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The one with heavy dependencies in a Lambda function
Learn how to overcome the AWS Lambda deployment size limit by using AWS EFS to mount a shared file system and load packages larger than the 250 MB
Wed Jun 07 2023 10:07:06 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
aws, python, aws-lambda, amazon-efs, aws-lambda-layer

Recently, after finishing developing the Lambda function I've been talking about in previous articles and creating the corresponding merge request, the CI pipeline in GitLab that automatically deploys changes to the staging environment started failing.

A bit of context

Before I tell you why it started failing, I would like to give you some context about the Lambda function itself and show you some relevant parts of our infrastructure as code (IaC).

Let me start by showing you the structure of the directory containing the code:

$ tree -a
├── .python-version
└── requirements.txt

The dependencies are included in the requirements.txt file, as shown below:


Note: numpy is a dependency of both pandas and scikit-learn, so it's not necessary to include it in that file, but I prefer to make it explicit to show that we are using it in our code.

The build stage of the CI pipeline is configured as follows:

  image: python:3.10-slim
  stage: build
    FOLDER: "recommender_lambda"
    - |-
      cd ${FOLDER}
      apt update && apt install -y zip gcc
      pip install --upgrade pip
      pip install -r requirements.txt -t vendor
      zip -r ../${FOLDER}.zip .
      - ./${FOLDER}.zip
    - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"

In addition to the Lambda function and the tests, the dependencies are installed in the vendor directory and included in the generated zip file.

The deploy stage of the CI pipeline is configured as follows:

  stage: deploy
    FOLDER: "recommender_lambda"
    ENV: "staging"
    - aws lambda update-function-code --function-name ${FOLDER}-${ENV} --zip-file fileb://./${FOLDER}.zip
    - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"

Here we are using AWS CLI to update the Lambda function with the contents of the zip file generated in the previous stage.

The infamous error

So the error that the CI pipeline returned when trying to deploy the code to staging environment was:

An error occurred (RequestEntityTooLargeException) when calling the UpdateFunctionCode operation: Request must be smaller than 69905067 bytes for the UpdateFunctionCode operation

The error message says that the request must be smaller than 70 MB.

I have worked several times with AWS Lambda but I had never faced this error before, so the first thing I did was to research this limit and I found a useful answer on StackOverflow. There you can find a link to the official AWS Lambda documentation, where the limits for uploaded files to deploy functions are specified:

Resource Quota
Deployment package (.zip file archive) size 50 MB (zipped, for direct upload)
250 MB (unzipped)
This quota applies to all the files you upload, including layers and custom runtimes.
3 MB (console editor)

However, those limits don't match the one specified in the error message, which let's remember was 70 MB. So why that 20 MB difference?

The same StackOverflow answer includes a quote taken from a blog post, no longer available, theorizing about that:

The 20 MB addition presumably is there to account for request overhead involved with the AWS API (e.g. base64 encoding of the zip file data).

In my case, the generated zip file weighed 106 MB compressed and 370 MB uncompressed.

Clearly way over the allowed limits. I had to look for an alternative.


According to the official documentation, Lambda layers provide a convenient way to package libraries and other dependencies that you can use with your Lambda functions.

Using layers has some advantages:

  • Reduces the size of uploaded deployment archives.

  • Makes it faster to deploy your code.

  • Reduces cold start times.

  • Minimizes the overall memory footprint required by the Lambda function.

  • Can be shared and reused across multiple Lambda functions or even across different AWS accounts.

My first approach was creating a separate Lambda layer for each dependency. That way, if I had to update only one of them, I could do it independently.

This Lambda function is developed in Python, so I had to create a python directory in the root of the zip file, as indicated in the official documentation.

Example for requests package:

$ pip install requests -t python
$ zip -r python

Inside the file you would find the following directories structure:

├── bin
├── certifi
├── certifi-2023.5.7.dist-info
├── charset_normalizer
├── charset_normalizer-3.1.0.dist-info
├── idna
├── idna-3.4.dist-info
├── requests
├── requests-2.31.0.dist-info
├── urllib3
└── urllib3-2.0.2.dist-info

You can follow the official documentation or this great article to configure Lambda layers in AWS.

However, this approach didn't work for me due to another limitation of AWS Lambda that I wasn't aware of:

![Cannot reference more than 5 layers]( align="left")

You can add up to 5 layers to a Lambda function.

I realized then that numpy didn't have to be included as a layer, since, as I said before, it is a dependency of pandas and scikit-learn. But still, being aware of the limitation of the number of layers per Lambda function, I preferred to opt for a hybrid approach instead.

Lighter dependencies remained defined in the requirements.txt file:


Note: Before going any further, I deleted the layers of those packages in AWS, as I no longer needed them.

Heavier dependencies remained as layers (pandas and scikit-learn).

I pushed those changes to the repository in GitLab and after finishing deploying to the staging environment, I found that it still didn't work as expected, as I couldn't add all the layers to the Lambda function, due to the well-known 250 MB limitation we talked about earlier.

At that point I wasn't going to give up, so I did some more research and found this article, with a somewhat different approach to what I had read before.

There it is suggested to download the whl files directly from Python Package Index.

And that's what I did for pandas, numpy and scikit-learn. I created a layer for each of those packages, uploaded them, and this time I was able to correctly add all the layers to the Lambda function.

Finally some progress, but not everything was going to be that easy.

I ran the Lambda function and it started returning the following error:

[ERROR] Runtime.ImportModuleError: Unable to import module 'main': No module named 'requests'.

Remember that requests is one of the dependencies defined in the requirements.txt file. So why isn't the function finding it?

As much as I searched I couldn't find anything that could be related to my use case. Already a bit discouraged, I accessed the Lambda function through the AWS user interface and downloaded the entire configuration. There I found a reference to an environment variable, PYTHONPATH. And that's exactly what I needed.

Although that variable wasn't explicitly defined, its default value is the path to runtime libraries: /opt/python.

As lighter dependencies are included within the same directory as the Lambda function, inside vendor directory, I defined the following value:


I applied those changes, ran the Lambda function again and a new error appeared related to heavier dependencies:

[ERROR] Runtime.ImportModuleError: Unable to import module 'main': No module named 'pandas'

For a moment I thought it was impossible to access all those dependencies at the same time until I remembered how we define the PATH environment variable on Unix systems and tried to do something similar:


I applied changes again, ran the Lambda function and this time it kind of worked. At least the code started running, whereas previously it only reached the point where all the import statements are at the beginning of the file.

The new error was:

[ERROR] Runtime.ImportModuleError: Unable to import module 'main': No module named 'scipy'

SciPy is a dependency of scikit-learn and, not only that, it is its heaviest dependency. By far.

This time I found that AWS provides an optimized layer with this dependency for some Python versions: AWSLambda-Python38-SciPy1x. The latest one is Python 3.8, at least the last time I checked it. Since it wasn't available for Python 3.10, I followed the same approach as before and downloaded the SciPy whl file.

I added the layer with that dependency and ran the Lambda function again. And yet another similar error appeared, another dependency not found.

At that very moment, I realized that I had to look for another alternative, but not before deleting all the previously created layers.

Shared file system

For the millionth time, I ended up finding a possible alternative on StackOverflow.

AWS Lambda functions can mount EFS, so it's possible to load libraries or packages that are larger than the 250 MB package deployment size limit.

In this article, the people at AWS say there is an important difference between using packages in EFS compared with Lambda layers. When you use Lambda layers to include packages, these are downloaded to an immutable code package. Any changes to the underlying layer don't affect existing functions published using that layer.

Since EFS is a dynamic binding, any changes or upgrades to packages are available immediately to the Lambda function when the execution environment is prepared. This means you can output a build process to an EFS mount, and immediately consume any new versions of the build from a Lambda function.

You can configure EFS by following the instructions in the official documentation or the AWS blog article I linked above.

Bear in mind the quotas and limits set for EFS.

The EFS property local mount path is the location where the file system is mounted on the Lambda function, starting with /mnt/. In my case, I set the value to /mnt/python_modules.

Once the shared file system is configured, you can create and upload the zip file that will contain all the dependencies:

$ mkdir dependencies
$ pip install boto3 graypy requests pandas scikit-learn -t dependencies
$ cd dependencies
$ zip -r .

Note: here the dependencies are included in the root of the zip file.

Next, I had to make a small adjustment to the configuration of the build stage of the CI pipeline:

  image: python:3.10-slim
  stage: build
    FOLDER: "recommender_lambda"
    - |-
      cd ${FOLDER}
      apt update && apt install -y zip gcc
      zip -r ../${FOLDER}.zip .
      - ./${FOLDER}.zip
    - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"

I simply deleted the lines related to the installation of dependencies locally from the requirements.txt file.

And finally, the Lambda function must know where to find the dependencies, which will be the same value set for the local mount path on EFS:


I applied the changes again and this time the Lambda function successfully ran from start to finish.



After a lot of going back and forth, I eventually found EFS as a solution to overcome the 250 MB package deployment size limit set for Lambda functions.

Although there are other alternatives to EFS, such as container images that allow you to package and deploy Lambda functions of up to 10 GB in size, the team is happy with the chosen solution. At least for the time being.

Thank you for reading and see you in the next one!