Avalanche is a network composed of multiple blockchains. Each blockchain is an instance of a Virtual Machine (VM), much like an object in an object-oriented language is an instance of a class. That is, the VM defines the behavior of the blockchain.
EVM on Avalanche is a canonical use case of virtual machine (VM) that enables smart contracts for decentralized finance applications. KVVM extends beyond smart contracts platform, to provide the key-value storage engine for an ever-growing number of diverse applications, powered by Avalanche protocol.
KVVM defines a blockchain that is a key-value storage server. Each block in the blockchain contains a set of key-value pairs. This VM demonstrates capabilities of custom VMs and custom blockchains. For more information, see: Create a Virtual Machine
KVVM is served over RPC with go-plugin.
To build the VM, run VM=true ./scripts/build.sh
To build the CLI, run ./scripts/build.sh
. It will be placed in ./build/spaces-cli
SpacesVM CLI
spaces-cli [command]
Available Commands:
activity View recent activity on the network
claim Claims the given prefix
completion generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
create Creates a new key in the default location
delete Deletes a key-value pair for the given prefix
delete-file Deletes all hashes reachable from root file identifier
genesis Creates a new genesis in the default location
help Help about any command
info Reads space info and all values at space
lifeline Extends the life of a given prefix
move Transfers a space to another address
resolve Reads a value at space/key
resolve-file Reads a file at space/key and saves it to disk
set Writes a key-value pair for the given prefix
set-file Writes a file to the given space
transfer Transfers units to another address
--endpoint string RPC Endpoint for VM (default "https://memeshowdown.com")
-h, --help help for spaces-cli
--private-key-file string private key file path (default ".spaces-cli-pk")
Use "spaces-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.ping",
"id": 1
>>> {"sucess":<bool>}
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.genesis",
"id": 1
>>> {"genesis":<genesis file>}
Provide your intent and get back a transaction to sign.
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.suggestedFee",
"input":<chain.Input (tx abstractor)>
"id": 1
>>> {"typedData":<EIP-712 compliant typed data for signing>,
>>> "totalCost":<uint64>}
"value":<base64 encoded>,
"to":<hex encoded>,
claim {type,space}
lifeline {type,space,units}
set {type,space,key,value}
delete {type,space,key}
move {type,space,to}
transfer {type,to,units}
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.issueTx",
"typedData":<EIP-712 compliant typed data>,
"signature":<hex-encoded sig>
"id": 1
>>> {"txId":<ID>}
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.hasTx",
"txId":<transaction ID>
"id": 1
>>> {"accepted":<bool>}
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.lastAccepted",
"id": 1
>>> {"height":<uint64>, "blockId":<ID>}
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.claimed",
"id": 1
>>> {"claimed":<bool>}
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.info",
"id": 1
>>> {"info":<chain.SpaceInfo>, "values":[<chain.KeyValueMeta>]}
"owner":<hex encoded>,
{ "key":<string>,
"txId":<ID>, // where value was last set
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.resolve",
"path":<string | ex:jim/twitter>
"id": 1
>>> {"exists":<bool>, "value":<base64 encoded>}
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.balance",
"address":<hex encoded>
"id": 1
>>> {"balance":<uint64>}
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.recentActivity",
"id": 1
>>> {"activity":[<chain.Activity>,...]}
"to":<hex encoded>,
Can use this to get the current fee rate.
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.suggestedRawFee",
"id": 1
>>> {"price":<uint64>,"cost":<uint64>}
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.issueRawTx",
"tx":<raw tx bytes>
"id": 1
>>> {"txId":<ID>}
1) spacesvm.claimed {"space":"patrick"} => Yes/No
2) spacesvm.suggestedFee {"input":{"type":"claim", "space":"patrick"}} => {"typedData":<EIP-712 Typed Data>, "cost":<total fee>}
3) sign EIP-712 Typed Data
4) spacesvm.issueTx {"typedData":<from spacesvm.suggestedFee>, "signature":<sig from step 3>} => {"txId":<ID>}
5) [loop] spacesvm.hasTx {"txId":<ID>} => {"accepted":true"}
spaces-cli set-file patrick ~/Downloads/computer.gif -> patrick/6fe5a52f52b34fb1e07ba90bad47811c645176d0d49ef0c7a7b4b22013f676c8
spaces-cli resolve-file patrick/6fe5a52f52b34fb1e07ba90bad47811c645176d0d49ef0c7a7b4b22013f676c8 computer_copy.gif
spaces-cli delete-file patrick/6fe5a52f52b34fb1e07ba90bad47811c645176d0d49ef0c7a7b4b22013f676c8
////// REWRITE ///////////////
TODO: Extend on
- PoW Transactions (no tokens)
- No Nonces (replay protection from blockId + txId)
- Prefixes (address prefixes reserved)
- Hashed Value Keys
- Prefix Expiry (based on weight of all key-values)
- Load Units vs Fee Units
- Lifeline Rewards (why run a node -> don't need to mine)
- Block Value Reuse
- range query
- set beneficiary
At its core, the Avalanche protocol still maintains the immutable ordered sequence of states in a fully permissionless settings. And KVVM defines the rules and data structures to store key-value pairs.
automatically installs avalanchego to set up a local networkand creates a spacesvm
genesis file. To build and run E2E tests, you need to set the variable E2E
before it: E2E=true ./scripts/run.sh 1.7.3
See tests/e2e
and tests/runner
to see how it's set up and how its client requests are made:
# to startup a cluster
cd ${HOME}/go/src/github.com/ava-labs/spacesvm
./scripts/run.sh 1.7.3
# to run full e2e tests and shut down cluster afterwards
cd ${HOME}/go/src/github.com/ava-labs/spacesvm
E2E=true ./scripts/run.sh 1.7.3
# inspect cluster endpoints when ready
cat /tmp/avalanchego-v1.7.3/output.yaml
endpoint: /ext/bc/2VCAhX6vE3UnXC6s1CBPE6jJ4c4cHWMfPgCptuWS59pQ9vbeLM
logsDir: ...
pid: 12811
- http://localhost:56239
- http://localhost:56251
- http://localhost:56253
- http://localhost:56255
- http://localhost:56257
# ping the local cluster
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:61858/ext/bc/BJfusM2TpHCEfmt5i7qeE1MwVCbw5jU1TcZNz8MYUwG1PGYRL/public' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.ping",
"id": 1
# resolve a path
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:61858/ext/bc/BJfusM2TpHCEfmt5i7qeE1MwVCbw5jU1TcZNz8MYUwG1PGYRL/public' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.resolve",
"path": "patrick.avax/twitter"
"id": 1
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"exists":true, "value":"QF9wYXRyaWNrb2dyYWR5"},"id":1}
# to terminate the cluster
kill 12811
./build/spaces-cli genesis
./build/spaces-cli create
./build/spaces-cli \
--private-key-file .spaces-cli-pk \
--endpoint http://localhost:61858/ext/bc/BJfusM2TpHCEfmt5i7qeE1MwVCbw5jU1TcZNz8MYUwG1PGYRL \
claim patrick.avax
mining in progress[ShWhojqb9FYqf2cWTYWauv1QFuT6igUxLjqATntvq3E52kdLh/201]... (elapsed=1.01s, est. remaining=1m54.3s, threads=16)
mining in progress[ShWhojqb9FYqf2cWTYWauv1QFuT6igUxLjqATntvq3E52kdLh/3329621]... (elapsed=3.01s, est. remaining=1m52.3s, threads=16)
mining in progress[ShWhojqb9FYqf2cWTYWauv1QFuT6igUxLjqATntvq3E52kdLh/6640466]... (elapsed=5.01s, est. remaining=1m50.3s, threads=16)
mining in progress[ShWhojqb9FYqf2cWTYWauv1QFuT6igUxLjqATntvq3E52kdLh/9938320]... (elapsed=7.01s, est. remaining=1m48.3s, threads=16)
mining in progress[ShWhojqb9FYqf2cWTYWauv1QFuT6igUxLjqATntvq3E52kdLh/13222800]... (elapsed=9.01s, est. remaining=1m46.3s, threads=16)
mining in progress[ShWhojqb9FYqf2cWTYWauv1QFuT6igUxLjqATntvq3E52kdLh/16473949]... (elapsed=11.01s, est. remaining=1m44.3s, threads=16)
mining in progress[ShWhojqb9FYqf2cWTYWauv1QFuT6igUxLjqATntvq3E52kdLh/19307265]... (elapsed=13.01s, est. remaining=1m42.3s, threads=16)
mining in progress[ShWhojqb9FYqf2cWTYWauv1QFuT6igUxLjqATntvq3E52kdLh/22151737]... (elapsed=15.01s, est. remaining=1m40.3s, threads=16)
mining in progress[ShWhojqb9FYqf2cWTYWauv1QFuT6igUxLjqATntvq3E52kdLh/25580779]... (elapsed=17.01s, est. remaining=1m38.3s, threads=16)
mining in progress[ShWhojqb9FYqf2cWTYWauv1QFuT6igUxLjqATntvq3E52kdLh/28485504]... (elapsed=19.01s, est. remaining=1m36.3s, threads=16)
mining in progress[ShWhojqb9FYqf2cWTYWauv1QFuT6igUxLjqATntvq3E52kdLh/31685345]... (elapsed=21.01s, est. remaining=1m34.3s, threads=16)
mining in progress[ShWhojqb9FYqf2cWTYWauv1QFuT6igUxLjqATntvq3E52kdLh/34616110]... (elapsed=23.01s, est. remaining=1m32.3s, threads=16)
mining in progress[ShWhojqb9FYqf2cWTYWauv1QFuT6igUxLjqATntvq3E52kdLh/37668727]... (elapsed=25.01s, est. remaining=1m30.3s, threads=16)
mining complete[40596778] (difficulty=188, surplus=541200, elapsed=26.97s)
issuing tx 7Y5voKiHGvytF7ddroV7UvgW8LgmxPR7EzZSyJY1MwQJ4yC9x (fee units=6150, load units=50, difficulty=188, blkID=ShWhojqb9FYqf2cWTYWauv1QFuT6igUxLjqATntvq3E52kdLh)
issued transaction 7Y5voKiHGvytF7ddroV7UvgW8LgmxPR7EzZSyJY1MwQJ4yC9x (now polling)
transaction 7Y5voKiHGvytF7ddroV7UvgW8LgmxPR7EzZSyJY1MwQJ4yC9x confirmed
raw prefix M9Jh5DMRXwMwaTHciFLVAMpc9dZKFpuGE: units=1 expiry=2022-02-09 02:17:33 -0800 PST (719h59m58.807801s remaining)
./build/spaces-cli \
--private-key-file .spaces-cli-pk \
--endpoint http://localhost:61858/ext/bc/BJfusM2TpHCEfmt5i7qeE1MwVCbw5jU1TcZNz8MYUwG1PGYRL \
set patrick.avax/twitter @_patrickogrady
mining in progress[2QsEbN4VgFjeMMfxU1T9KWUFMLtyTpYT7Ud8fw4kZ7hZfMMWhA/37]... (elapsed=1.01s, threads=16)
mining complete[1145609] (difficulty=165, surplus=715, elapsed=1.76s)
issuing tx APWDpcgjUcDDP8P4L97x3BbKkvJ4NzZfESXc2AcNjQV99aRqw (fee units=11, load units=11, difficulty=165, blkID=2QsEbN4VgFjeMMfxU1T9KWUFMLtyTpYT7Ud8fw4kZ7hZfMMWhA)
issued transaction APWDpcgjUcDDP8P4L97x3BbKkvJ4NzZfESXc2AcNjQV99aRqw (now polling)
transaction APWDpcgjUcDDP8P4L97x3BbKkvJ4NzZfESXc2AcNjQV99aRqw confirmed
raw prefix M9Jh5DMRXwMwaTHciFLVAMpc9dZKFpuGE: units=2 expiry=2022-01-25 02:18:47 -0800 PST (359h59m58.948798s remaining)
./build/spaces-cli \
--private-key-file .spaces-cli-pk \
--endpoint http://localhost:61858/ext/bc/BJfusM2TpHCEfmt5i7qeE1MwVCbw5jU1TcZNz8MYUwG1PGYRL \
get patrick.avax/twitter
range success 1 key-values
key: "twitter", value: "@_patrickogrady"
./build/spaces-cli \
--private-key-file .spaces-cli-pk \
--endpoint http://localhost:61858/ext/bc/BJfusM2TpHCEfmt5i7qeE1MwVCbw5jU1TcZNz8MYUwG1PGYRL \
delete patrick.avax/twitter
mining in progress[g5rmmSRrCMZDUsg5KBzNR4wpeX6Ph6xaXoNCPwUWj7xHM7epD/333]... (elapsed=1.01s, threads=16)
mining complete[222163] (difficulty=127, surplus=297, elapsed=1.16s)
issuing tx 2AmF6zY1mTdniwXrifoKCfzPGEqrKyJv21S8k5gSa1MYbhFR3h (fee units=11, load units=11, difficulty=127, blkID=g5rmmSRrCMZDUsg5KBzNR4wpeX6Ph6xaXoNCPwUWj7xHM7epD)
issued transaction 2AmF6zY1mTdniwXrifoKCfzPGEqrKyJv21S8k5gSa1MYbhFR3h (now polling)
transaction 2AmF6zY1mTdniwXrifoKCfzPGEqrKyJv21S8k5gSa1MYbhFR3h confirmed
raw prefix M9Jh5DMRXwMwaTHciFLVAMpc9dZKFpuGE: units=1 expiry=2022-02-09 02:20:55 -0800 PST (719h59m58.687729s remaining)
./build/spaces-cli \
--private-key-file .spaces-cli-pk \
--endpoint http://localhost:61858/ext/bc/BJfusM2TpHCEfmt5i7qeE1MwVCbw5jU1TcZNz8MYUwG1PGYRL \
lifeline patrick.avax
mining in progress[2ty1GmQAatedGd3CeUXzj5YUYVaqeMawpvCRPxqCf12u7fNfM/39]... (elapsed=1.01s, threads=16)
mining complete[469870] (difficulty=169, surplus=690, elapsed=1.31s)
issuing tx 2bJPjSWyr6NoDUE9ZyyamDetjNYDQ87G4dtZnT3LVf4uGYtFtU (fee units=10, load units=10, difficulty=169, blkID=2ty1GmQAatedGd3CeUXzj5YUYVaqeMawpvCRPxqCf12u7fNfM)
issued transaction 2bJPjSWyr6NoDUE9ZyyamDetjNYDQ87G4dtZnT3LVf4uGYtFtU (now polling)
transaction 2bJPjSWyr6NoDUE9ZyyamDetjNYDQ87G4dtZnT3LVf4uGYtFtU confirmed
raw prefix M9Jh5DMRXwMwaTHciFLVAMpc9dZKFpuGE: units=1 expiry=2022-02-09 04:07:07 -0800 PST (721h44m47.312056s remaining)
cGF0cmljay5hdmF4 is "patrick.avax" in base64
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:61858/ext/bc/BJfusM2TpHCEfmt5i7qeE1MwVCbw5jU1TcZNz8MYUwG1PGYRL/public' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.prefixInfo",
"id": 1
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"info": {
"owner": [
"created": 1641809853,
"lastUpdated": 1641810055,
"expiry": 1644408427,
"units": 1,
"rawPrefix": "M9Jh5DMRXwMwaTHciFLVAMpc9dZKFpuGE"
"id": 1
To see what performance you can get, run:
go test -bench=. ./pow/...
Here are some example results:
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/ava-labs/spacesvm/pow
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9980HK CPU @ 2.40GHz
BenchmarkDifficulty1-16 1300 921956 ns/op
BenchmarkDifficulty10-16 100 11083185 ns/op
BenchmarkDifficulty50-16 100 50243796 ns/op
BenchmarkDifficulty100-16 12 84529354 ns/op
BenchmarkDifficulty500-16 7 251526615 ns/op
BenchmarkDifficulty1000-16 7 571905766 ns/op