vagrant starter kit
Virtualbox =>
Vagrant =>
vagrant-hostmanager => vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
vagrant-cachier (optional) => vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
vagrant-puppet-install (optional) => vagrant plugin install vagrant-puppet-install
vagrant-triggers (optional) => vagrant plugin install vagrant-triggers
git submodule update --init
vagrant up
the puppet master deploys a fairly default hiera.yaml
[vagrant@puppetmaster ~]$ cat /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml
# Managed by puppet
- yaml
- "node/%{::hostname}"
- "environment/%{::environment}"
- "common"
:datadir: "/var/lib/hiera"
Place your own manifests in this directory. A fairly standard default.pp is already present.
Place your own modules in this directory. 5 modules are already present one of which is stdlib.