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Basilisp includes a basic CLI tool which can be used to start a local :ref:`repl` session, run some code as a string or from a file, or execute the test suite using the builtin PyTest integration.


Basilisp exposes all of it's available configuration options as CLI flags and environment variables, with the CLI flags taking precedence. All Basilisp CLI subcommands which include configuration note the available configuration options when the -h and --help flags are given. Generally the Basilisp CLI configuration options are simple passthroughs that correspond to :ref:`configuration options for the compiler <compiler_configuration>`.

PYTHONPATH Configuration

Basilisp uses the PYTHONPATH environment variable and :external:py:data:`sys.path` to determine where to look for Basilisp code when :ref:`requiring namespaces <namespace_requires>`. Additional values may be set using the -p (or --include-path) CLI flags. Depending on how Basilisp is invoked from the CLI, an additional entry will automatically be added unless explicitly disabled using --include-unsafe-path=false:

  • An empty string (which implies the current working directory) will be prepended to the sys.path in the following cases:
    • Starting a REPL
    • Running a string of code directly (using run -c)
    • Running code directly from stdin (using run -)
    • Running a namespace directly (using run -n)
  • When running a script directly (as by run /path/to/script.lpy), the parent directory of the script will be prepended to sys.path
.. seealso::


Start a REPL Session

Basilisp's CLI includes a basic REPL client powered using Prompt Toolkit (and optionally colored using Pygments if you installed the pygments extra). You can start the local REPL client with the following command.

basilisp repl

The builtin REPL supports basic code completion suggestions, syntax highlighting (if Pygments is installed), multi-line editing, and cross-session history.


You can exit the REPL by entering an end-of-file ("EOF") character by pressing Ctrl+D at your keyboard.

Start an nREPL Session

An nREPL server provides an interactive REPL environment for remote code execution and development from an editor.

Basilisp's CLI incorporates an nREPL server adapted from nbb.

Start from an editor with a Clojure extension supporting Basilisp


The extension's Jack-in command is used to start an nREPL session and connect your editor to it.

With Emacs CIDER v1.14 and Visual Studio Code Calva v2.0.453 or later, you can Jack-in to a Basilisp project directly. The extensions also recognize Basilisp .lpy files as Clojure files.

To Jack-in to a Basilisp project

  1. Ensure that a basilisp.edn file is present at the root of your project, even if it is empty.
  2. Run the Jack-in command in your editor and select Basilisp if prompted. The Editor should then start the server and connect to it.

Start from an editor with a Clojure extension not yet supporting Basilisp


The extension's connect command is used to connect your editor to a running nREPL server. It requires the port number where the server is running at.


Basilisp code files use the .lpy filename suffix. You might need to adjust your editor's extension settings to recognize this suffix as a Clojure file. Alternatively, you can evaluate code inside .clj files, though importing these files from other Basilisp files might not be possible due to the different file extension.

If your editor extension does not yet support Basilisp, or if you prefer more control over the nREPL server, you can start the server from the command line and connect to using your extension's connect command.

The nREPL server when started will provide the host and port number it is listening on.

To view available command line options, use

basilisp nrepl-server -h

To start the server on a random port, use

basilisp nrepl-server
# => nREPL server started on port 50407 on host - nrepl://

To start the server on a specific port, use

basilisp nrepl-server --port 8889
#=> nREPL server started on port 8889 on host - nrepl://

Some extensions can connect to a running server automatically by looking for a .nrepl-port file at the root of the project. This file contains the port the server is listening on.

The nrepl-server command will generate this file in the current working directory where the server is started. If your extension's connect command looks for this file, run the server command from the root of the project, so that is generated in there

cd <project-root-directory>
basilisp nrepl-server
#=> nREPL server started on port 632128 on host - nrepl://

Alternatively, specify the full path where this file should be generated using the --port-filepath CLI option

basilisp nrepl-server --port-filepath <project-root-directory>/.nrepl-port
#=> nREPL server started on port 62079 on host - nrepl://

Run Basilisp Code

You can run Basilisp code from a string or by directly naming a file with the CLI as well.

basilisp run -c '(+ 1 2 3)'
basilisp run path/to/some/file.lpy

Any arguments passed to basilisp run beyond the name of the file or the code string will be bound to the var :lpy:var:`*command-line-args*` as a vector of strings. If no arguments are provided, *command-line-args* will be nil.

$ basilisp run -c '(println *command-line-args*)' 1 2 3
[1 2 3]
$ basilisp run -c '(println *command-line-args*)'

Run Basilisp as an Application

Python applications don't have nearly as many constraints on their entrypoints as do Java applications. Nevertheless, developers may have a clear entrypoint in mind when designing their application code. In such cases, it may be desirable to take advantage of the computed Python :external:py:data:`sys.path` to invoke your entrypoint. To do so, you can use the basilisp run -n flag to invoke an namespace directly:

basilisp run -n package.core

When invoking your Basilisp code via namespace name, the specified namespace name will be bound to the var :lpy:var:`*main-ns*` as a symbol. This allows you to gate code which should only be executed when this namespace is executed as an entrypoint, but would otherwise allow you to require the namespace normally.

(when (= *main-ns* 'package.core)

This approximates the Python idiom of gating execution on import using if __name__ == "__main__":.

This variant of basilisp run also permits users to provide command line arguments bound to :lpy:var:`*command-line-args*` as described above.


Only basilisp run -n binds the value of :lpy:var:`*main-ns*`. In all other cases, it will be nil.

Run Basilisp Tests

If you installed the PyTest extra, you can also execute your test suite using the Basilisp CLI.

basilisp test

Because Basilisp defers all testing logic to PyTest, you can use any standard PyTest arguments and flags from this entrypoint.

Bootstrap Python Installation

For some installations, it may be desirable to have Basilisp readily importable whenever the Python interpreter is started. You can enable that as described in :ref:`bootstrapping`:

basilisp bootstrap

If you would like to remove the bootstrapped Basilisp from your installation, you can remove it:

basilisp bootstrap --uninstall