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PRONOTE protocol

This document describes the communication protocol used by PRONOTE. All communication is JSON and HTTP(S) based except for the initial request of which response is HTML. Session cookies are not necessary for a PRONOTE connection, although may be when connecting using an ENT (CAS).

  • All URLs in this document are on a single host. A demo version of PRONOTE can be found at
  • Any information in this document is subject to change. Everything was gathered through looking at the client-side javascript and network traffic between PRONOTE and a browser.

Session creation

Step 1

To create a session a simple GET request must be made to any of the following addresses, depending on the user type:

  • /pronote/direction.html
  • /pronote/professeur.html
  • /pronote/viescolaire.html
  • /pronote/parent.html
  • /pronote/accompagnant.html
  • /pronote/eleve.html
  • /pronote/entreprise.html
  • /pronote/academie.html
  • /pronote/inscription.html

The request must have an up-to-date user agent header, otherwise PRONOTE will return HTML telling the client is incompatible.

A successful response will be HTML with a generated session id and other parameters telling the client how the PRONOTE instance is set up in the body element's onload attribute.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="fr" xmlns="">
 <body id="id_body" role="application" onload="try { Start ({h:'2052117',sCrA:true,sCoA:true,a:3,d:true,MR:'LONG NUMBER',ER:'ANOTHER INSANELY LONG NUMBER'}) } catch (e) { messageErreur (e) } " class="EspaceIndex">

Successful response

Parameters in onload ({h:'2052117',sCrA:true,sCoA:true,a:3,d:true,MR:'LONG NUMBER',ER:'ANOTHER INSANELY LONG NUMBER'}):

  • h: session id, a unique number (received as a string) identifying the current session
  • sCrA: skip request encryption. (true - do not encrypt, false - encrypt) More information in the encryption section.
  • sCoA: skip request compression. (true - do not compress, false - compress) More information in the compression section.
  • a: id of the espace (eleve, professeur, vie scolaire, ...), a number
  • d: ??
  • MR: modulus for RSA encryption
  • ER: exponent for RSA encryption

Step 2

We can now make another request to gather more information about the school and the PRONOTE instance.

POST /pronote/appelfonction/<espace_id>/<session_id>/<numero_ordre>

    "nom": "FonctionParametres",
    "session": "<session_id>", // int
    "numeroOrdre": "<numero_ordre>",
    "donneesSec": {
        "donnees": {
            "Uuid": "...",
            "identifiantNav": "..."


A numeroOrdre is created by encrypting the exchange number (as a string) (starting from 1) with AES.

AES default parameters
  • mode: CBC, 256 bit

  • key: empty MD5 hash (d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e)

  • iv: all zeroes

The first numeroOrdre is always 3fa959b13967e0ef176069e01e23c8d7 since the exchange number is 1, and AES has default parameters. You can use this to check your implementation.

The server always responds with another numeroOrdre. It is recommended to check this value by trying to decrypt it, the result should be a number one larger than what the client sent.

POST data

  • Uuid - base64 encoded and RSA encrypted raw bytes of a new cryptographically random IV for AES (b64encode(pcks1_v1.5(new_iv_bytes))). The RSA key is obtained through the parameters in step 1. The RSA mechanism used is PCKS #1 v1.5.

    This new IV will be immediately used by the server for further communication, including the response. All new cipher texts (like numeroOrdre) must be created using this new IV.

  • identifiantNav - identification string for the current client. Can be null.


A successful response will look like this:

    "nom": "FonctionParametres",
    "session": "<session_id>", // int
    "numeroOrdre": "<n_ordre_made_with_new_iv>",
    "donneesSec": {
        "donnees": {
        "nom": "FonctionParametres"

The response will have a lot of useful information about the school, the timetable and different settings. But most importantly it has now set up the encryption IV for the current session.


Step 1

First the client needs to send an identification request.

POST /pronote/appelfonction/<espace_id>/<session_id>/<numero_ordre>

    "nom": "Identification",
    "session": "<session_id>", // int
    "numeroOrdre": "<numero_ordre>",
    "donneesSec": {
        "donnees": {
            "genreConnexion": "<connection_type>", // int
            "genreEspace": "<espace_id>", // int
            "identifiant": "<username>",
            "pourENT": "<using_ent>", // bool
            "enConnexionAuto": false,
            "demandeConnexionAuto": false,
            "demandeConnexionAppliMobile": false,
            "demandeConnexionAppliMobileJeton": false,
            "uuidAppliMobile": "",
            "loginTokenSAV": ""
  • connection_type - used by accounts with multiple "types" of connection like a professor's account. (0 - domicile, 1 - dans la classe) (0 by default)
  • using_ent - boolean signifying if the connection is from an ENT. Check the ENT section for further information.

A successful response will look like:

    "nom": "Identification",
    "session": "<session_id>", // int
    "numeroOrdre": "<numero_ordre>",
    "donneesSec": {
        "donnees": {
            "alea": "<random_string>",
            "modeCompMdp": 0,
            "modeCompLog": 0,
            "challenge": "<challenge_string>"
        "nom": "Identification"
  • random_string - string used in the challenge
  • challenge_string - challenge for authentication

modeCompMdp and modeCompLog are integers (booleans) telling the client to lower the username (modeCompLog) or password (modeCompMdp) before completing the challenge.

Step 2

The client now needs to solve the challenge by:

  1. Decoding the challenge_string from hex to bytes, and decrypting it with AES with the following parameters:

    • mode: CBC, 256-bit

    • key: An MD5 hash of the username, and mtp concatenated into a single string.

      mtp is an UPPERCASE hex representation of a SHA256 hash of random_string and the user password concatenated into a single string.

      mtp: upper_case(hex(sha256(random_string+user_password)))

      key: md5(username+mtp)

    • iv: same as the one communicated in session creation

  2. Modifying the plain text by removing every second character.

    Examples: abcdefg -> aceg, hello_world -> hlowrd

  3. Encrypting the modified text back with AES (same parameters as in 1.) and encoding it as hex

Step 3

The client now sends the challenge back.

POST /pronote/appelfonction/<espace_id>/<session_id>/<numero_ordre>

    "nom": "Authentification",
    "numeroOrdre": "<numero_ordre>",
    "session": "<session_id>", // int
    "donneesSec": {
        "donnees": {
            "connexion": 0,
            "challenge": "<solved_challenge>",
            "espace": "<espace_id>" // int

A successful response will look like this:

    "nom": "Authentification",
    "session": "<session_id>", // int
    "numeroOrdre": "<numero_ordre>",
    "donneesSec": {
        "donnees": {
            "libelleUtil": "<name_of_user>",
            "cle": "<long_cle_string>",
            "derniereConnexion": {
        "nom": "Authentification"

long_cle_string is now used to get the new AES encryption key:

  1. Decode from hex and decrypt long_cle_string using same AES parameters that were used for solving the challenge in the previous step. The output is a string of comma separated numbers ("10,2,159,23,54,78,...").

  2. Convert the obtained string into the actual bytes. (separate numbers by commas, and parse them for their actual value)

    Python example: bytes([int(i) for i in long_cle_string.split(",")])

  3. Make an MD5 hash of the bytes. This is the new key.

The client is now logged in. The session is authenticated and the encryption has been set up.

Getting general user data and settings - ParametresUtilisateur

The client can get user data (which is required for some requests) with a request like:

POST /pronote/appelfonction/<espace_id>/<session_id>/<numero_ordre>

    "nom": "ParametresUtilisateur",
    "numeroOrdre": "<numero_ordre>",
    "session": "<session_id>", // int
    "donneesSec": {}

One interesting part of the response is the ressource which describes the user that the info should be connected to. It is used extensively in parent accounts to control multiple children.


Data compression is only done for the contents of donneesSec. It is done before encryption.

  1. Get data in JSON form, as a UTF-8 string (usually already in that encoding anyways)
  2. Compress the string with zlib (compression level 6, without any headers - just raw compressed data)
  3. If compression is done without encrypting, convert the output to hex. The hex string is the donneesSec value.


Just like for compression, only the donneesSec contents are encrypted.

  1. There are two possible inputs
    1. Data is compressed. In that case work with the compressed bytes.
    2. Data is uncompressed. Convert data to a JSON string, work with the UTF-8 bytes of that string (just like compression) (unverified)
  2. Encrypt with the same encryption used for numeroOrdre.
  3. Convert output to hex. The web client also makes it all uppercase but it might not be necessary.


Connecting through an ENT is usually just a matter of sending a request to the ENT with your user credentials, which gives you back cookies that are then used in the initial request for the pronote HTML. The onload attribute will have more information, more specifically keys: e and f. e is used as a replacement for the username, and f for the password.

When solving the login challenge when connecting through an ENT, decrypt with AES parameters like this:

  • mode: CBC, 256-bit

  • key: An MD5 hash of the hex of a SHA256 hash of the password


  • iv: same as the one communicated in session creation

Getting the timetable - PageEmploiDuTemps

To get timetable information of a certain week, use this request:

POST /pronote/appelfonction/<espace_id>/<session_id>/<numero_ordre>

    "nom": "PageEmploiDuTemps",
    "numeroOrdre": "<numero_ordre>",
    "session": "<session_id>", // int
    "donneesSec": {
    	"donnees": {
            "ressource": "<ressource>", // dict
            "Ressource": "<ressource>", // dict
            "numeroSemaine": "<n_semaine>", // int
            "NumeroSemaine": "<n_semaine>", // int
            "avecAbsencesEleve": false,
            "avecConseilDeClasse": true,
            "estEDTPermanence": false,
            "avecAbsencesRessource": true,
            "avecDisponibilites": true,
            "avecInfosPrefsGrille": true
    	"_Signature_": {
    		"onglet": 16
  • ressource and Ressource - this is received as part of the ParametresUtilisateur request, the web clients uses directly the dict it received

  • numeroSemaine and NumeroSemaine - this is the week that the client is looking for.

    It is calculated like this: 1 + int((date - start_day).days / 7).

    Where date is some date int the week the client is looking for, and start_day is the starting day of the school year (received in FonctionParametres request).

Getting grades for a certain school period

  1. Get data about a certain school period. This object will be later called p. You can get all the school periods from the FonctionParametres request.

  2. Make this request

    POST /pronote/appelfonction/<espace_id>/<session_id>/<numero_ordre>
        "nom": "PageEmploiDuTemps",
        "numeroOrdre": "<numero_ordre>",
        "session": "<session_id>", // int
        "donneesSec": {
            "donnees": {
                "periode": {
                	"N": "<p.N>", // int
                	"L": "<p.L>"
            "_Signature_": {

Getting other information from PRONOTE

The PRONOTE system is way too large to describe all requests you can make. With this document you will be able to log in, and figure out the basic inner workings of the system. I recommend using the chrome dev tools, and looking at the requests sent when browsing PRONOTE for figuring out how to get other information from PRONOTE. I wish you good luck and lots of patience :)