Authenticated, Hierarchical Key-Value Store w/EIP-712 Compatibility, State Expiry, and Fee-Based Metering
Avalanche is a network composed of multiple sub-networks (called subnets) that each contain any number of blockchains. Each blockchain is an instance of a Virtual Machine (VM), much like an object in an object-oriented language is an instance of a class. That is, the VM defines the behavior of the blockchain where it is instantiated. For example, Coreth (EVM) is a VM that is instantiated by the Avalanche C-Chain. Likewise, one could deploy another instance of the EVM as their own blockchain (to take this to its logical conclusion).
Just as Coreth powers the C-Chain, SpacesVM can be used to power its own blockchain in an Avalanche Subnet. Instead of providing a place to execute Solidity smart contracts, however, SpacesVM enables authenticated, hierarchical storage of arbitrary keys/values using any EIP-712 compatible wallet.
All modifications of storage require the signature of the owner of a "space".
Owners can modify any key in their "space" (ex: owner/*
), however, no one
else can.
As long as a key is ^[a-z0-9]{1,256}$
, it can be used as an identifier in
SpacesVM. The max length of values is defined in genesis but typically ranges
between 64-200KB. Any number of values can be linked together to store files in
the > 100s of MBs range (as long as you have the SPC
to pay for it).
The canonical digest of a SpacesVM transaction is EIP-712 compliant, so any Web3 wallet that can sign typed data can interact with SpacesVM.
EIP-712 compliance in this case, however, does not mean that SpacesVM is an EVM or even an EVM derivative. SpacesVM is a new Avalanche-native VM written from scratch to optimize for storage-related operations.
What better way to understand how the the SpacesVM works than to see it in action? Well anon, you are in luck!
You can try out the SpacesVM at All you need
is a EIP-712 Compatible Web3 Wallet (like MetaMask) and some SPC
(all 973k of
you that interacted with the C-Chain more than 2 times got 10k SPC
to get you
This demo is running as an Avalanche Subnet on Fuji. It is ALPHA LEVEL CODE and may be restarted/have a few bugs in it. It exists for demonstration purposes ONLY but could be extended to run as a production-level Subnet on Avalanche Mainnet.
Interacting with the SpacesVM starts with a ClaimTx
. This reserves your own
"space" and associates your address with it (so that only you can make changes
to it and/or the keys in it).
Spaces of length 66 (0x + hex-encoded EVM-style address
) are reserved for
address holders. Only the person who can produce a valid signature for a given
address can claim these types of spaces.
Once you have a space, you can then use SetTx
and DeleteTx
actions to
add/modify/delete keys in it. The more storage your space uses, the faster it
will expire.
To support common blockchain use cases (like NFT storage), the SpacesVM
supports the storage of arbitrary size files using content-addressable keys.
You can try this out using spaces-cli set-file <space> <filename>
When your space uses a lot of storage and/or you've had it for a while, you may
need to extend its life using a LifelineTx
. If you don't, your space will
eventually become inaccessible and all data stored within it will be deleted by
the SpacesVM.
It is not required that you own a space to submit a LifelineTx
that extends
its life. This enables the community to support useful spaces with their SPC
When you want to view data stored in SpacesVM, you call Resolve
on the value
path: <space>/<key>
. If you stored a file at a particular path, use this
command to retrieve it: spaces-cli resolve-file <path> <destination filepath>
If you want to share some of your SPC
with your friends, you can use
a TransferTx
to send to any EVM-style address.
If you want to share a space with a friend, you can use a MoveTx
to transfer
it to any EVM-style address.
50% of the fees spent on each transaction are sent to a random space owner (as long as the randomly selected recipient is not the creator of the transaction).
One could the SpacesVM to instead send rewards to a beneficiary chosen by whoever produces a block.
All interactions with the SpacesVM require the payment of fees (denominated in
). The VM Genesis includes support for allocating one-off SPC
different EVM-style addresses and to allocating SPC
to an airdrop list.
Nearly all fee-related params can be tuned by the SpacesVM deployer.
If you are interested in running the VM, not using it. Jump to Running the VM.
The easiest way to try out SpacesVM is to visit the demo website
git clone;
cd spacesvm;
go install -v ./cmd/spaces-cli;
SpacesVM CLI
spaces-cli [command]
Available Commands:
activity View recent activity on the network
claim Claims the given space
completion generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
create Creates a new key in the default location
delete Deletes a key-value pair for the given space
delete-file Deletes all hashes reachable from root file identifier
genesis Creates a new genesis in the default location
help Help about any command
info Reads space info and all values at space
lifeline Extends the life of a given space
move Transfers a space to another address
network View information about this instance of the SpacesVM
owned Fetches all owned spaces for the address associated with the private key
resolve Reads a value at space/key
resolve-file Reads a file at space/key and saves it to disk
set Writes a key-value pair for the given space
set-file Writes a file to the given space
transfer Transfers units to another address
--endpoint string RPC endpoint for VM (default "")
-h, --help help for spaces-cli
--private-key-file string private key file path (default ".spaces-cli-pk")
--verbose Print verbose information about operations
Use "spaces-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
spaces-cli set-file spaceslover ~/Downloads/computer.gif -> patrick/6fe5a52f52b34fb1e07ba90bad47811c645176d0d49ef0c7a7b4b22013f676c8
spaces-cli resolve-file spaceslover/6fe5a52f52b34fb1e07ba90bad47811c645176d0d49ef0c7a7b4b22013f676c8 computer_copy.gif
spaces-cli delete-file spaceslover/6fe5a52f52b34fb1e07ba90bad47811c645176d0d49ef0c7a7b4b22013f676c8
// Client defines spacesvm client operations.
type Client interface {
// Pings the VM.
Ping() (bool, error)
// Network information about this instance of the VM
Network() (uint32, ids.ID, ids.ID, error)
// Returns the VM genesis.
Genesis() (*chain.Genesis, error)
// Accepted fetches the ID of the last accepted block.
Accepted() (ids.ID, error)
// Returns if a space is already claimed
Claimed(space string) (bool, error)
// Returns the corresponding space information.
Info(space string) (*chain.SpaceInfo, []*chain.KeyValueMeta, error)
// Balance returns the balance of an account
Balance(addr common.Address) (bal uint64, err error)
// Resolve returns the value associated with a path
Resolve(path string) (exists bool, value []byte, valueMeta *chain.ValueMeta, err error)
// Requests the suggested price and cost from VM.
SuggestedRawFee() (uint64, uint64, error)
// Issues the transaction and returns the transaction ID.
IssueRawTx(d []byte) (ids.ID, error)
// Requests the suggested price and cost from VM, returns the input as
// TypedData.
SuggestedFee(i *chain.Input) (*tdata.TypedData, uint64, error)
// Issues a human-readable transaction and returns the transaction ID.
IssueTx(td *tdata.TypedData, sig []byte) (ids.ID, error)
// Checks the status of the transaction, and returns "true" if confirmed.
HasTx(id ids.ID) (bool, error)
// Polls the transactions until its status is confirmed.
PollTx(ctx context.Context, txID ids.ID) (confirmed bool, err error)
// Recent actions on the network (sorted from recent to oldest)
RecentActivity() ([]*chain.Activity, error)
// All spaces owned by a given address
Owned(owner common.Address) ([]string, error)
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "",
"id": 1
>>> {"success":<bool>}
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "",
"id": 1
>>> {"networkId":<uint32>, "subnetId":<ID>, "chainId":<ID>}
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.genesis",
"id": 1
>>> {"genesis":<genesis file>}
Provide your intent and get back a transaction to sign.
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.suggestedFee",
"input":<chain.Input (tx abstractor)>
"id": 1
>>> {"typedData":<EIP-712 compliant typed data for signing>,
>>> "totalCost":<uint64>}
"value":<base64 encoded>,
"to":<hex encoded>,
claim {type,space}
lifeline {type,space,units}
set {type,space,key,value}
delete {type,space,key}
move {type,space,to}
transfer {type,to,units}
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.issueTx",
"typedData":<EIP-712 compliant typed data>,
"signature":<hex-encoded sig>
"id": 1
>>> {"txId":<ID>}
1) spacesvm.claimed {"space":"patrick"} => Yes/No
2) spacesvm.suggestedFee {"input":{"type":"claim", "space":"patrick"}} => {"typedData":<EIP-712 Typed Data>, "cost":<total fee>}
3) sign EIP-712 Typed Data
4) spacesvm.issueTx {"typedData":<from spacesvm.suggestedFee>, "signature":<sig from step 3>} => {"txId":<ID>}
5) [loop] spacesvm.hasTx {"txId":<ID>} => {"accepted":true"}
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.hasTx",
"txId":<transaction ID>
"id": 1
>>> {"accepted":<bool>}
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.lastAccepted",
"id": 1
>>> {"height":<uint64>, "blockId":<ID>}
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.claimed",
"id": 1
>>> {"claimed":<bool>}
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "",
"id": 1
>>> {"info":<chain.SpaceInfo>, "values":[<chain.KeyValueMeta>]}
"owner":<hex encoded>,
"txId":<ID>, // where value was last set
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.resolve",
"path":<string | ex:jim/twitter>
"id": 1
>>> {"exists":<bool>, "value":<base64 encoded>, "valueMeta":<chain.ValueMeta>}
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.balance",
"address":<hex encoded>
"id": 1
>>> {"balance":<uint64>}
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.recentActivity",
"id": 1
>>> {"activity":[<chain.Activity>,...]}
"to":<hex encoded>,
claim {timestamp,sender,txId,type,space}
lifeline {timestamp,sender,txId,type,space,units}
set {timestamp,sender,txId,type,space,key,value}
delete {timestamp,sender,txId,type,space,key}
move {timestamp,sender,txId,type,space,to}
transfer {timestamp,sender,txId,type,to,units}
reward {timestamp,txId,type,to,units}
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.owned",
"address":<hex encoded>
"id": 1
>>> {"spaces":[<string>]}
Can use this to get the current fee rate.
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.suggestedRawFee",
"id": 1
>>> {"price":<uint64>,"cost":<uint64>}
<<< POST
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.issueRawTx",
"tx":<raw tx bytes>
"id": 1
>>> {"txId":<ID>}
To build the VM (and spaces-cli
), run ./scripts/
If you'd like to become a validator on the demo, reach out to @_patrickogrady on Twitter after you've joined the network and synced to tip. Please send a screenshot indicating you've done this successfully.
You can find the genesis used for the Spaces Demo in networks/42
automatically installs avalanchego, sets up a local network,
and creates a spacesvm
genesis file. To build and run E2E tests, you need to set the variable E2E
before it: E2E=true ./scripts/ 1.7.4
See tests/e2e
and tests/runner
to see how it's set up and how its client requests are made.
# to startup a local cluster (good for development)
cd ${HOME}/go/src/
./scripts/ 1.7.4
# to run full e2e tests and shut down cluster afterwards
cd ${HOME}/go/src/
E2E=true ./scripts/ 1.7.4
# inspect cluster endpoints when ready
cat /tmp/avalanchego-v1.7.4/output.yaml
endpoint: /ext/bc/2VCAhX6vE3UnXC6s1CBPE6jJ4c4cHWMfPgCptuWS59pQ9vbeLM
logsDir: ...
pid: 12811
- http://localhost:56239
- http://localhost:56251
- http://localhost:56253
- http://localhost:56255
- http://localhost:56257
# ping the local cluster
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:61858/ext/bc/BJfusM2TpHCEfmt5i7qeE1MwVCbw5jU1TcZNz8MYUwG1PGYRL/public' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "",
"id": 1
# resolve a path
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:61858/ext/bc/BJfusM2TpHCEfmt5i7qeE1MwVCbw5jU1TcZNz8MYUwG1PGYRL/public' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "spacesvm.resolve",
"path": "coolperson/twitter"
"id": 1
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"exists":true, "value":"....", "valueMeta":{....}},"id":1}
# to terminate the cluster
kill 12811
Anyone can deploy their own instance of the SpacesVM as a subnet on Avalanche. All you need to do is compile it, create a genesis, and send a few txs to the P-Chain.
You can do this by following the tutorial online or by using the subnet-cli.