- Debate can occur only between free people. Those who fear for their life, property, career, or reputation cannot be deemed free.
1.a) A debate cannot start without a clearly declared topic.
1.b) The debate topic cannot be compound; it should be simple and integral.
1.c) The topic cannot change during the course of the debate.
2.a) A graded debate can only occur between opponents and supporters. We cannot guarantee that others will put in their best effort.
Debate is not an entertainment sport.
2.b) Parties can seek help from outsiders. The goal is not to determine who is the best but to find what is right.
2.c) Humor can be used, but it must not weaken the discussion. Often, people resort to jokes when they run out of arguments.
2.d) The claimant has the obligation to prove their claims.
2.e) Information without references is deemed absent.
2.f) Information that is impossible to prove by nature is deemed absent.
2.g) Information that is not disclosed is deemed absent.
Example: "I know a lot of things, but I can't share them..."
2.h) Anecdotal or popular information is not assumed to be correct; it must also be proven.
2.i) A person's previous mistakes do not degrade the person themselves. Defects of people cannot be used against them if they are unrelated to their claims.
2.j) An opponent's mistakes do not make another's mistake relatively less faulty.
We question mistakes in the name of absolute truth.
2.k) A mistake made to correct another mistake cannot be deemed correct.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
3.a) Beliefs cannot be discussed directly. They can only be debated once removed from their religious context.
3.b) When intelligence and oral information contradict each other, intelligence should prevail.
4.a) People cannot be targeted in a debate. The actions of people should be debated, not the people themselves.
4.b) A debate should only be started when parties intend to seek the truth, not to win.
5.a) After a debate, only ideas should be discussed, not individuals.
5.b) The loser should be congratulated for helping the truth to surface.
5.c) The loser should feel happy to have been rid of a misconception or misinformation.