by Adam Willats, Matthew O'Shaughnessy, Christopher Rozell
(work in progress)
view current manuscript draft as pdf 📖
view current manuscript draft as web page 💻
- manuscript_v*.md - full document for compiling into pdf
- - high-level overview of the contents of the manuscript
- - to-do list
- see also project issues
- publish/ - compiled outputs, like .pdf and .html
- bib/ - bibliography files
- sketches_and_notation/ - scratchpad for drafts of text
Associated code is managed in the following repositories:
- see awillats/clinc/code (this repo) for simplified network simulations & correlation, reachability theory
- see awillats/clinc-gen for more detailed network & control simulations
- see awillats/brian_delayed_gaussian for simulating networks of Gaussian nodes with delayed connections
- see awillats/clinc-analysis for network estimation using IDTxl