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What is boto _formatter?

The boto_magic_formatter is a tool that handles several common tasks when working with boto3 and listing of AWS resources:

  1. It automatically handles pagination of AWS responses, stitching together data from multiple pages into a single output.
  2. It flattens out nested JSON structures into a consistent tabular format.
  3. It allows you to output the processed data to a file, print it to standard out, send it to another command, or upload it to S3.
  4. It can convert the data to either csv or json format. In summary, the boto_magic_formatter takes care of pagination, flattening, consistent output formatting, and output destination for AWS data, returning it as a csv or json file.

For list of supported services and functions Click Here

How it works?

You simply add @boto_magic_formatter decorator to your placeholder python function and decorator will do all the magic .

The @boto_magic_formatter decorator can be added to a generic function like list_resources() to automatically convert the function's response to a .csv format. When used, the decorator will save the converted csv output to a file called list_resources.csv in an output folder located in the same directory as the invoking python script.

Using the @boto_magic_formatter decorator reduces the amount of code needed to parse and flatten the consistent json response from the function without worrying about detail of boto3 function. Without the decorator, additional lines of code would be required to manually handle the json parsing,flattenign in consistent way and csv conversion that the decorator performs automatically.

Below is example demonstrate the simplification of generating list of aws resources using magic formatter.

Without magic formatter

import boto3

# Without boto_formatter
def list_policies_without_boto_formatter():
	client = boto3.client('iam')
	paginator = client.get_paginator('list_policies')
	result = []
	for page in paginator.paginate():
		for role in page['Policies']:
			json_obj = {}
			json_obj['PolicyName'] = role['PolicyName']
			json_obj['PolicyId'] = role['PolicyId']
			json_obj['Arn'] = role['Arn']
			json_obj['DefaultVersionId'] = str(role['DefaultVersionId'])
			json_obj['AttachmentCount'] = str(role['AttachmentCount'])
			json_obj['PermissionsBoundaryUsageCount'] = str(role['PermissionsBoundaryUsageCount'])
			json_obj['IsAttachable'] = str(role['IsAttachable'])
			if "Description" in role.keys():
				json_obj['Description'] = str(role['Description'])
			json_obj['CreateDate'] = str(role['CreateDate'])
			json_obj['UpdateDate'] = str(role['UpdateDate'])
			if "Tags" in role.keys():
				json_obj['Tags_Key'] = role['Tags']['Key']
				json_obj['Tags_Value'] = role['Tags']['Value']

		return result

    def dummy_csv_save_function(result):

if __name__ == "__main__":

With boto_magic_formatter Boto_magic formatter takes care of flattening the data, converting it to CSV format, managing pagination, and generating the output file, removing those burdens from the user.

import boto3
from boto_formatter.boto_magic_formatter import boto_magic_formatter

@boto_magic_formatter(format_type="csv", output_to="file")
def list_resources_to_file(_session, service_name, function_name, **attributes):
    result = None
    return result

if __name__ == "__main__":
    _session = boto3.session.Session()
    list_resources_to_file(_session, "iam", "list_policies")


boto-formatter is distributed on PyPI. Easiest way to install it is with pip.For building Installation from source code click here

Create a virtual environment (optional):

python3 -m venv .venv

Activate enviornment:

source .venv/bin/activate

Install boto-formatter and boto3:

pip install boto-formatter
pip install boto3

Run boto-formatter code:

import boto3
from boto_formatter.boto_magic_formatter import boto_magic_formatter

Configuration options:
1. format_type: Specify "csv" or "json" format (default is json)
2. output_to: Choose file, print/command, or S3 for output 
3. file_name: For file output, specify a custom file name 
4. Prefix_columns: Prepend static columns like AccountID to output
@boto_magic_formatter(format_type="csv", output_to="file")
def list_resources_to_file(_session, service_name, function_name, attributes):
    Place holder function. Decorator does all the magic.
    result = None
    return result

if __name__ == "__main__":
    _session = boto3.session.Session()
    list_resources_to_file(_session, "lambda", "list_functions")


What are the available service names, functions, and attributes that I can access in the boto_magic_formatter library and how can I get information about them?

Option 1 : List of supported services and functions

Option2 :Generate a .csv file listing all the supported service names and function names that boto_magic_formatter supports, you can use the function:generate_configured_services_file(). Code snippet Below -->

from boto_formatter.boto_magic_formatter import generate_configured_services_file
if __name__ == "__main__":

Passing the information to function as **attributes

When calling functions for use cases like listing S3 bucket objects or EMR cluster instance fleets, identifying attributes need to be passed in. For example, to retrieve a list of objects in an S3 bucket, you would pass the specific bucket name. And to get instance fleets for an EMR cluster, you would pass the cluster ID. You can pass this information to the function as attributes

Code snippet Below -->

import boto3
from boto_formatter.boto_magic_formatter import boto_magic_formatter

@boto_magic_formatter(format_type="csv", output_to="file")
def list_resources_to_file(_session, service_name, function_name, **attributes):
    result = None
    return result

if __name__ == "__main__":
    _session = boto3.session.Session()
    # If perticular function takes input you can pass input as a attribute like BucketName
    attributes = {"Bucket" : "abhi-abc-bucket"}
    list_resources_to_file(_session, "s3", "list_objects_v2", attributes=attributes)
    attributes = {"ClusterId" : "abc"}
    list_resources_to_file(_session, "emr", "list_instance_fleets", attributes=attributes)

Usage of attributes output chaining (passing one function output to another function as input) and prefix_columns .

For example usecase of identify all S3 buckets with inventory settings enabled, you first need to retrieve a list of all S3 buckets. Then, for each bucket, check if inventory configuration is enabled. You also need to store the source bucket name with the inventory configuration result for reference. Function chaining can be utilized to perform these actions sequentially, while prefix_columns allows appending supplemental columns to the output that indicate the source bucket for each record returned.

Code snippet Below -->

import boto3
from boto_formatter.boto_magic_formatter import boto_magic_formatter
from boto_formatter.boto_magic_formatter import boto_magic_save_file

# Generic function returns the flattend JSON list
def list_resources(_session, service_name, function_name, **kwargs):
    result = None
    return result

# Boto magic utility function to save the file.
@boto_magic_save_file(format_type="csv",file_name ="list_bucket_inventory_configurations")
def save_file(result):
    return result

if __name__ == "__main__":
    _session = boto3.session.Session()
    # Step 1 : Get List of buckets
    resource_list = list_resources(_session, "s3", "list_buckets")
    consolidated_list = []
    # Step 2 : Iterate over each bucket and get the inventory configurations
    for resource in resource_list:
            attributes = {"Bucket": resource["Name"]}
            print("Bucket : {}".format(resource["Name"]))
            #Step 2-A : Ingest prefix column for source bucket name
            prefix_columns = {"prefix_columns": {"SourceBucketName":resource["Name"]}}
             # Step 2-B : Get inventory configuration for each bucket and update the consolidated list.
            consolidated_list.extend(list_resources(_session, "s3", "list_bucket_inventory_configurations", attributes=attributes, prefix_columns=prefix_columns))
        except Exception as e:
    #Step 3  : Save consolidate file

Example : Upload the created list to the specified S3 bucket.

Code snippet Below -->

import boto3
from boto_formatter.boto_magic_formatter import boto_magic_formatter
@boto_magic_formatter(format_type="json", output_to="s3", s3_bucket="test-bucket")
def list_resources_to_s3(_session, service_name, function_name, **kwargs):
    result = None
    return result

if __name__ == "__main__":
    _session = boto3.session.Session()
    list_resources_to_s3(_session, "lambda", "list_functions")

Example : Use the boto_formatter library to retrieve a list of all available resources that are supported.

Code snippet Below -->

import boto3
from boto_formatter.boto_magic_formatter import get_configured_services
from boto_formatter.boto_magic_formatter import boto_magic_formatter

@boto_magic_formatter(format_type="csv", output_to="file")
def list_resources(_session, service_name, function_name):
    result = None
    return result

def list_all_resoruces():
    _session = boto3.session.Session()
    service_function_list = get_configured_services()
    for service in service_function_list:
        service_name = service["service_name"]
        function_list = service["function_list"]
        for function_details in function_list:
            # Check if function doesn't take any input like Bucket Name
            if "pagination_attributes" in function_details.keys():
                print("Service :{} Function {} ".format(
                    service_name, function_details["function_name"]))
                list_resources(_session, service_name, function_details["function_name"])

if __name__ == "__main__":

Example : Use the boto_formatter library to retrieve a list of lambda functions across regions

Code snippet Below -->

import boto3
from boto_formatter.boto_magic_formatter import boto_magic_formatter
from boto_formatter.boto_magic_formatter import boto_magic_save_file

def list_resources(_session, service_name, function_name):
    result = None
    return result

# Boto magic utility function to save the file.
@boto_magic_save_file(format_type="csv",file_name ="list_of_all_lambda_functions")
def save_file(result):
    return result

if __name__ == "__main__":
    consolidated_list = []
    _session = boto3.session.Session()
    region_list = list_resources(_session, "account", "list_regions")
    for region in region_list:
        if region["RegionOptStatus"]=='ENABLED' or region["RegionOptStatus"]=='ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT':
            region_name = region["RegionName"]
            _session = boto3.session.Session(region_name = region_name)
            prefix_columns = {"prefix_columns": {"region":region_name}}
            print("For region {}".format(region_name))
            consolidated_list.extend(list_resources(_session, "lambda", "list_functions", prefix_columns=prefix_columns))


Use of boto_magic_response_formatter function instead Decorator

Code snippet Below -->

import boto3
from boto_formatter.boto_magic_formatter import boto_magic_response_formatter

if __name__ == "__main__":
    _session = boto3.session.Session()
    boto_magic_response_formatter(_session, "account", "list_regions",format_type="csv",output_to="file")
    boto_magic_response_formatter(_session, "lambda", "list_functions",format_type="csv",output_to="file")

Configuration options for the boto_magic_formatter decorator and placeholder Python function.

boto_magic_formatter Decorator configuration options:

  1. format_type: Options are --> csv|json Defaut is json.
  2. output_to: Options are --> print|cmd|s3 . Default is None.
  3. file_name: Options are --> file_name in string format. Default is system generated.
  4. s3_bucket: Options are --> S3 Bucket Name in string format. Default is None. This is required only when you want to save the file in S3 Bucket
  5. s3_bucket_prefix Options are --> S3 Bucket Prefix in string format. Default is None

Place holder function configuration options:

  1. _session: boto3 session (Mandatory).
  2. service_name: boto3 service name (Mandatory).
  3. function_name: boto3 function_name (Mandatory)
  4. attributes: Optional in a format attributes = {"<attribute_name>" : "<attribute_value>"}
  5. prefix_columns: Optional in a format {"prefix_columns": {"<cloumn_name>":"<cloumn_value>"}}

Expand the capabilities of the boto_formatter tool to enable more AWS services /boto3 functions.

The boto_formatter configuration driven. There is a separate <service_name>. jsonClick Here configuration file for each AWS service and it’s corresponding functions. These configuration files are also supported in awslabs/resource_lister

To add new service: You simply create <new_service_name>. json file and update the corresponding configurations and boto_formatter will automatically pickup the new service.

To modify existing service: You open the <existing_service_name>. json and update the corresponding configurations and boto_formatter will automatically pickup the new service.

To add or modify functions: You open the <existing_service_name>. json and update the corresponding configurations and boto_formatter will automatically pickup the new service.

Step-by-step instructions for how to create a configuration file will be provided shortly

Previous version : boto_core_formatter usage.

Previous version is still supported you can use boto_response_formatter

import boto3
from  boto_formatter.core_formatter import boto_response_formatter

# With boto_formatter
@boto_response_formatter(service_name="iam", function_name="list_policies", format_type="csv", output_to="file" ,pagination="yes")
def list_policies_fmt():
    client = boto3.client('iam')
    paginator = client.get_paginator('list_policies')
    result = []
    for page in paginator.paginate():
    return result

Check previous version examples here


service_name function_name function_description mandatory_attributes optional_attributes
accessanalyzer list_analyzers Retrieves a list of analyzers.
accessanalyzer list_findings Returns information about the access key IDs associated with the specified IAM user analyzerArn
accessanalyzer list_findings_v2 list_findings_v2 analyzerArn
account list_regions list_regions
acm list_certificates Retrieves a list of certificate ARNs and domain names
amp list_scrapers PrometheusService :The ListScrapers operation lists all of the scrapers in your account
amp list_workspaces Lists all of the Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus workspaces in your account
apigateway get_rest_apis List All Rest APIs
budgets describe_budgets Lists all the buedgets AccountId
cleanrooms list_collaborations Lists collaborations the caller owns is active in or has been invited to.
cloudformation list_stacks List of Clouformation Stacks
cloudformation list_stack_sets stack sets that are associated
cloudfront list_distributions List CloudFront distributions
cloudfront list_functions Gets a list of all CloudFront functions in your Amazon Web Services account
cloudtrail list_trails Lists trails
cloudwatch list_dashboards List of the dashboards for your account
cloudwatch list_metrics List the specified metrics
codecommit list_repositories Gets information about one or more repositories.
dynamodb list_tables Returns a list of tables
ec2 describe_addresses Describes the specified Elastic IP addresses
ec2 describe_flow_logs List VPCFlow logs
ec2 describe_instances List All Ec2 instances
ec2 describe_network_acls Descirbe Network ACL
ec2 describe_route_tables Descirbe Route Tables
ec2 describe_security_groups List All Security Groups
ec2 describe_security_group_rules List All Security Groups Rules
ec2 describe_snapshots Describe Snapshot OwnerIds
ec2 describe_subnets Descirbe Route Tables
ec2 describe_transit_gateways List All transit_gateways
ec2 describe_volumes Descirbe Volumes
ec2 describe_vpcs Descirbe VPCs
ec2 describe_vpc_endpoints List VPC endpoints
ec2 describe_vpc_peering_connections List vpc peering connections Snapshot
ec2 describe_vpn_connections List VPCFlow logs
ecs list_clusters List ECS Clusters
ecs list_services List ECS services cluster
ecs list_tasks list_tasks cluster
efs describe_file_systems Returns the description of a specific Amazon EFS file system
eks describe_cluster List EKS Clusters name
eks list_clusters List EKS Clusters
eks list_fargate_profiles List Farget profiles clusterName
elasticache describe_cache_clusters Provisioned cluster
elbv2 describe_load_balancers All of your load balancers.
emr-serverless list_applications Lists applications
emr-serverless list_job_runs Lists job runs applicationId
emr list_clusters List Clusters
emr list_instance_fleets List Instance fleets of EMR Cluster ClusterId
emr list_notebook_executions List Notebook executions
emr list_studios List Studios
iam list_users Lists the IAM users
iam list_access_keys Returns information about the access key IDs associated with the specified IAM user
iam list_account_aliases Lists the account alias associated with the Amazon Web Services account
iam list_attached_group_policies Lists all managed policies that are attached to the specified IAM group GroupName
iam list_attached_role_policies Lists all managed policies that are attached to the specified IAM role RoleName
iam list_attached_user_policies Lists all managed policies that are attached to the specified IAM role UserName
iam list_group_policies Lists all managed policies that are attached to the specified IAM role GroupName
iam list_groups Lists all managed policies that are attached to the specified IAM role
iam list_policies List All the IAM Polices
iam list_roles Roles
kms list_keys Gets a list of all KMS keys.
lambda list_functions List Lambda Functions
lambda list_layers List Layers
organizations list_accounts List accounts in Organization
organizations list_policies List Policies in Organization Filter
rds describe_db_clusters Amazon Aurora DB clusters
rds describe_db_instances Provisioned RDS instances
rds describe_db_security_groups Returns a list of DBSecurityGroup descriptions
rds describe_db_snapshots Returns information about DB snapshots.
rds describe_global_clusters Aurora global database clusters
redshift-serverless list_namespaces List Name spaces
redshift-serverless list_workgroups List work groups
redshift describe_clusters Amazon Redshift returns all clusters
resourcegroupstaggingapi get_resources Resources Key
route53 list_cidr_blocks Returns a paginated list of CIDR collections in the Amazon Web Services account (metadata only) CollectionId
route53 list_hosted_zones Retrieves a list of the public and private hosted zones that are associated with the current Amazon Web Services account
route53 list_hosted_zones_by_vpc Retrieves a list of the public and private hosted zones that are associated with the current Amazon Web Services account VPCId
route53 list_vpc_association_authorizations Gets a list of the VPCs that were created by other accounts and that can be associated with a specified hosted zone because youve submitted one or more CreateVPCAssociationAuthorization requests. HostedZoneId
route53domains list_domains Domain names registered with Amazon Route 53
route53domains list_prices Lists the following prices for either all the TLDs supported by Route 53
s3 list_bucket_analytics_configurations Lists the analytics configurations for the bucket Bucket
s3 list_bucket_intelligent_tiering_configurations Lists the S3 Intelligent-Tiering configuration Bucket
s3 list_bucket_inventory_configurations Lists the S3 Inventory configuration Bucket
s3 list_bucket_metrics_configurations List Bucket Metrics Configurations Bucket
s3 list_directory_buckets list_directory_buckets
s3 list_buckets List of S3 buckets
s3 list_multipart_uploads list buckets Bucket
s3 list_objects_v2 List Objects Bucket
sagemaker list_domains Lists the domains.
sagemaker list_images Lists the Images.
sagemaker list_models Lists the Images.
sagemaker list_projects Lists the Projects.
sagemaker list_user_profiles Lists user profiles.
sns list_subscriptions List subscriptions
sns list_topics Returns a list of topics
sqs list_queues Returns a list of queues
ssm describe_instance_information Describe Instance Information


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.


  • When the format_type is selected as "csv" ;boto_formatter will skip the columns which contains "," in value.
  • Majority of the cases Library returns formatted response of all the attributes that Python SDK provides. However, it doesn't assure 100 % coverage of all the attributes that Python SDK provides.
  • Library is not designed for latency-based requirements. So, if you have high latency requirements, please evaluate library in lower enviornments (dev,QA) before using in high latency-based environment.