- Added more color coding options.
- Corrected optimization error w.r.t. PULS.
- Added support for UP in PULS (unstiffened)
- PULS (Panel Ultimate Limit State) is now integrated as an option for buckling calculations. PULS is a licenced DNV software.
- GUI improvements.
- Changing of multiple variables.
- Resizing of window and different resolutions now works better.
- More color coding options.
- Color coding.
- Updated documentation.
- Improved multiple optmization harmonizer.
- Improved report generator.
- Span optimizer bug fixed.
- Stress scaling caused somewhat consevative results. Fixed.
- Arrow navigation added.
- GUI modificaitons.
- Multiple optmization improved.
- GUI updates
- Shortcut updates
- Harmonization option for multiple optimization
- z* toggle on/off
- Lots of minor bug fixing, no known bugs at the moment
- Corrected a bug when saving tank grid.
- Fixed an issue with tank identification for lines.
- Small update to example file.
- Opened file displayed at top.
- Change load factors option added.
- Improved load information.
- External pressures GUI improved.
- Updated documentation.
- Had to downgrade scipy. Caused error when starting the exe.
- Updated to python 3.9.1
- Significantly smaller install file.
- Updated documentation.
- Switched to python 3.8 64 bit (previously 3.4 32 bit)
- Load case information button. Now you can see how pressures are calculated.
- Delete and copy line properties included. Significantly speed up modelling.
- Bug fixed w.r.t. saving and loading files.
- Bug fixed w.r.t. compartment search displaying.
- Known bugs: recording of new section properties sometimes diplays wrong.
- Also found here: https://github.com/audunarn/ANYstructure/releases/tag/1.1
- Nothing new, just bugfix. Predefined stiffener example file was empty.
- Smaller install file
- Time to realize that ANYstructure is stable! This is the first non-beta version.
- New GUI colors.
- Can now use delete button for lines and points.
- Updated documentation.
- You can now export point, lines, beam sections to SESAM GeniE! Beams will also be created with the corresponding section properties.
- Beam section are now recorded and can be accessed in a drop down menu.
- Minor update. Included span vs. weight comparison graph.
- ANYinsight! No more black box results. Now both visualize and print results for all panels in optimization.
- Span optimization furhter corrected. Iterating with predefined stiffeners gives lower running times.
- Weight filter can be turned on and off.
- Control of frame/girder weight calculation in optimization modules.
- Lots of bug-fixing.
- Control number of CPUs to be used in calculations.
- Correction in buckling calculations.
- Span optimization saving and result presenting improvements.
- Span optimization now works better.
- You can now provide a list of stiffeners (L/T/FB) to iterate over when optimizing.
- Number of processors to use can now be specified.
- You can now deselect checking toward local buckling of stiffeners.
- Some bugs fixed.
GUI based steel structure calculation tool.
- Minimum plate thickness (DNVGL-OS-C101)
- Minimum section modulus of stiffener/plate (DNVGL-OS-C101)
- Minimum shear area (DNVGL-OS-C101)
- Buckling (DNVGL-RP-C201)or PULS (licenced DNV software)
- Fatigue for plate/stiffener connection (DNVGL-RP-C203)
Compartments (tank pressures) are created automatically.
Pressures on external hull (or any other generic location) is defined by specifying equations.
You can optimize single plate/stiffener field or multiple.
PLEASE CONTRIBUTE. For windows executable (.exe) version for non-coders, use the link below. Note that I am looking for contributions. Non-coders can verify, make documentation, suggest improvements etc. Point is: please do more than just use the tool and stay silent :)
Feedback: audunarn@gmail.com or discuss on github.
Please like, share or comment on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/audun-arnesen-nyhus-6aa17118/
Screenshot (this example can be loaded from file "ship_section_example.txt"):