: "Browse",
cancelled: "Cancelled",
remove: "Remove",
upload: "Upload",
done: "Done",
cancel: "Cancel"
You can set the log level via Uploader.logLevel = Uploader.logLevels.debug
It is possible to validate the uploaded file both on client and on server.
On client you pass the validation function via helper, just like for the finished callback:
<template name="home">
{{> upload_bootstrap callbacks=myCallbacks }}
And then pass the finished in the callback from helper
myCallbacks: function() {
return {
validate: function(file) { ... }
On server, you can configure validation of both, request and the uploaded file using following two functions:
Meteor.startup(function () {
validateRequest: function(req) { return true; }
validateFile: function(req) { return true; }
It is easy to create a custom template. Following is an example of such:
<template name="customUpload">
<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" class="jqUploadclass" data-form-data='{{ submitData }}'>
{{#with infoLabel}}
{{ infoLabel}} <button class="start">StartUpload</button>
<div style="width: 200px; height: 30px; border: 1px solid black">
<div style="background: red; height: 30px; width: {{ progress }}">
{{ progress }}
Template.customUpload.created = function() {
Template.customUpload.rendered = function () {
'click .start': function (e) {
Uploader.startUpload.call(Template.instance(), e);
'infoLabel': function() {
var instance = Template.instance();
// we may have not yet selected a file
var info = instance.info.get()
if (!info) {
var progress = instance.globalInfo.get();
// we display different result when running or not
return progress.running ?
info.name + ' - ' + progress.progress + '% - [' + progress.bitrate + ']' :
info.name + ' - ' + info.size + 'B';
'progress': function() {
return Template.instance().globalInfo.get().progress + '%';
- 503 (Service Unavailable) can have following two reasons
- You have incorrectly set up your directories for upload or directories have no rights for writing. Please check your server console for any messages.
- If server console is clean, the problem could be on client with JS debugging tools such as Firebug. Please disable any JS debugging tool and restart your browser. Problem should disappear.
Single file image upload with preview:
Multiple file upload with queue: