Releases: awumii/EpicGuard
[5.0.2] Account limit check
- Added new check - AccountLimit - it will limit how many accounts can be used by one IP address.
- Fixed not working notifications on the bungee, as well as the attack not toggling off (the previous update didn't fix it).
- Added update checker.
- Changed command design.
[5.0.1] Bungee fix
- Fixed schedulers on BungeeCord: not working actionbar status and attack mode never toggling off.
- Added back Metrics.
[5.0.0] Project rewrite
EpicGuard has been rewritten entirely from scratch. Almost everything has been changed (except for the "spigot module system" which works in the almost same way as before). Overall EpicGuard should now run better and faster than before. It has been tested but may still contain bugs, and missing features. If you have found an issue, or have idea for an improvement, feel free to tell me about it.
You must reset your config.yml file
Because this is a recode, I will list only the noticeable changes
- New configuration system, it is more organized, and won't break after update which changes something in configuration file.
- Improved the check system, now you have more control over how the checks will behave.
- Proxy+VPN check will now detect VPNs (before it only detected proxies because I forgot to set an important flag in query).
[4.2.7] Country whitelist/blacklist
▶ Changelog
The full recode of the plugin (EpicGuard v5) is coming soon. This update does not require resetting your config, it will update automatically (and unfortunately erase 50% of config comments)
- Added country whitelist/blacklist in the configuration.
- Updated some libraries.
[4.2.6] Bungee permission fix.
▶ Changelog
There are no changes on the spigot side of this plugin, you only need this update if you are running on bungeecord.
- Fixed the incompatibility with the Bungeecord permission plugins.
[4.2.5] Cloud and small changes.
▶ Changelog
- EpicGuard's modules check won't be performed if another plugin has already canceled the event.
- Fixed the rare error on the startup.
- Changed the order of the Geographical check, if you have set up the country whitelist/blacklist plugin should blacklist more bots.
- Added (again) the GuardCloud - it will synchronize the unsafe addresses (proxies used by the bots), with your local blacklist. Sync will perform on startup, every hour, and if you are on the spigot, you can force sync using the /guard menu.
[4.2.4] Storage rewrite - MySQL support
▶ Changelog
- StorageManager has been rewritten, and MySQL support has been added! The new file "mysql.yml" will be created in the EpicGuard plugin directory. It does not support data transfer from flat to MySQL yet (but it might be available in the future).
- Improved the plugin's GUI, added more item actions to it (for example, you save data by clicking data management item slot).
[4.2.3] Detection system rewrite
▶ Changelog
- Rewritten the detections system, which now works way better than before. This has a huge impact on spigot servers (especially 1.8), and a smaller impact on the bungee servers. This update has been tested with a free server on paper spigot 1.8.8, and free mcspam attack. Before, some bots bypassed the antibot protection and spammed the chat with join/quit and some other messages. Now, most of the bots are blocked, but if some of them still bypass the antibot, you won't even notice they were on your server.
- Fixed the console warning on newer java versions.
- Implemented the 'detections-per-second' condition (which was in the configuration before, but was not used in the code).
[4.2.2] Bug fixes.
▶ Changelog
- Rewritten the User system, which fixed many issues, such as:
- Console spam when country/city is not found.
- Console spam and server crash when status monitor is activated.
- High CPU usage by the plugin.
[4.2.1] Bug fixes & new status monitor.
▶ Changelog
- Fixed NullPointerException console spam when someone is connecting to the server.
- Fixed NullPointerException when viewing offline users.
- Fixed the wrong TimeUnit on Bungee auto-whitelist, causing auto-whitelist to not work properly.
- Rewritten notifications system, you can now customize it in the messages file.
- Added BlockedCommands, TabCompleteBlock, and CustomTabComplete modules to the Bungee version (bungee.yml file will be created).
- Fixed the disableOperatorMechanicsConsole module.
- Small changes to the commands, and changes in the code.