Both Publisher and Subscription configurations shared the following options.
String. Optional. Default: ENV['ENV'] || ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || ENV['RACK_ENV']
String. Optional. Default: ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID']
AWS Access Key with SQS and SNS rights.
String. Optional. Default: ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']
AWS Secret Access Key.
String. Optional. Default: ENV['AWS_REGION'] || 'us-east-1'
AWS region.
Logger. Optional. Default:
Logger object.
String. Optional. Default: nil
Topic namespace, all topics will have this pre-prended, separated by a hyphen. i.e. If the a given topic namespace is dev-barkbox
and a topic is user_registered
then the full topic will be dev-barkbox-user_registered
Array. Optional. Default: []
List of topics currently configured.
Statsd. Optional. Default:
Statsd object for instrumentation.
Object that responds to call. Optional. Default: nil
Called if internals of a publisher throws an exception.
String. Required.
The name of the SQS queue that will be subscribed to relevant SNS topics.
String. Optional. Default: #{queue_name}-failures
When a subscriber fails to complete a task in a queue n times it will be moved to this queue for manual inspection.