#Mule Linter Tool A linter is a tool that analyzes source code looking for patterns that don’t follow convention. Linting helps prevent errors and improve the overall quality of the code by following best practices. Lint tools are a form of static code analyzers. Some common code analyzers for Java are Checkstyle, FindBugs, and PMD.
The Mule Linter will enforce that all Mule projects are developed with a baseline set of rules. Some basic examples of rules that will be enforced, are the proper usage of property and pom files, useful logging messages, and standard project structure.
See Readme in mule-linter-maven-plugin
Project uses Gradle build system. Run following command to build all components in local -
./gradlew build
The CLI distributions are generated in ./mule-linter-cli/build/distributions/
Unzip/Untar the distribution. You can run the CLI from expanded files -
You may move expanded distribution folder to other persistent location and add it on OS PATH, and then run cli from anywhere on the system.
To build the project run -
./gradlew build
Generated Distribution and install in local -
./gradlew installDist
Create a Groovy class that implements a static method called getRules
and returns a RuleSet object.
static RuleSet getRules() { }
Initialize the Rules you would like to use, and add them to the RuleSet with the .addRule(Rule)
Make sure to import the rules and helper classes you intend to use.
See AVIOGDSLRuleConfiguration.groovy for sample configuration.
For a full breakdown on the available rules, check here.
Mule Linter's core library contains the GDSL file to support autocompletion in IntelliJ. To use that feature, com.avioconsulting.mule:mule-linter-core
dependency must be added with provided
scope in the project. provided
scope will avoid maven packaging core into project artifact but still allow IntelliJ to detect the GDSL script from classpath.
When cloning add the 'recurse-submodules' flag
git clone --recurse-submodules
After cloning, update the submodules
git submodule update --remote
- Update code in mule-application-design.mmd and paste into live editor
- Click 'Download PNG' and save file into config/mermaid directory
CodeNarc is used to ensure quality in groovy code. The configuration file is located here. To execute run gradle check
, and an output report will be generated.