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Waypoint Planner

Waypoint planner package provides the local planner nodes that dynamically plan avoidance behavior, velocity on waypoints, and so on.

Waypoint Planner - Astar Avoid

astar_avoid node has two mode, Relay mode and Avoidance mode. You can switch these modes by enable_avoidance parameter.

  • Relay mode: Not avoid planning and just publishing waypoints from self pose.
  • Avoidance mode: Avoiding obstacles by Hybrid-A* search algorithm in astar_search package with internal state transition

NOTE : If you have wayarea in your ADAS map, it's possible to limit search area and realize more safety planning by enabling Use Wayarea in costmap_generator node. Please see the results in below demo videos.

Please see also: mission/packages/freespace_planner/

How to launch

  • From Runtime Manager:

Computing -> Motion Planning -> waypoint_planner -> astar_avoid

  • From CLI:

$ roslaunch waypoint_planner astar_avoid.launch


Parameters can be set in both Launch file and Runtime manager:

Parameter in RM Parameter in Launch Type Description Default
Enable Avoidance enable_avoidance Bool Enable avoidance mode false
Costmap Topic costmap_topic String Costmap topic for Hybrid-A* search semantics/costmap_generator/occupancy_grid
Waypoint Velocity avoid_waypoints_velocity Double Constant velocity on planned waypoints [km/h] 10.0
Avoidance Start Velocity avoid_start_velocity Double Self velocity for staring avoidance behavior [km/h] 5.0
Replan Interval replan_interval Double Replan interval for avoidance planning [Hz] 2.0
- safety_waypoints_size Int Output waypoint size [-] 100
- update_rate Double Publishing rate [Hz] 10.0
- search_waypoints_size Int Range of waypoints for incremental search [-] 50
- search_waypoints_delta Int Skipped waypoints for incremental search [-] 2


Node [/astar_avoid]
 * /safety_waypoints [autoware_msgs/Lane]

 * /base_waypoints [autoware_msgs/Lane]
 * /closest_waypoint [std_msgs/Int32]
 * /current_pose [geometry_msgs/PoseStamped]
 * /current_velocity [geometry_msgs/TwistStamped]
 * /semantics/costmap_generator/occupancy_grid [nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid]
 * /obstacle_waypoint [std_msgs/Int32]
 * /tf [tf2_msgs/TFMessage]
 * /tf_static [tf2_msgs/TFMessage]

Demo videos

Dynamically avoiding (senario 1)

Hybrid A*, dynamically avoiding (scenario 1)

Dynamically avoiding (senario 2)

Hybrid A*, dynamically avoiding (scenario 12

Statically avoiding by big re-routing

Hybrid A*, statically avoiding by big re-routing

Waypoint Planner - Velocity Set