Tags: barbershop/freegeoip
Move freegeoip daemon code to its own package Moving contents from cmd/freegeoip/main.go to apiserver package for better test coverage. This change updates the -addr command line flag and its behavior, and is backwards incomplatible. People using -addr must switch over to using -http now. In order to enable HTTPS, one must use -https and the server might listen on both HTTP and HTTPS. The -pprof flag changed to -internal-server and serves not only pprof but also metrics for prometheus (http://prometheus.io). These are under /debug/pprof (https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/pprof/) and /metrics accordingly. Bringing back the -read-timeout and -write-timeout command line flags for server tuning. Fixed a race condition bug in the redis quota algorithm, at the exchange of 1 redis incr per request following advice from pattern fiorix#2 from http://redis.io/commands/incr. Also added rate limit response headers for all HTTP and HTTPS requests, inspired by GitHub's API: X-RateLimit-Limit: number of requests allowed per interval (def. 1h) X-RateLimit-Remaining: number of requests remaining, per user X-RateLimit-Reset: time in seconds before resetting the limit Added the -logtostdout command line flag to close fiorix#146. Minor fix to the background database download back off algorithm, added -api-prefix and -cors-origin command line flags, and tests.