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ErLine DHT

Kademlia based Mainline DHT (BEP5: implementation in Erlang.
Derivative project from

  • Buckets can contain K nodes where by default K=8.
  • If bucket is full, all other nodes will be placed in the pseudo-bucket - not assigned nodes list.
  • Every node in the bucket is pinged every 6-12 min (random amount from the range).
  • Every bucket is checked every 1-3 min (random amount from the range).
  • If during the check some active node last respond was more than 14 min ago - that node becomes suspicious and it is tried to ping one more time.
  • If during the check some suspicious node last respond was more than 15 min ago - that node becomes not active.
  • If node in the bucket becomes not active, it can be automatically replaced with active node from not assigned nodes list.

Start ErLine DHT node explicitly. Should be used only when {auto_start, false} in sys.config. If node port is specified, node will try to start on that port. Otherwise port will be taken from sys.config or will be selected randomly.

    NodeName :: atom()
) -> ok


    NodeName :: atom(),
    Port     :: inet:port_number()
) -> ok

Stop ErLine DHT node:

    NodeName :: atom()
) -> ok

Add a new node with unknown hash to the bucket:

    NodeName    :: atom(),
    Ip          :: inet:ip_address(),
    Port        :: inet:port_number()
) -> ok

Add a new node with known hash to the bucket (if bucket is full, node will be added to the not assigned nodes list):

    NodeName    :: atom(),
    Ip          :: inet:ip_address(),
    Port        :: inet:port_number(),
    Hash        :: binary()
) -> ok.

Try to find peers for the info hash in the network:

    NodeName    :: atom(),
    InfoHash    :: binary()
) -> ok.

Try to get peers for the info hash from one node:

    NodeName    :: atom(),
    Ip          :: inet:ip_address(),
    Port        :: inet:port_number(),
    InfoHash    :: binary()
) -> ok.

Return all nodes information in the bucket (distance() will be: 0..erlang:bit_size(YourNodeHash) or by default: 0..160):

    NodeName    :: atom(),
    Distance    :: distance()
) -> [#{ip              => inet:ip_address(),
        port            => inet:port_number(),
        hash            => binary(),
        status          => active | suspicious | not_active,
        last_changed    => calendar:datetime()}].

Return all not assigned nodes information:

    NodeName :: atom()
) ->
    [#{ip              => inet:ip_address(),
       port            => inet:port_number(),
       hash            => binary(),
       last_changed    => calendar:datetime()}].

Return not assigned nodes of the specified distance information:

    NodeName :: atom(),
    Distance :: distance()
) -> [#{ip              => inet:ip_address(),
        port            => inet:port_number(),
        hash            => binary(),
        last_changed    => calendar:datetime()}].

Return amount of nodes in every bucket:

    NodeName :: atom()
) -> [#{distance => distance(), nodes => non_neg_integer()}].

Return UDP socket port of the ErLine DHT client:

    NodeName :: atom()
) -> Port :: inet:port_number().

Return node hash of the ErLine DHT client:

    NodeName :: atom()
) -> Hash :: binary().

Return all known info hashes and their peers IP and port:

    NodeName :: atom()
) -> [#{info_hash => binary(), peers => [{inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()}]}].

Return event manager pid:

    NodeName :: atom()
) -> EventMgrPid :: pid()

Set peer port. If port is set, it will be used as your port in announce_peer request. Otherwise ErLine DHT node port will be used as your peer port. Default: atom undefined (not set):

    NodeName :: atom(),
    Port :: inet:port_number()
) -> ok

Default sys.config for all started nodes:

    {erline_dht, [
        {auto_start, true},
        {auto_bootstrap_nodes, [
            {"", 6881},
            {"", 6881},
            {"", 6881},
            {"", 6881},
            {"", 6881}
        {db_mod, erline_dht_db_ets},
        {limit_nodes, true},
        {k, 8},
        {port, 0},
        {node_hash, 20}
  • auto_start - Whether start node on application start or not. If true - node is started automatically and node name is atom node1. If false - node must be started explicitly with erline_dht:start_node/1 or erline_dht:start_node/2 function.
  • auto_bootstrap_nodes - List of initial nodes and their port used in bootstrapping process just after ErLineDHT start.
  • db_mod - Module used for database queries encapsulation. ErLineDHT uses ETS by default but it can be easily changed by another engine.
  • limit_nodes - If true - ErLine DHT will clear some old nodes from time to time. If false - ErLine DHT will keep all known nodes. Warning! Since there are approximately 10-25 million of Mainline DHT network users, keeping all nodes may consume a lot of memory.
  • k - Amount of nodes in a single bucket.
  • port - If 0 - ErLineDHT will open any free port. If inet:port_number() - first of all, ErLineDHT will try to use specified port but in case it's already in use, ErLineDHT will open socket on any free port.
  • node_hash - If pos_integer() - ErLineDHT will generate random node hash by specified amount. If binary() - ErLineDHT will use specified node hash.

If custom config for every node is required, use such notation:

    {erline_dht, [
        {node_name1, [
            {auto_start, true},
            {auto_bootstrap_nodes, [
                {"", 6881},
                {"", 6881},
                {"", 6881},
                {"", 6881},
                {"", 6881}
            {db_mod, erline_dht_db_ets},
            {limit_nodes, true},
            {k, 8},
            {port, 0},
            {node_hash, 20}
        {node_name2, [
            {auto_start, true},
            {auto_bootstrap_nodes, []},
            {db_mod, erline_dht_db_ets},
            {limit_nodes, false},
            {k, 8},
            {port, 6881},
            {node_hash, 20}

All received queries and responses can be subscribed.

Get event manager pid and attach event handler

EventMgrPid = erline_dht:get_event_mgr_pid(NodeName).
gen_event:add_handler(EventMgrPid, your_dht_event_handler, []).

Or you can always use event manager name, which is registered as atom: 'erline_dht_[YOUR_NODE_NAME]$event_manager'. For example:

gen_event:add_handler('erline_dht_node1$event_manager', your_dht_event_handler, []).

Events which should be handled in the attached handler:

Received ping query from the node:

  • {ping, q, Ip :: inet:ip_address(), Port :: inet:port_number(), NodeHash :: binary()}

Received ping response from the node:

  • {ping, r, Ip :: inet:ip_address(), Port :: inet:port_number(), NodeHash :: binary()}

Received find_node query from the node:

  • {find_node, q, Ip :: inet:ip_address(), Port :: inet:port_number(), {NodeHash :: binary(), Target :: binary()}}

Received find_node response from the node:

  • {find_node, r, Ip :: inet:ip_address(), Port :: inet:port_number(), {NodeHash :: binary(), Nodes :: [#{ip => inet:ip_address(), port => inet:port_number(), hash => binary()}]}}

Received get_peers query from the node:

  • {get_peers, q, Ip :: inet:ip_address(), Port :: inet:port_number(), {NodeHash :: binary(), InfoHash :: binary()}

Received get_peers response with nodes list from the node:

  • {get_peers, r, Ip :: inet:ip_address(), Port :: inet:port_number(), {nodes, NodeHash :: binary(), InfoHash :: binary(), Nodes :: [#{ip => inet:ip_address(), port => inet:port_number(), hash => binary()}]}}

Received get_peers response with peers list from the node:

  • {get_peers, r, Ip :: inet:ip_address(), Port :: inet:port_number(), {peers, NodeHash :: binary(), InfoHash :: binary(), Peers :: [#{ip => inet:ip_address(), port => inet:port_number()}]}}

Received announce_peer query from the node:

  • {announce_peer, q, Ip :: inet:ip_address(), Port :: inet:port_number(), {NodeHash :: binary(), InfoHash :: binary(), PeerPort :: inet:port_number(), Token :: binary()}}

Received announce_peer response from the node:

  • {announce_peer, r, Ip :: inet:ip_address(), Port :: inet:port_number(), NodeHash :: binary()}

Received error response from the node:

  • {error, r, Ip :: inet:ip_address(), Port :: inet:port_number(), {ErrorCode :: 201 | 202 | 203 | 204, ErrorReason :: binary()}

EUnit and CT tests

$ make tests