This version of Torch (5.x) only supports Phoenix 1.7 and above and is not fully backwards-compatible with previous versions of Torch. See UPGRADING for more details.
See v4.0 if you need support for Phoenix 1.6
See v3.0 if you need support for Phoenix 1.5 and below
Torch is a rapid admin generator for Phoenix applications. It creates custom templates and relies on the Phoenix HTML generator under the hood.
If you are upgrading from Torch v4 (or earlier) you can find additional documentation in the UPGRADING file.
To install Torch, perform the following steps:
- Add
to your list of dependencies inmix.exs
. Then, runmix deps.get
def deps do
{:torch, "~> 5.1"}
- Add a
plug to yourendpoint.ex
at: "/torch",
from: {:torch, "priv/static"},
gzip: true,
cache_control_for_etags: "public, max-age=86400",
headers: [{"access-control-allow-origin", "*"}]
- Configure Torch by adding the following to your
config :torch,
otp_app: :my_app_name
- Run
mix torch.install
Now you're ready to start generating your admin! 🎉
Torch uses Phoenix generators under the hood. Torch injects it's own custom templates
into your priv/static
directory, then runs the mix phx.gen.html
task with the options
you passed in. Finally, it uninstalls the custom templates so they don't interfere with
running the plain Phoenix generators.
In light of that fact, the torch.gen.html
task takes all the same arguments as the phx.gen.html
but does some extra configuration on either end. Checkout mix help phx.gen.html
for more details
about the supported options and format.
For example, if we wanted to generate a blog with a Post
model we could run the following command:
# mix torch.gen.html <Context Module> <Schema Module> <Schema Table Name> [<Column Name>:<Column Type>]+
$ mix torch.gen.html Blog Post posts title:string body:text published_at:datetime published:boolean views:integer
The output would look like:
* creating priv/templates/phx.gen.html/edit.html.heex
* creating priv/templates/phx.gen.html/form.html.heex
...<omitted for brevity>...
* injecting test/phx1_6/blog_test.exs
* injecting test/support/fixtures/blog_fixtures.ex
Add the resource to your browser scope in lib/phx1_6_web/router.ex:
resources "/posts", PostController
Remember to update your repository by running migrations:
$ mix ecto.migrate
Ensure the following is added to your endpoint.ex:
at: "/torch",
from: {:torch, "priv/static"},
gzip: true,
cache_control_for_etags: "public, max-age=86400",
headers: [{"access-control-allow-origin", "*"}]
Also don't forget to add a link to layouts/torch.html if desired.
<nav class="torch-nav">
<!-- nav links here -->
Torch also installed an admin layout into your my_app_web/templates/layout/torch.html.heex
You will want to update it to include your new navigation link:
<nav class="torch-nav">
<a href="/posts">Posts</a>
There may be times when you are adding Torch into an already existing system
where your application already contains the modules and controllers and you just
want to use the Torch admin interface. Since the torch.gen
mix tasks are just
wrappers around the existing phx.gen
tasks, you can use most of the same
flags. To add an admin interface for Posts
in the previous example, where the
model and controller modules already exist, use the following command:
$ mix torch.gen.html Blog Post posts --no-schema --no-context --web Admin title:string body:text published_at:datetime published:boolean views:integer
The following assumes you the above example when running torch.gen.html
By default, the Torch generators added the following code to your Blog
context module:
# blog.ex
use Torch.Pagination,
repo: MyApp.Repo,
model: MyApp.Blog.Post,
name: :posts
Please refer to the Torch.Pagination
module for documentation on how to customize the pagination options for each model,
or globally for your whole application.
NOTE If you want to customize the pagination functions themselves for your application, do not use the default Torch.Pagination
as described above; instead you will need to define your own paginate_*/2
method that will return a Scrivener.Page
object. You can also define your own pagination system and functions as well, but that will require further customization of the generated Torch controllers as well.
Torch does not support association filters at this time. Filtrex does not yet support them.
You can checkout these two issues to see the latest updates:
However, that does not mean you can't roll your own.
We have a Accounts.User
model that has_many :credentials, Accounts.Credential
and we want to support filtering users
- Update the
# accounts.ex
defp do_paginate_users(filter, params) do
credential_params = Map.get(params, "credentials")
params = Map.drop(params, ["credentials"])
|> Filtrex.query(filter)
|> credential_filters(credential_params)
|> order_by(^sort(params))
|> paginate(Repo, params, @pagination)
defp credential_filters(query, nil), do: query
defp credential_filters(query, params) do
search_string = "%#{params["email"]}%"
from(u in query,
join: c in assoc(u, :credentials),
where: like(, ^search_string),
- Update form filters.
# users/index.html.heex
<div class="field">
<label>Credential email</label>
<%= text_input(:credentials, :email, value: maybe(@conn.params, ["credentials", "email"])) %>
Note: You'll need to install & import Maybe
into your views {:maybe, "~> 1.0.0"}
the above heex
to work.
Torch generates two CSS themes you can use: base.css
& theme.css
The base styles are basically bare bones, and the theme styles look like the screenshot
above. Just change the stylesheet link in the torch.html.heex
If you want to use the theme, but override the colors, you'll need to include your own stylesheet with the specific overrides.
Torch comes with .po
files for several locales. If you are using
Torch and can provide us with translation files for other languages, please
submit a Pull Request with the translation file. We'd love to add as many
translations as possible.
If you wish to add your own customized translations, you can configure Torch to
use your own custom MessagesBackend
and adding it in your Torch configuration
settings in config.exs
. You can find the all messages that can be customized
in the default i18n/backend.ex file.
If you are customizing a backend for a "standard" spoken language, please submit
back a proper .po
translation file for us to include in the official Torch
releases so other users can take advantage.
defmodule MyApp.CustomMessagesBackend do
def message("Contains"), do: "** CUSTOM Contains **"
def message("Equals"), do: "** CUSTOM Equals ****"
def message("< Prev"), do: "<--"
def message("Next >"), do: "-->"
# You can add a fallback so it won't break with newly added messages or
# messages you did not customize
def message(text), do: Torch.I18n.Backend.message(text)
# config.exs
config :torch,
otp_app: :my_app_name,
i18n_backend: MyApp.CustomMessagesBackend
Torch currently uses Node 14 to build its assets.
The JavaScript bundle is output to priv/static/torch.js
, and the CSS bundles are
output to priv/static/base.css
and priv/static/theme.css
To build the bundles navigate to the assets
folder and run the following commands:
$ cd assets
$ npm i
$ npm run compile