EpicBundle has not been updated for a while, so I made this as an alternative.
A CLI tool fetches free games info from IndiegameBundles, sends notification through Telegram, Bark, Email, QQ, PushPlus, DingTalk, PushDeer, Discord and MeoW.
Demo Telegram Channel @azhuge233_FreeGames
Install dotnet 9.0 SDK first, you can find installation packages/guides here.
Follow commands will publish project as a executable file.
git clone https://github.com/azhuge233/IndiegameBundlesNotifier.git
cd IndiegameBundlesNotifier
dotnet publish -c Release -p:PublishDir=/your/path/here -r [win-x64/osx-x64/linux-x64/...]
Set your telegram bot token and chat ID in config.json.
Check wiki for more explanations, only notify varaibles are available for this project.
The program will not add while/for loop, it's a scraper. To schedule the program, use cron.d in Linux(macOS) or Task Scheduler in Windows.
- IndiegameBundles (EpicBundle alternative)
- Indiegala
- Ubisoft
- PlayStation Plus
- Reddit community
- Epic Games Store
- SteamDB
- https://github.com/azhuge233/SteamDB-FreeGames(Archived)
- https://github.com/azhuge233/SteamDB-FreeGames-dotnet(Not maintained)
- EpicBundle (site not updated)