Support of regex captures in routes
Fixed routing issues with :index
Creation of empty directories for images/javascripts/stylesheets/tmp
Updated mongomapper adapter to use rails3 branch
Removed snowtag
Updated datamapper gen to store correctly passwords
Add Slim template to Padrino Admin[Thanks to Matthew Winter]
Add rake tasks for Mongoid
Include padrino-cache gem as part of standard install
Removed Rspec1 generator
Upgraded router to 0.5.0
Allow adding middlewares in front of the router
Fixed DataMapper Admin Adapter and Encrypt Passwords
Changed default ActiveRecord config with :reconnect => true
Added basic erubis support to the admin
Require only require ‘spec_helper’ in rspec tests
Added padrino-cache to our padrino meta-gem
Removed mount_core
Fix camelized model names in model generation
Added slim renderer component
Now the content format can be set explicitly in a param [Thanks to Qzio]
Fixed I18n load_path [Thanks to Pirj]
Updated column proprieties for DataMapper
Now Mounter accept namespaced applications [Thanks to Mcmire]
Updated ar:translate to be more compat with AS 3.+
remove strict_format in layouts to work with Sinatra as a standalone
Change Padrino Admin to generate model in own app, not default generated app.
Sinatra 1.1.2 Compat
Test compatibility with Sinatra 1.1.0 and 1.1.2
Fixed spaces in asset_path
Sinatra 1.1 compat
Fixed destroy admin/app/page [Thanks to Sob]
Fixed couchrest dependencies [Thanks to 21studios]
Added a basic index file [Thanks to 21studios]
Now Admin password are undecryptable [Thanks to Sob]
Arrayify keys for invalidation in padrino-cache
Fixed few typos errors [Thanks to Philtr]
Fix conflict on seeds.rb when generating admin [Thanks to Spllr]
Correct path in spec [Thanks to Spllr]
Bypass admin login in development
Norwegian translation [Thanks to Fossmo]
Updated generator for new rspec version [Thanks to Rosstimson]
Updated generator to work with legacy rspec version
Fixed issue with views folder not being generated in projects
Fixed the listing headers of admin pages, now is plural [Thanks to Rosstimson]
Fixed model migration removal [Thanks to Sob]
Updated plugins to pull using https [Thanks to Sob]
Updated to use latest http_router
Fix undefined method crypted_password when using Postgresql + Sequel [Thanks to Commuter]
Preserve params for after use by a before filter
Fix const scope for Rack::Mime [Thanks to spllr]
Fixed a problem with routing of “/”
Added utf-8 feature in forms using utf8/_e/snowman tag
Fixed problems with admin
Now only AS > 3.0
Added padrino-cache
Added redis backend for padrino-cache
Added dom helpers [Thanks to nu7hatch]
Added regex support for route portions
Update rspec generation to use let() [Thanks to rbxbx]
Added mysql2 support for activerecord [Thanks to kyanagi]
Fixed riot test helper generation
Added concise routing support
Added controller mapping support
Fixed tests to support concurrency
Fixed options_for_selec to be Array-compatible [Thanks to zmack]
Support Sinatra before blocks correctly
Added support for shallowing in controllers
Remove padrino-admin dependency on padrino-gen [Thanks to selman]
Fixed an issue with reloader
Added erubis support [Thanks Cored]
Fixed custom conditions
Adds Template/Plugin generation
Added regex support in routes
Removed some deprecations
Fixes options_for_select helper selected logic and added test
Added Before/After load hooks
Fixes DataMapper.finalize
Fixes issue with invalid class on form fields [Thanks RichGuk]
Enhances Datamapper database creation [Thanks Lusis]
Adds a span around ‘required’ note for form fields
Fixes padrino bin command to properly display help
Stores component file in project after choices are validated
Added Ohm support [Thanks to Lusis]
Updated require_dependencies to take a version
Fixes app destroy option
Adds Dutch translation [Thanks to Martijin]
Adds Polish translation [Thanks to Kriss]
Added scss for stylesheet generation
as an orm component [Thanks to lusis] -
as an renderer component [Thanks to rwilcox]
Application generator should create public subfolder
Refactored application mounter class
Updated mongomapper to use bson_ext
Use entity code instead of copyright symbol
Ensure app generation creates own public folder
Fixed padrino g alias
Fixed distance_of_time_in_words helper [Thanks to Yannick Koechlin]
Fixed a problem with padrino g the alias of padrino-gen
Fixed a naming bug in relation to using classify to manipulate project name
Refactored and enhanced rake routes (and rake routes:app)
Deprecated mount_core and remove references
Fixed problem with czech translation file
Fixed a problem with routes with same path but different verbs and provides
Fixed provides with IE
DM 1.0 and AR Tasks compat
Fixed DM 1.0 rake tasks
Dropped support of :respond_to in favor of :provides
Added provides in controller level App.controller :provides => [:json, :xml]
Added compatibility with AS 3.0
Fixed compatibility with DM 1.0
Improves dependencies in a Gemfile and autoinjected into gemspecs
Allow models to be generated in subapps with –app flag
Added bundler support also for testing [Thanks to Ryanfitz]
Updated I18n dependency to version > 0.4.0
Padrino now uses http_router instead of usher to handle url routing
Reorganized a bit ours “servers”
Added support for easily adding custom dependency paths with Padrino.custom_dependencies(“…”)
Padrino::Application.run! now perform Padrino.load! automatically (useful if you want to use MyApp.run!)
PADRINO_ROOT if not defined will be automatically detected
Improved reloader (that fixes also problems with MM)
Core refactoring
Fixed mounter in certain scenarios (i.e. single app file)
Fixed an issue when using only Padrino Rendering (without Padrino Routing) in a Sinatra application
Fixed a path must always match the url_format and optionally the given request.accept
Updated usher version which fix a problem using :provides with dashes in the URL
Improve the router’s use of base uri’s in url(). [Thanks to Lholden]
Support params as arrays for generation. More efficent generation
Added 405 support
Removed jeweler dependency and use dynamic gemspecs
Fixed / Updated German translations [Thanks to Gottlike]
Fixed a problem with extensions since Sinatra#register extend every thing
Fixed a problem when reloading apps
Fixed Mongoid adapter using updated master branch
Moved bundler dependency from padrino-core to padrino-gen
Moved I18n dependency from padrino-core to padrino-helpers
Use ‘mail’ library and remove ‘tmail’ dependency for padrino-mailer
Adds support for a quick ‘email’ helper for delivering mail in padrino-mailer
Replaces old mailer syntax with a more consistent dsl
Allow default rendering options to be changed [Thanks to Skade]
Fixed ensure to load database conf before everything
Prevent htm, html mismatch in content_type [Thanks to Skade]
Fixed issue with rake test tasks
Fixed an issue with trailing delimiters for index controller actions (i.e /posts/)
Fixed issue with sequel in admin gem
Fixed error_messages_for to use humanized attribute
Fixed indentation issues for orm generators
Added Ukrainian translation [Thanks to Mama]
Added Spanish translation [Thanks to Alvaro]
Added Turkish translation [Thanks to Selman ULUG]
Added Czech translation [Thanks to Josef Pospíši]
Added support for disabling asset timestamps via setting
Fixed issue with invalid field names
Adds tiny skeleton generation for project and app generators
Adds support for a ‘–app’ option to specify app name in project generator
Adds support for ‘–adapter’ option which specifies what SQL adapter to use(for AR, Datamapper, Sequel)
Fixed escaping of javascript [Thanks to Ryan Fitzgerald]
Adds dojo.js as script component
Adds compass component for stylesheets in project generator [Thanks to Ryan Fitzgerald]
Fixed DM Migration Issue with Text, Boolean etc… [Thanks to Snusnu and Akzhan]
Fixed Issue with deploying Padrino apps to a Sub-URI
Fixed padrino g and padrino gen aliases
Refactored padrino-gen internals
Colorized logs
Added support for ‘rake routes’ task
Disabled sessions by defaults as Sinatra do
Enable sessions for admin app since authentication require it
Don’t load Rack::Logger if our log_level is not :debug
Set real values for app.public and app.static because due to frequently calls
Updated templates with new changes
Performance tuning: Caching layout template
Fixed a bug with layouts that prevent double rendering
Added Scoped filters
Added Scoped layout
Our routing system now with :provides or :respond_to (other than route format) match “request.accept”
Our routes now accepts Sinatra 1.0 conditions
Routing refactoring
Now mounter use the our new Router instead of Rack::Builder
Added a new router class that handle in a easy why domains
Performance Tuning: Caching templates
Danish translation [Thanks to Molte]
Russian translation [Thanks to Imm]
as a javascript option in project generator [Thanks to Imm] -
Updated jquery to v1.4.2
Added couchdb support for padrino-admin [Thanks to Ghostm]
Brazilian Translation [Thanks to Deminew]
French Translation [Thanks to Mickey]
ActiveSupport 3.0 Compatibility fixes
Removed VERSION files. This prevent problems described here: github.com/nex3/haml/issues/issue/24
Added default values for controllers
Updated sequel generation to work with sqlite3.
Fixes support for index routes with params.
Fixes SASS reload plugin issue on 1.9.X.
Fixes an issue with generator not casing controller / model names
Fixes issue with mounter and locating the app file
Added sequel support for padrino-admin [Thanks to Aemadrid]
Added basic sequel migration tasks [Thanks to Aemadrid]
Mailer now supports setting template path to render explicitly
Minor typo fixes
Dropped compatibility with Sinatra < 1.0
Ruby 1.8.6 compat
Initials additions for make Padrino compat with ruby 1.9.2
Fixed a small issue with Passenger and Ruby 1.9.1
Removed clear_template_cache! since Sinatra 1.0. now has settings.reload_templates
Fixed error_messages_for with custom locales
Added “padrino gen”, “padrino g” as alias of padrino-gen.
Prevent that an account destroy itself
Removed some unused code from padrino-admin
Improved Padrino Admin Generator, now admin_page accepts multiple models
Fixed Padrino Admin Account where the accounts password field is in plain text (text_field)
Added layouts folder back into application skeleton
Fixed an issue with not being able to render erb or haml properly in a js response
Added support for forcing render of specified template (i.e render ‘foo.haml’ in js request)
Fixed a problem with folders called “sinatra” and PADRINO_IGNORE_CALLERS
Fixed TestTask
Fixed admin generator since not all ruby versions respond to “lines”
Fixed an issue in Sinatra::ShowExceptions since Bundler changes the Gem.dir
Removed from Sinatra::ShowExceptions and clean_backtrace padrino code
Added layout finder with format and locale
Improved template finder (with format and locale)
Fixed a bug that duplicates admin menus during app reloading
Added feed_tag helper for rss / atom auto discovery
Removed Mailer Initializer from app.rb.tt and added it to the mailer generator
Removed duplicate app folder in project skeleton
Couchrest generator now include in Gemfile json_pure
Fixed project name when using some like www.my-domain.com
Fixed a small typo error in app template
Fixes issue with formatted routes for an index
Fixed an issue with Riot and RR in generator
Cleaned up the implementation for asset include helpers for javascript and css
Added stylesheet generator. Includes sass and less ( via rack-less)
Fixed an issue in controller generator when using –app=app_name
Added mm:transate task for easily translate models
Updated favicon_tag to search inside images folder
Fixes an issue with rendering with layout false now you can use: render ‘path/to/template’, :layout => false
Small helpers refactoring
Fixed mailer initializer issue. Cleaned up options in delivery.rb
Fixes tests in padrino helper
Added the possibility for dsl lovers to create a single file in app called helpers.rb/controllers.rb/mailers.rb
Changed generated scaffold now table rows didn’t contains links
Fixed a bug in reloader, now we prevent schema.rb reloading
Fixed check_box helper when :checked => false we remove them
Added auto template lookup with locale and format i.e: show.ru.js.erb or show.js.erb or show.en.erb
Css refactoring and fixed an unused css in Padrino Admin generator
Fixed ar:structure:dump and others tasks that don’t use symbols
Fixed compatibility with ERB and Sinatra 1.0
Fixed an issues with index and ar:auto:upgrade
Now we use Sinatra 0.9.6 since previous versions on ruby >= 1.8.7-p248 raise a segfault bug
Refactored executables
Added strip_tags helper
Fixed model_attribute_translate helper
Added favicon
Prevent bundler gem clashing
Fixed minor SASS support issue for haml generated projects
Improved select_tag helper, now accept :include_blank => ‘My text’
Re-require ‘tilt’ since not all of us use sinatra –pre
Fixed a strange api change of bundler (see: github.com/carlhuda/bundler/issues/closed#issue/160)
Removed Bundler 0.9.7 dependency and allow all versions > 0.9.7.
Fixed Padrino Mailer views_path when we use a “multi app” project
Fixed content_type in Padrino Mailer
Added a spec option -fs
Removed rspec.opts and use it directly in rake task
Fixed a problem with some env with generators
Fixed overwrite of :
in f.check_box and f.radio_button -
helper -
Cleaned up (truncated) README files for Padrino gems
Added template agnosticism (erb/haml) in admin generator
as a javascript option in project generator -
as a test option in project generator -
as adapter in admin generator -
as an orm option in project generator -
as adapter in admin generator -
Fixed an issue with the SASS initializer for project generator
Fixed a small problem with DataMapper and our error helpers
Removed admin flash middleware (extracted to extension)
Minor code cleanup
New Padrino Admin with static theme based on web-app-theme
Fix routing module to work for sinatra standalone
Fix rendering module to work for sinatra standalone
helper -
Refactored Internals of
Added I18n helpers
Added a new helper
Added a new helper