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File metadata and controls

104 lines (76 loc) · 6.62 KB


User System

RQ-US-1: Users must be able to sign up.

Revised and Complete

We had a user system that worked on the front end, but because of the structure of our architecture, we were not able to connect it to Firebase without having to redo the whole architecture of our program, and with the time we had left(before the extension) we were not able to get it completely working. It was also not plausible to work on a way to store all of that user information(i.e. display name) when, generally, we had no real functionality for using the information we stored. Instead, we implemented the component that was actually working consistently, which was allowing users to sign up through Google.

  • Users must be able to sign up through "Sign in with Google" functionality

RQ-US-2: Users must be able to log in to the site.

Revised and Complete

We had a user system that worked on the front end, but because of the structure of our architecture, we were not able to connect it to Firebase without having to redo the whole architecture of our program, and with the time we had left(before the extension) we were not able to get it completely working. It was also not plausible to work on a way to store all of that user information(i.e. display name) when, generally, we had no real functionality for using the information we stored. Instead, we implemented the component that was actually working consistently, which was allowing users to sign in through Google.

  • Users must be able to log in through "Sign in with Google" functionality

RQ-US-3: Users must be able to log out of the system.


  • After users are logged out of the system, the page will return to the home page with Gerbil’s initial story.
  • The calendar will not be displayed if users arent signed in
    • We will tell the user to sign in before they can use the calendar


RQ-C-1: Users must be able to create an event(s)

Revised and Complete

We revised this requirement to allow users to create multiple events in the same time slot, as we were able to implement the functionality for that. We also allowed the description of an event to scroll if there is more text and not limit the text to three lines.

  • Events consist of the following data: the date, if the event is a one time event, the start time, the end time, and description of the event. revised
    • The "title” refers to what the user wants to name the event
    • The "date” refers to the day the event is scheduled to occur on.
      • Input box with placeholder “MM-DD-YY”
      • Users must be able to choose any date to create an event
    • The "start time” and the "end time”
      • If the user inputs a start time that is after the end time, we will not allow them to create the event
    • The "description”
      • Input box for long text
      • If text is too long for the input box, enable scrolling
  • Users can only create one event at a time (can create only one event before being allowed to create the next event)
  • Users will be able to create multiple events in the same time slot
  • Events must be visible on the calendar once the user adds the event onto the calendar

RQ-C-2: Users must be able to cancel creating an event if the event is still pending creation.


  • User will exit event-creating mode by cancelling(or pressing the back button on) a pending event
  • Users must not be able to see the event that they decide to cancel

RQ-C-3: Created events must be visible on the calendar once the user adds the event onto the calendar

Revised and Complete

We revised this to lift a lot of requirements we couldn't meet- for many of these, we didn't have time to correct them or were unable to find ways to implement events the way we wanted while working with the FullCalendar API. Just leaving the base requirement to have an event appear is enough for minimum functionality. Everything else that came afterwards (such as removing events) was optional.

  • Events on the calendar must include the title. Description will not be shown

Print/Download Function

RQ-PD-1: The user must be able to print the current week view from any compatible printer.


  • System must show available printers, and go through their browser’s printing software

RQ-PD-2: Before print/download the current week calendar, the user should be able to select whether they want to add a note


Add Notes Function

Revised and Complete

We revised this requirement because, as with previous requirements, there wasn't enough time to implement all of the features we wanted (such as removing individual Tasks and replacing them)- those extra requirements were considered optional.

  • A modal will pop up that consists of an input box for letting the user input their notes.

Reward System

RQ-RS-1: After logging in, users must be able to access a "gift gallery" from the top nav


  • Users must not be able to access gift gallery from the top navigation bar if they are not logged in

RQ-RS-2: Users must be able to see awarded items through gift gallery


  • Awarded items are distinguished from locked items
    • Locked items are grey and contain text with unlocking requirements for the user to fulfill (if applicable).

RQ-RS-3: Users must be able to see each task's requirements for obtaining an award.


  • User will be able to view which rewards are locked or unlocked by looking at each image’s respective unlock requirements

RQ-RS-4: Users must not be able to see the requirements for awarded items that we choose to keep as a secret.

Revised and Complete

We revised the wording for parts of this to make the nature of viewing a "secret" reward easier to understand.

  • Will be shown on the bottom row of awards
  • The user will be unable to view requirements for ‘secret’ rewards
    • They will be greyed out (REVISED: unable to be selected) until displayed requirements are met

RQ-RS-5: Users must not be able to access rewards until requirements have been met


  • Users will be able to view rewards in the gift gallery upon logging in. Unlocked rewards are interactive and able to be clicked on

RQ-RS-6: Users must be able to recieve reward once displayed requirements are met


  • Users must be able to view a "reward image" in place of a requirement once they meet that requirement.
    • "Reward images" are images created by the designer(s), and will show our Gerbil mascot travelling to well known places all over the world