diff --git a/data/static/i18n/de_DE.json b/data/static/i18n/de_DE.json
index 37197a26e97..f80a52fad77 100644
--- a/data/static/i18n/de_DE.json
+++ b/data/static/i18n/de_DE.json
@@ -353,14 +353,14 @@
"Removing the routes that serve individual files is likely to plumb the data leak but still provides information to the attacker unnecessarily.": "Das Entfernen der Routen zur Bereitstellung einzelner Dateien schließt wahrscheinlich das Datenleck, liefert dem Angreifer aber unnötigerweise immer noch Informationen.",
"Switching off the icons is a cosmetic change on the directory listing but still allows the files to be browsed and accessed.": "Das Ausschalten der Icons ist eine kosmetische Änderung in der Verzeichnisliste, ermöglicht aber trotzdem den Zugriff auf die Dateien.",
"Getting rid of the /ftp folder entirely is the only way to plumb this data leakage for good. Valid static content in it needs to be moved to a more suitable location and order confirmation PDFs had no business to be placed there publicly accessible in the first place. Everything else in that folder was just accidentally put & forgotten there anyway.": "Den /ftp Ordner komplett loszuwerden ist der einzige Weg, um dieses Datenleck komplett zu schließen. Gültige statische Inhalte müssen an einen geeigneteren Ort verschoben werden. Die Bestellbestätigungs-PDFs haben an einem öffentlich zugänglichen Ort sowieso nichts zu suchen. Alles andere in diesem Ordner wurde einfach versehentlich dort abgelegt und vergessen.",
- "In the long list of API-handling middleware, try to find the ones dealing with products offered in the shop first.": "In der langen Liste der API-Handling Middleware versuchen Sie zuerst diejenigen zu finden, die sich mit Produkten befassen, die im Shop angeboten werden.",
+ "In the long list of API-handling middleware, try to find the ones dealing with products offered in the shop first.": "In der langen Liste von API-behandelnder Middleware, versuche zuerst diejenigen zu finden, die sich mit Produkten befassen, die im Shop angeboten werden.",
"API routes need to specifically define a handler for a HTTP verb if they wish to override the \"allow everything to everyone\" default behavior.": "API Routen müssen explizit einen Handler für HTTP-Verben definieren, wenn sie das \"allen alles erlauben\"-Standardverhalten überschreiben wollen.",
"There is one line that is commented out for no good reason among the product-related middleware.": "Unter der produktbezogenen Middleware gibt es eine Codezeile, die ohne guten Grund auskommentiert wurde.",
"While removing the commented-out line made the code cleaner, it did not change the functionality in any way and thus cannot have improved security either.": "Auch wenn das Entfernen der auskommentierten Zeile den Code sauberer gemacht hat, änderte dies die Funktionalität jedoch in keiner Weise und konnte demzufolge auch nicht die Sicherheit verbessern.",
"Removing all dedicated handling of the products API made things worse, as now the default permissions of the underlying API generator will be used: Allowing GET, POST, PUT and DELETE - without any restrictions.": "Removing all dedicated handling of the products API made things worse, as now the default permissions of the underlying API generator will be used: Allowing GET, POST, PUT and DELETE - without any restrictions.",
- "You improved security slightly by no longer accepting PUT requests from anonymous API callers. But does the shop even want to allow its authenticated customers to change products themselves?": "Sie haben die Sicherheit ein bisschen verbessert, indem Sie PUT-Anfragen von anonymen API-Anrufern nicht mehr annehmen. Aber will der Shop seinen authentifizierten Kunden überhaupt gestatten, die Produkte selbst zu wechseln?",
+ "You improved security slightly by no longer accepting PUT requests from anonymous API callers. But does the shop even want to allow its authenticated customers to change products themselves?": "Du hast die Sicherheit ein bisschen verbessert, indem PUT-Anfragen von anonymen API-Anrufern nicht mehr angenommen werden. Aber will der Shop seinen authentifizierten Kunden überhaupt gestatten, die Produkte selbst zu ändern?",
"Disabling all HTTP verbs other than GET for the products API is indeed the only safe way to implement secure access control. Shop administrators should not use the customer facing web UI to manage the store's inventory anyway.": "Das Deaktivieren aller anderen HTTP-Verben außer GET für die Produkte-API ist in der Tat der einzige zuverlässige Weg, um sichere Zugriffskontrolle zu implementieren. Shop-Administratoren sollten sowieso nicht das Webinterface für Kunden verwenden, um das Inventar des Shops zu verwalten.",
- "Try to identify any variables in the code that might contain arbitrary user input.": "Versuchen Sie, Variablen im Code zu identifizieren, die beliebige Benutzereingaben enthalten könnten.",
+ "Try to identify any variables in the code that might contain arbitrary user input.": "Versuche, Variablen im Code zu identifizieren, die beliebige Benutzereingaben enthalten könnten.",
"Follow the user input through the function call and try to spot places where it might be abused for malicious purposes.": "Follow the user input through the function call and try to spot places where it might be abused for malicious purposes.",
"Can you spot a place where a SQL query is being cobbled together in an unsafe way?": "Can you spot a place where a SQL query is being cobbled together in an unsafe way?",
"Trying to prevent any injection attacks with a custom-built blocklist mechanism is doomed to fail. It might work for some simpler attack payloads but an attacker with time and skills can likely bypass it at some point.": "Trying to prevent any injection attacks with a custom-built blocklist mechanism is doomed to fail. It might work for some simpler attack payloads but an attacker with time and skills can likely bypass it at some point.",
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@
"Removing the option to update multiple documents at once combined with avoiding a \"not-equal\"-based injection is insufficient against any attacker with at least moderate MongoDB query knowledge.": "Removing the option to update multiple documents at once combined with avoiding a \"not-equal\"-based injection is insufficient against any attacker with at least moderate MongoDB query knowledge.",
"Removing the option to update multiple documents at once is definitely necessary. But it is unfortunately not a sufficient fix, as an attacker might still be able to \"add back\" the multi-update behavior.": "Removing the option to update multiple documents at once is definitely necessary. But it is unfortunately not a sufficient fix, as an attacker might still be able to \"add back\" the multi-update behavior.",
"Removing the option to update multiple documents at once combined with only allowing plain strings in the ID parameter is the right call. This will prevent any attacker from injecting their own JSON payload to manipulate the query in their favor.": "Removing the option to update multiple documents at once combined with only allowing plain strings in the ID parameter is the right call. This will prevent any attacker from injecting their own JSON payload to manipulate the query in their favor.",
- "Exact version of OWASP Juice Shop that was archived on 02/02/2020 by the GitHub Archive Program and ultimately went into the Arctic Code Vault on July 8. 2020 where it will be safely stored for at least 1000 years.": "Exact version of OWASP Juice Shop that was archived on 02/02/2020 by the GitHub Archive Program and ultimately went into the Arctic Code Vault on July 8. 2020 where it will be safely stored for at least 1000 years.",
- "Close multiple \"Challenge solved\"-notifications in one go.": "Close multiple \"Challenge solved\"-notifications in one go.",
- "Either check the official documentation or inspect a notification UI element directly.": "Either check the official documentation or inspect a notification UI element directly."
+ "Exact version of OWASP Juice Shop that was archived on 02/02/2020 by the GitHub Archive Program and ultimately went into the Arctic Code Vault on July 8. 2020 where it will be safely stored for at least 1000 years.": "Exakte Version von OWASP Juice Shop, die am 02.02.2020 vom GitHub Archive Program archiviert wurde und am 8. Juli 2020 in den Arctic Code Vault ging, wo sie sicher für mindestens 1000 Jahre gelagert wird.",
+ "Close multiple \"Challenge solved\"-notifications in one go.": "Schließe mehrere \"Challenge gelöst\"-Benachrichtigungen auf einmal.",
+ "Either check the official documentation or inspect a notification UI element directly.": "Schau entweder in die offizielle Dokumentation, oder inspiziere ein Benachrichtigungs-UI-Element direkt."