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File metadata and controls

384 lines (283 loc) · 12.3 KB

title: A Method for Web Security Policies docname: draft-foudil-securitytxt-01 ipr: trust200902 cat: info pi: sortrefs: 'yes' strict: 'yes' symrefs: 'yes' toc: 'yes' author:

--- abstract When security risks in web services are discovered by independent security researchers who understand the severity of the risk, they often lack the channels to properly disclose them. As a result, security issues may be left unreported. security.txt defines a standard to help organizations define the process for security researchers to securely disclose security vulnerabilities.

--- middle



Many security researchers encounter situations where they are unable to responsibly disclose security issues to companies because there is no course of action laid out. security.txt is designed to help assist in this process by making it easier for companies to designate the preferred steps for researchers to take when trying to reach out.

As per section 4 of {{!RFC2142}}, there is an existing convention of using the SECURITY@domain email address for communications regarding security issues. That convention provides only a single, email-based channel of communication for security issues per domain, and does not provide a way for domain owners to publish information about their security disclosure policies.

In this document, we propose a richer, machine-parsable and more extensible way for companies to communicate information about their security disclosure policies, which is not limited to email and also allows for additional features such as encryption.


In this document, the key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" are to be interpreted as described in {{!RFC2119}}.

The Specification

security.txt is a text file that should be located under the /.well-known/ path ("/.well-known/security.txt") {{!RFC5785}} for web properties. For file systems and version control repositories a .security.txt file should be placed in the root directory. This text file contains 4 directives with different values. The "directive" is the first part of a field all the way up to the colon ("Contact:"). Directives are case-insensitive. The "value" comes after the directive (""). A "field" always consists of a directive and a value ("Contact:"). A security.txt file can have an unlimited number of fields. It is important to note that you need a separate line for every field. One MUST NOT chain multiple values for a single directive. Everything MUST be in a separate field.

A security.txt file only applies to the domain, subdomain, IPv4 or IPv6 address it is located in.

# The following only applies to

# This only applies to

# This security.txt file applies to


Comments can be added using the # symbol:

# This is a comment.

You MAY use one or more comments as descriptive text immediately before the field. Parsers can then associate the comments with the respective field.

Separate Fields

A separate line is required for every new value and field. You MUST NOT chain everything in to a single field. Every line must end with a line feed character (%x0A).


Add an address that researchers MAY use for reporting security issues. The value can be an email address, a phone number and/or a security page with more information. The "Contact:" directive MUST always be present in a security.txt file. URIs SHOULD be loaded over HTTPS. Security email addresses SHOULD use the conventions defined in section 4 of {{!RFC2142}}, but there is no requirement for this directive to be an email address.

The precedence is in listed order. The first field is the preferred method of contact. In the example below, the e-mail address is the preferred method of contact.

Contact: +1-201-555-0123

Encryption: {#encryption}

This directive allows you to add your key for encrypted communication. You MUST NOT directly add your key. The value MUST be a link to a page which contains your key. Keys SHOULD be loaded over HTTPS.



In order to ensure the authenticty of the security.txt file one SHOULD use the "Signature:" directive, which allows you to link to an external signature or to directly include the signature in the file. External signature files should be named "security.txt.sig" and also be placed under the /.well-known/ path.

Here is an example of an external signature file.


Here is an example inline signature.




This directive allows you to link to a page where security researchers are recognized for their reports. The page should list individuals or companies that disclosed security vulnerabilities and worked with you to remediate the issue.


Example security acknowledgements page:

We would like to thank the following researchers:

(2017-04-15) Frank Denis - Reflected cross-site scripting
(2017-01-02) Alice Quinn  - SQL injection
(2016-12-24) John Buchner - Stored cross-site scripting
(2016-06-10) Anna Richmond - A server configuration issue


# Our security address

# Our PGP key

# Our security acknowledgements page

# Verify this security.txt file

Location of the security.txt file

Web-based services

Web-based services SHOULD place the security.txt file under the /.well-known/ path; e.g.

File systems

Filesystems SHOULD place the security.txt file under the root directory; e.g. /.security.txt,

├── .security.txt
├── example-directory-1
├── example-directory-2
├── example-directory-3
└── example-file

Internal hosts

A .security.txt file SHOULD be placed in the root directory of an internal host to trigger incident response.

Extensibility {#extensibility}

Like many other formats and protocols, this format may need to be extended over time to fit the ever-changing landscape of the Internet. Therefore, extensibility is provided via an IANA registry for headers fields as defined in {{registry}}. Any fields registered via that process MUST be considered optional. In order to encourage extensibility and interoperability, implementors MUST ignore any fields they do not explicitly support.

File Format Description

The expected file format of the security.txt file is plain text as defined in section 4.1.3 of {{!RFC2046}} and encoded in UTF-8.

The following is an ABNF definition of the security.txt format, using the conventions defined in {{!RFC5234}}.

body = *line (contact-field eol) *line

line = *1(field / comment) eol

eol = *WSP [CR] LF

field = contact-field / encryption-field / acknowledgement-field / ext-field

fs = ":"

comment = "#" *(WSP / VCHAR / %xA0-E007F)

contact-field = "Contact" fs SP (email / uri / phone)

email = <Email address as per {{!RFC5322}}>

phone = "+" *1(DIGIT / "-" / "(" / ")" / SP)

uri = <URI as per {{!RFC3986}}>

encryption-field = "Encryption" fs SP uri

acknowledgement-field = "Acknowledgement" fs SP uri

ext-field = field-name fs SP unstructured

field-name = <as per section 3.6.8 of {{!RFC5322}}>

unstructured = <as per section 3.2.5 of {{!RFC5322}}>

"ext-field" refers to extension fields, which are discussed in {{extensibility}}

Security considerations

Companies creating security.txt files will need to take several security-related issues into consideration. These include exposure of sensitive information and attacks where limited access to a server could grant the ability to modify the contents of the security.txt file or affect how it is served.

As stated in {{encryption}}, keys specified using the "Encryption:" directive SHOULD be loaded over HTTPS.

To ensure the authenticity of the security.txt file one should sign the file and include the signature using the "Signature:" directive.

IANA Considerations is used in this document following the uses indicated in {{!RFC2606}}. is used in this document following the uses indicated in {{!RFC5735}}.

Well-Known URIs registry

The "Well-Known URIs" registry should be updated with the following additional value (using the template from {{?RFC5785}}):

URI suffix: security.txt

Change controller: IETF

Specification document(s): this document

Registry for security.txt Header Fields {#registry}

IANA is requested to create the "security.txt Header Fields" registry in accordance with {{?RFC8126}}. This registry will contain header fields for use in security.txt files, defined by this specification.

New registrations or updates MUST be published in accordance with the "Specification Required" guidelines as described in section 4.6 of {{?RFC8126}}. Any new field thus registered is considered optional by this specification unless a new version of this specification is published.

New registrations and updates MUST contain the following information:

  1. Name of the field being registered or updated
  2. Short description of the field
  3. Whether the field can appear more than once
  4. The document in which the specification of the field is published
  5. New or updated status, which MUST be one of: current: The field is in current use deprecated: The field is in current use but its use is discouraged historic: The field is no longer in current use

An update may make a notation on an existing registration indicating that a registered field is historic or deprecated if appropriate.

The initial registry contains these values:

   Field Name: Acknowledgment
   Description: link to page where security researchers are recognized
   Multiple Appearances: Yes
   Published in: this document
   Status: current

   Field Name: Contact
   Description: contact information to use for reporting security issues
   Multiple Appearances: Yes
   Published in: this document
   Status: current

   Field Name: Encryption
   Description: link to a key to be used for encrypted communication
   Multiple Appearances: Yes
   Published in: this document
   Status: current

   Field Name: Signature
   Description: signature used to verify the authenticity of the file
   Multiple Appearances: No
   Published in: this document
   Status: current


The editor would like to acknowledge the help provided during the development of this document by the following individuals:

  • Tom Hudson helped writing the "File Format Description" and wrote several security.txt parsers.
  • Joel Margolis was a big help when it came to wording this document appropriately.
  • Jobert Abma for raising issues and concerns that might arise when using certain directives.
  • Gerben Janssen van Doorn for reviewing this document multiple times.
  • Austin Heap for helping improve the Internet drafts.
  • Justin Calmus was always there to answer questions related to writing this document.
  • Casey Ellis had several ideas related to security.txt that helped shape security.txt itself.