Coyote is a library to send emails and text messages with support for multiple provides
Composer is the only supported way of installing Coyote. From the root of your project, run the following command:
composer require aztech/coyote
Coyote is only an abstraction layer on top of existing SDK's, and by default, does not include those in order to avoid loading too many packages in your project.
Here's the list of the required packages to be able to use each provider:
- Mandrill:
composer require mandrill/mandrill:~1.0
- Mailgun:
composer require mailgun/mailgun:~1.7
- Twilio:
composer require twilio/sdk:~3.12
- Send transactional emails
- Build messages using local or remote (ie. Mandrill/Mailchimp templates) message templates
- Send text messages
- Optional integration with Phinject DI container
use \Aztech\Coyote\Email\Address;
use \Aztech\Coyote\Email\Message;
use \Aztech\Coyote\Email\Provider\MailgunFactory;
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
$factory = new MailgunFactory();
$provider = $factory->buildProvider([
'key' => 'MAILGUN_APIKEY',
'domain' => ''
$message = new \Aztech\Coyote\Email\Message();
$message->addRecipient(new Address('');
$message->setBody('Hello, how are you ?');