Super-simple react-redux boilerplate with enough useful goodies to develop [and build!] your cool app™, and nothing more
💪 Leverage Webpack 2.0 for easy development and builds
⌚️ Build intelligent components in no time with react-bootstrap
🚦 Navigate to routes via actions and sync them to your store with redux-little-router
👯 Get sassy with your css with sass-loader
👨 Show your grandpa on internet explorer your app with Autoprefixer
🤖 Write next-gen javascript (ES6+) and stay cross-browser compatible with Babel
🚿 Write clean and consistent next-gen javascript with ESLint
🏗 Build production-ready cache-busting assets with webpack-html-plugin
😻 Efficient and cooler dependency management with Yarn [Note: you can still use npm if you prefer]
✅ Mocha, Enzyme & chai-enzyme testing to help you sleep better at night
- 🔥 Firebase for hyper-simple app deployment hosting, authentication, & backend
yarn install
yarn run start
A development app will be up on localhost:9999 and any changes to files inside /src will automagically update the app ✨
yarn run build:production
Builds a production-ready app in ./build
yarn run build:serve
The built production app will be hosted on localhost:8079
yarn run format
Cleans your codebase to follow the rules set in your eslintrc file. Useful for CI build tools.
yarn run test
Runs your tests inside ./test against your app code
yarn run test:watch
Watches your app code and re-runs tests on any changes
To make the hot reloading of CSS work, we are not extracting CSS in development. However, the CSS is extracted to a .css file in the production builds, so you can relaxthat the FOUC will not occur in your production app 😃👌
Think this boilerplate could be better? Open an issue, make a pull request, or just holla on: iam (at)